NO filthy katwas edition
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Banging old tunes to get me through the days bros
China sends n95 masks made of their used underwear to Pakistan
They don't make it like they used to bros
As thankful gesture pakistan has decided to give 50% more of its kashmir to China.
Guys is it safe to order from swiggy
post quality recitations in Sanskrit
Phir bhi as lagi hai dil me tum aogi mujse milne
Chupke chupke kehte dil me, deewana
Phir se aygi vo ratein vo meethi meethi si batein karti thi, jo deewana
That sounds better than how we do it kek.
Ours sounds like:
any thoughts on interstate marriages lads? I might be the first one in my family to do it
Who are you marrying from what state
I'm mallu and my gf is gujju
>Ghazni failed to invade Kashmir two times because of snow
Ayy lmao
That sounds bad, but it's still better than japanese reciting sanskrit.
do it.
you children will be evil and cunning.
it might even become the next PM.
Forgot this,
I'm seeing this pair a lot now. Are you a Nair?
Ram ram
>amit shah transported 1800 people stuck in Uttarakhand to Gujarat and didn't pay the drivers
Peak gujju
I just can't think of a method to torture him the worst. Modi too.
I would really love to torture them to DEATH ffs.
Wait nvm it wasn't the drivers but some people were duped of 18,000 rupees and left midway through. I can't read this properly because I don't know Hindi. Can someone translate
holy shit I am
Is it really that popular?
And those people duped were obviously non Gujaratis
no one can be as evil as current year home minister
It is. What do you think about RSS?
Kek he reversed the job rules in domicile laws because dogras jammus were pissed. Gonna see what happens to the land laws next.
Kek seething
How old are you chotu
>ywn be a village chad wooing a village qt
I align with my state. No bjp and fuck no to rss.
>I align with my state
Wtfs that mean
>No bjp and fuck no to rss
Of course, I'm seething.
We were on the way to kick china's ass within a decade.
We got next to nothing from the Rafael deal.
And more lot of that shit.
if you're not seething, unironically kys.
Cringe wannabe sudappi
clearly a hyperbolic joke mate
>a mughal emperor had issued a royal decree designating all Kashmiri Brahmins as Kashmiri Pandits on the persuasion of his Kashmiri Pandit courtier
>We were on the way to kick china's ass within a decade.
t.Shashi Tharoor
Po myre
Kerala didn't vote any bjp. I don't vote bjp.
Why eh?
t. tejasvi surya
why are you so pathetic?
Are you a desi kike?
>Voting for more centralisation
Cringe and bluepilled
lmao never expected to hear that here. where are you from, friend?
t.Sudappi Nair
Working in chennai now. But from some comfy coastal town dont wanna say where
I've met some very staunch BJP/RSS supporters, that's why I asked.
Kerala is good but communism is cringe desu.
No, I hate centralisation. I'm from a BJP state, but every other party here is extremely incompetent.
Everything will get better if people in general stopped being incompetent in our country.
fair enough, macha. gimme a general area like south or east or whatever
>communism is cringe
Ironically they are the most competent government right now
Yeah most competent in letting Malabar turn into a hotspot for ISIS recruitment. I vote for the left too but they're fucking up on extremism and doing nothing to stop. Most people are starting to get annoyed even forward caste Syrian christian communities are upset.
Yeah it is was kinda weird to hear keralites leaving to join ISIS and meanwhile not a single Kashmiri has left (there was an IS group in Kashmir but that's another story)
That may be the case but it's not going to work for us. Communism requires extreme descipline and highly competent authority to work, in our case we constantly get idiot rulers.
Yes we don't need full blown communism but bits and pieces. If zamindari was abolished in places of Jharkhand etc Maoism wouldn't have been an issue. After 1947 80% of Kashmiri Muslims were dirt poor due to feudalism but Sheikh Abdullah passed Land to tiller act which abolished zamindari and improved wealth distribution immensely
Is it not abolished in Jharkhand yet, really? Idk desu. I'm very low IQ person so I don't understand much but I think a highly popular authority figure in power like Modi should just follow a dedicated plan by a committee of extremely well educated economists (like harward educated) to fix our economy. Lot of those decisions will not be popular so only a strong government could do that.
Maggi dedo plij
maggi is for gays bro
Now it doesn't matter back then zamindars used to make farmers work on their land for the whole day and pay in meagre amounts (sometimes even salt). This exploitation was one of the main reasons of the maoism rise. Read the naxalbari comic book from newslaundry if you want to have a basic understanding, it's very good.
It didn't helped nerhu was absolute idiot when it came to infrastructure.He just ignored soft industry and tried to do heavy industries [and no surprised it failed].Also caste system here didn't helped time and again leaders from ussr and singapore pm lee told to do something about caste system but nerhu and indra ghandi didn't.Also south asia suffers from too much problem of bureaucracy.
To tune sari leli kya?
>running low on mutton and chicken due to lockdown
This ain't good brehs
>tfw haven't had beef or pork ularthiyathu since this whole miserable disease started spreading
Been vegetarian for two months now. I'm depressed.
>he didn't stock up on maggis before lockdown
Zamindars could be assholes but the root problem is our lack of education and competency. Land alone doesn't earn money imo, I've met many farmers with large land but poor as fuck.
Maoism is retarded, but if government didn't abolish stupid system than its their fault and they should immediately correct it.
What do you think of my plan of blindly following a PhD economists committee?
Why the fuck are you eating maggi.I saw some years ago in Indian news maggi having leads or something.WTF.Just eat nepali noddles if you guys are that desperate.
Left here praises Nehru for building initial systems while right blames him for ignoring many critical systems.
Idk man India didn't have any money at that time, I'm sure they had right heart but failed due to circumstances.
I really think if Gandhi had lived another 20-30 years he would have done a lot of work to dismantle castism, event among uneducated/rural people. They followed his words, he could have done lot of good if after independence he campaigned against caste system.
Who knows I ain't that good but I have heard that Modi prefers Yes men as seen by the his sidelining of the now Senile Subramanian Swamy (he had claimed the same).
I think otherwise, the bureaucracy of british will be still there because of his peace policy or something.It just doesn't help if you inherent same bureaucracy.
SuSwamy was a CIA agent. He held a party for Jayalalitha and Sonia Gandhi before their alliance together to beat Vajpayee. He also had a part to play in accusing the LTTE of Rajiv Gandhi's assassination half an hour after it happened.