huh wow edition
Other urls found in this thread:
think im going to kill myself
Quarantine Tarantino
Boris Johnson's gonna keg it
don't know which thread to post in
why did he do it?
think im going to poo myslef
boris killing off the competition
You Know He Had to Do It to Em
Tuarantine Qarantino
now i am bald have noticed that i have very pronounced, long and sharp temporal ridges (much more so than in this picture). look like a pair of horns almost
Blast it out for de lads lad
Weird how when women get older they get fatter, but usually only sideways rather than lengthways.
>The mayor of the town of Romans-sur-Isère said people had been queuing outside a shop on Saturday morning when they were attacked by a man shouting ''allahu akbar''
>One of the wounded is said to be in a critical condition.
>Police said a suspect had been arrested. The motive for the attack is not clear.
hmmm yes wonder what the motive of this attack could possibly have been
you head shaving lad? has it got any better?
When posted his new thread link he did so 9 seconds after creating the new thread.
When posted his new thread link he did so 13 seconds after creating his thread.
The threads themselves were created a mere 1 second apart. The difference of course is all about effort. Having a pre-typed quick reply window ready to go in the old thread, CAPTCHA pre-filled (if you aren't a pass user) and knowing quick URL shortcuts (CTRL+L, CTRL+C, CTRL+[tab number of old thread], CTRL+V).
Demonic bastard
*tosses holy water in your face*
have had particularly nasty poos all morning
It's almost as if there really are biological differences between men and women and you can't just put on a dress and take hormones and suddenly become a woman.
not in 12 hours i only did it last night
how old are you lad?, im 28 and cant tell whether im actually balding or my hairline is "maturing"
Starmer just does not look like a Prime Minister. He's what you'd get if an A.I. was tasked with creating a politician. Lawyer and senior civil servant parachuted into a safe seat, how bland. Everything about him is bland.
You only have to fill out one captcha per 5 minutes
Fill new thread captcha, post it, then post link without filling captcha in previous thread.
shut up you gimp
oh my god the daily mail
quitting weed is fucking HELL,
oh dear oh dear
I just mean your perception of it
you seemed a bit shocked last night and it can take time to get used to it
>spend your entire life trying to achieve powerand then die of a disease a few months after getting it
stuff of novels
I'm afraid I don't know anything about CAPTCHA these days my friend.
why does labour keep electing straight white males lmao
30 push-ups, 40 sit-ups, 45 min run at 60 - 75% exertion toil looms
don't have a clue who the leader of the opposition is in australia
quranovirus claims another two people
Because you're a Paki that needs to go back to Islamabad, London Paki.
got about 3 spliffs worth of hash laying about somewhere in my room, gonna take ages trying to find it
want a short hair gf
What WDs are you getting lad?
forget about that little icon there ahahaha
london paki celebrating this one
oh yes i very much so have a """""""""""""""mature"""""""""""""" hairline but i didnt shave it for that reason did it cos all the barbers are shut and for a laugh
i genuinely dont care abotu my appearance de lad and certainly not now when all i do is game 12 hours per day
'ave taken wan ah they fukin pills, son...
Can ya help me, son?
They're the only ones who win elections.
Lads what does based mean?
To smash you in the bollocks and crush your fingers in a vice?
Honestly its one thing and its hell, everything seems so bleak like i dont have a future and everything i enjoy is just grey and terrible, think i fried my dopamine receptors, inches away from the ol' snapchat to get some more,
>"I will tear out this poison by it's roots.... jews...."
Before reading the full headline properly I thought he was going all 1488
based black man
There better not be bat or pangolin in this.
i can think of 3 party leaders that have won elections in the UK who are female
should be using this month of furlough to get in shape but i've been too anxious about how things are going to end up to do anything
it means redpilled
just trepanned myself
maybe he's sending a hidden message
ahh yes the virgins are getting worried about their hair again like a pair of sissy girls
>not having a 3 way mirror, clippers and a steady hand
It means to have a specified type of base or basis, ie oil-based paint
if someone is based then you approve of them, they're doing something you think is good and you like it
How many of them were Long-Bailey.
just spaffed on the gf
Dave spoiling for a fight
ive got a head like a fuckin orange But Unironically
The anhedonia WILL pass.
Go out for a walk in the woods for 1 hour min to get some of the old endorphins (Natural Heroin in the brain) flowing and clear up the head a bit.Just bring water.
He has his left ear pierced -- the non-gay ear.
>labour elect a leader with a jewish wife
>his first speech is bascially 90% grovelling directly to jews
wonder what all this is about then
based black man
dyed my hair blonde while drunk there two weeks ago. Looks stupid, thank fuck I dont need to go to work
Anyone remember the Alistair meme haha
Someone who is true to his roots. His base you could say.
>sat in the canteen at work
>drinking water
>some of it goes down the wrong way
>start spluttering and coughing intensely to get it out of my windpipe
>everyone stops talking and stares at me
>the girl sat at the end of the table gets up and leaves
everyone's gone mad
wha yu mean when yu say
half caste
BAD user NO
That gimmick London Paki tried to force but failed at?
Are Albo. He has some character to him in appearance at least, looks like a Labo(u)r man.
chad left
Really wanna check the ex's facebook but i just fucking know shes gonna have a boyfriend or something and ill end up depressed
you know when you've been rona'd
isn't he radcen?
do you still wank to her?
I've set up my exit bag and will release the valve in three minutes, goodbye
is there even a substantial amount of jews living here?, dont think ive ever met one
Calling "Come on thunder
Come on thunder!"
which makes it all the more crazy how he had to make it a big deal in his very first speech as leader
he's not a chad lmao
its taken them over a full decade to realise absolute fucking weirdo mongs dont win elections
he looks normal, how youd expect a party leader to look, and labour will genuinely have a decent chance in the next election
and im not a leftist far far far from it. well im not anything really but i dont like foreigners thats certain
Nah thats a line even for me lmao
This. Corbyn should have waged a large scale violent insurgency when he lost, just like the most influential man of last millenium: oliver cromwell
it's not the jew voters they're appeasing, it's the land barons and media owners lad
think about it
jews are too powerful
Corbyn supporters arent exactly the fighting type
There are 263,346 out of a population of about 67 million.
pics or u never happened
mate, you're grim as
finally labour elected a jew as their leader
Out on my daily walk
why didn't Jezza just apologise to the jews so they would let him run the country?
did ye rice yer desktop kid
oooo wat a pretty anime you 'ave
fair assessment to be honest
Burning like fire
How can you close and fail?
How can the light that burned so brightly
Suddenly burn so pale?
love how no one cared about any of this for months then as soon as old people/government/elites in the first world realise it could affect them, the whole world shuts down
seen any 5G masts?
Because he is based
high cringe when memes are spoken in real life
should i check her facebook or nah
No brit can fight, I doubt the fat chav sun-reading octogenarians are gonna last long brawling for bojo, both sides will just use paki and polish soldiers, obviously.
Manny on the map
Only if you post a link for us all.
ya really funny how they started paying attention when people are dying by the thousands innit
Course not only just got 4g
same. had to cut it a bit short though as I felt a shit coming on
how can you tell the difference?
he needed to bow down and kiss murdoch's foot first, like all future PMs.
Fighting is for colonials.
hate people who complain about their slightly receded hairline like its the end of the world, im 26 and my entire crown has thinned out and even on the back of my head now the top of my head is thinning too even if i shave with a grade 1 it looks weird as fuck
would give anything to just have hair on the top and back of my head dont even care about the hairline
>the presenter shitting himself when he realises he's in trouble with his Jewish network bosses
would mog absolutely anyone ITT at Super Stickman 3 golf mobile app
un classique
Rate the Kurdish weeb waifu lads
Before you ask yes she is getting shagged by a Japanese bvll
Don't think my family are taking this serious. They all coof multiple times a day and have other symptoms such as a tight chest but still go to tesco everyday and insist they don't have it.
feeling very sad that our brothers in america decided to cut all ties with us.
we shoudl have just let them be a dominion or something :(
23k Australians die every year from heart failure but my local veggie section has been full the whole time
only 23k? thats low as fuck
love mixing small different bags of crisps into a bowl and shakning the around with some chili seasoning, followed by some yummy sweet grapes :9
I was getting 3g last year and now im getting 4g
the UK is VERY obese
I remember when I turned 20 and suddenly every girl wanted a piece of me when I went out on nights out with mates
If I ever start to go bald will just shave my head, simple as.
yankoid arse licker
yeah really annoying when i catch heart failure from someone coughing near me.
just like when you get infected with car crash, cancer and suicide.
blessed video
it was called shutitdown.mp4 on youtube but (((they))) removed it haha
I agree that the panic is overblown and I genuinely predict resistance from the general populace if the lockdown matter isn't resolved quickly.
1 person dies every 3 months from crocodile attacks in northern australia, so I don't think we should be doing anything about this covid-19 until we've got our croc problem solved
She is 22