formal invitation for you my led
no viet cong ever called me a virgin
big iron is on the prowl
you'll be lucky if you survive 10 minutes
This is just so terrible, manufacturing has been dying all these years
In a written statement by Elin Jones AM, the Chair of the Assembly Commission, entitled "Assembly Reform Programme" she confirmed in July 2016 that the Welsh Assembly had agreed unanimously to change the name of the Assembly from the National Assembly for Wales to the Welsh Parliament (in Welsh: Senedd Cymru or "Parliament of Wales"). [21]
Following a public consultation, legislation to change the name of the institution to Welsh Parliament in English and Senedd Cymru in Welsh, was passed by the assembly on 27 November 2019 and was given Royal Assent on 15 January 2020.[22] The name change is expected to come into effect on 6 May 2020. Members of the renamed body will be known as Members of the Senedd (MS), or Aelodau’r Senedd (AS) in Welsh.[23][24]
>its real
god i hate this gay earth
nth for 4-AcO-DMT
epic! shall be filming this
English shouldn't be allowed to live.
London Paki is such a trip
Tell me... wise ones... what was life like back then? Before the 'rona...
oh my days haha did the man vote for the wrong party?
haha wow
yeah yeah we bring the stars out
we bring the women and the cards and the cars out
let's have a toast, a celebration get a glass out!
can't take selfies because i can see pain in my eyes in every photo
>70 years old
How do I find a GILF gf?
prefer to not say
will norfmen vote for starmer?
She gets adrenochrome
absolute prole take
faith in humanity: restored
need a mask gf
would be a vomit inducing sight seeing her with her kit off, would gladly let her suck me off though
the north are tory safe seats
*everybody liked that*
bug behaviour
that shitbox air bnb is a real flex
Alri lads
My name's John (allegedly)
hope everyone in that got 'rona'd
do white people really?
for me its the saturday 11am edition
gf has 12,000 more instagram followers than me, brutal mogging s m h
We're no better...
Than our viking ancestors.
get fukked
cooor limey lad whatve you been feeding her
mental that the UK's latitude is above 50 degrees North whereas new zealands most southern point doesn't even come close to 50 degrees South
white people, ladies and gentlemen
Said "Bill Withers is no longer with us" yesterday and wasn't even trying to make a pun
Reminds me of black mirror for some reason. Maybe the white bear ep.
We're no better...
Than our plantagenet ancestors.
Ann O'Connor in there with a magnificent boomer reply.
no it isnt
be quiet
What about that meme island they have way south?
Kek, London Paki's new cousins
We'd be a grim frostbitten hellhole if it weren't for the gulf stream.
rate this fit
youll never be as aesthetic as tim turtle just give it up already
looks like you suck meth through lightbulbs and go crab fishing but cant afford your own crab pots so go out at night and steal ones people have set out and i bet you dont even know how to cook the crabs you catch properly
Just been roped into chatting to my mother
Pretty mental to consider. I was looking at far south Argentina and Chile and it is positively grimmm
hello 13 year old delinquent
holy shit they were at it again half an hour ago
grim stuff
the gulf stream, so called because every golfball that goes in american waterways ends up on the irish and scottish coast
she wants a man from auckland
your hoody is too small for you mate
What's so bad about it
the ole willard is in for a tough time today
baffling post
she wants a man from yorkshire that isnt me
is that are sara
ayo this nigga send lemon water back for bein too spicy looool
so impressive that healthcare workers are doing their jobs
*holds up spork*
Yet more proof that we need migration from the Caribbean, rorke on the ropes.
don't you dare
reeks of contrived 'heart warming epic viral video'... tripods up to film it
genuinely depresses me that i couldnt even shag a bird this peng, my brain is so detached from reality that if i was presented with a bird this peng who happened to be naked and willing to shag me id cum before my willy even made an impression
she wants a man from aotearoa
I'm a man from yorkshire that isn't you.
so ugly that i find wanking difficult
what does that mean?
it means porn is less arousing when you can self-insert, and you cant even do imagination wanks. because you know that the woman would be disgusted to have your disgusting ugly self near her, and indeed the thought of my ugly self doing sex is so repellent that the immersion breaks and i cant continue the wank
if you wanked to are Rosie can you even call yourself a /brit/poster?
this website is so full of immature little cunts complaining because everything in life didn't drop into their lap
love the maoris me
*does the dance* haha wahey
her face is clapped, maybe you could
germany getting cucked by trump
Every halfie woman I've met had a kiwi fiance
(sample size of 1)
john key you've got mail aotearoa's not for sale
nice observation do you want me to file it to someone who cares? hmm interesting seems like there isnt anyone
*cant self insert (i am a phone poster so typing is difficult)
Looking good with red hair
white women will fuck dogs but not you
well it should have, i have been wronged and complaining is my one little pleasure in life and you would deprive me of it
you're a right bastehd
dave hankering for a fight
bloke a few doors down was walking up and down the street, absolutely BELLOWING for people to get out of their houses and clap for the NHS. Imagine it would be a bit scary if you were an old person or something
innit, pathetic.... wish they'd fuck off to their leper colony /britfeel/
red flags for women
> you met on a dating app
> she doesn't go to church
> she has slept with more than 2 guys
>she likes cultural outings
> she has piercings other than earrings
> she is focusing on her career
any more?
sounds serious, whats the prognosis?
Yeah no doubt, but it's probably the only non-grim part of most of those elderly people's days. The lives of elderly people are unspeakably grim to begin with.
dave going about how the new labour leader isnt a women nor a person of colour
give it a fucking rest
need her to peg me
only ever go for women that have been victims of domestic abuse because their standards are so low it balances out what little i have to offer and inflates my value
>I'm not like other girls
think youve cancelled out all women there, bucko
Remember when we had a jewish banker PM despite having a minuscule population?
Why haven't you moved to France yet?
I forgot how much I love walking into a tightly packed, dimly lit, hot room of sweaty men all there for getting off. I'm a thin guy so I tend to get shoved around in a crowd. I've learned to just go with it, like crowd surfing. I love that feeling of being pushed around and groped with no real control. It was only a few minutes before hands had ripped my pants open and my cock was getting grabbed and my ass fingered. A few minuted more until I was forced down on my knees on the filthy floor and got the first dick in my mouth. I have no idea who. I know it was a big black dick. He came pretty fast in my mouth. I love how once you're down like that, they see you're willing to suck any cock. As soon as that first guy came I realized there were four more hard ones around me. I spent about 20 minutes sucking, swallowing another load in there out of the maybe 6 or 7 guys I sucked.
Revolting, what was she fucking thinking?
don't speak french aye
actually a great idea
I have been jotting down the house numbers where people are not outside showing their support.
le john key face
The call to prayer of the secular booj
>minuscule population
*minuscule jewish population
>those chunky arms and bingo wings
who's the piggie now, Rosie?
caller on line 1 for you boss
lool yeah i do remember
*turns around and talks to someone more interesting*
>she has tattoos
>she owns a cat
>she has any hair colour besides blonde/brunette/black
>she has a drivers license
>she goes to the gym
London Paki is here stinking up the thread with his curry spices.
minuscule population too though
you know what did drop?
you, on the floor when you were born
all my gf
Post peng horse faced girls
nice cgi nige
she holds the controller weird
My cousin is a horse girl and she is absolutely mental
yeah but a minuscule population alone doesn't preclude having a lot of jews. we just happen to not have many
I wonder what it is like to grow up in new zealand
she wants a man who wears adidas not nike
Going to be doing some Fortnite dancing on the door step lads.
True... that road looks bleak as fuck, everything is grey; the sky, the houses, the people. The contrast with the upbeat music really rams it home too.
not very high
told ya innit
Got a stinky minge
they should make #clapfortheNHS compulsory, we need to show community spirit in these hard times
it involves a lot of looking longingly at the horizon in the direction of australia
what's wrong with gingers
she posts pictures of her arse on social media
she tweets abuse at people with differing political views
doesnt wash her hands
expects you to drive her every where and pay for everything
>goes to the gym
This is a green flag.
>westernised asian girls
holy fucking GRIM
until they turn 18 and move here
'member his son
what's he up to these days
*slides laptop across table*
new linux distro
whaddya think?
who honestly needs a handbag that size...
paki bloke in a dress
looking good mate
Oh, yeah, that's Shelly. Few sheep loose in the top paddock but a top root
full of crisps
Down down, my standards are down
Got some important questions for you lads.
Hertfordshire or Hereforshire?
Wessex or Essex?
Norfolk or Suffolk?
Cumbria (Norf) or Umbria (Italy)?
Please provide detailed reasoning for your answers.
yeah i read philosophy
mencius moldbug, grotesque maggot, odious beetlesmeg, vile spidernonce, the list goes on
very nice although ive seen it before
is it difficult to do?
last thing I can find is that he quit his job and went travelling
rosy was always an expensive nose job away from being fit. she should really use some of that paypig money. It would be a good investment if she's set on e-whoring
dont feel like it
don;t care
>That to-do list
LOLing out loud at your life
light up keyboard freaks need put down
who made this? it's bizarre
Chernobyl and Coronavirus are both the fault of communism
didn't ask (to be questioned)
Nonce detcted in this thread
Nonce detected in this thread
And it isn't just London Paki and his a hundred cousins
had it on my hard drive for literally 9 years
no idea
>Evil Afrikaaners
Could have saved cluttering up that bit of the map and just written "Afrikaaners"
eaten too many hula hoops lads
How did you find installing Arch?
wish my dad didn't have 4 children so i'd get more inheritance when he dies
still thinking of creative ways to kill the other progeny so i get more