New Labour leader edition
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First for Ireland
Wow Brexit is gonna make british manufacturing great again
i love andy samberg
like if i could kiss him once..
Socialists on suicide watch
>labour leader with a knighthood
what a joke
this is british culture you braindead little antipodean runt
jeremy corbyn is STILL the leader of the labour party
Do you think Edward VIII was a good monarch?
I think the scandal was blown way out of proportion
She wants a man from Doncaster
imagine how pathetic you have to be to holiday domestically, HOWLING at the thought of it, enjoy your butlins resort in cornwall mate
Chris Hughs - you bantering me is actually a decent read
imagine how grim it must be to be a republican that lives in the part of his country thats owned by his enemy looool and theres nothing they can do about it oh my days how do they even sleep at night
theres no butlins in cornwall tarquin
based dogshit yank edition supporter
unironically just received a letter from the prime minister lads
Are you talking about the irish?
Why don't they just move?
what's it say
i dont mind if yanks want to discuss british culture, but unfortunately most of them just post 24/7 cringe
I'm a British socialist republican.
Just noticed the hybrid sight in modern warfare isn't a 2 in 1 flip thing you literally turn the gun sideways to use the other sight
Same reason why african americans dont return to Liberia
pics x
alexa is political current events the same as culture
Tarquin/rorke hates the British worker and Britain, leftypol supports socialist patriotic love of the British motherland and loves the British masses.
yes they are
fuck off
Africans have less value than lab rats.
I really dont understand why scottish autists want to leave the kingdom and re join the EU
Yeah you're probably right
memes aside did the irish do a good job at defending their land or did we just go easy on them?
Listening to Pet Shop Boys
apparently there’s something going around
>fuck off
only thing I really don't like about this is queuing up in the car park of supermarkets waiting to be let in like a mong
>wants to change britain without having done/experienced true life in the UK
>Has toiled in the collective farms and factories of britain, chiselled physique from years of intense labour and unmatched negotiation skills from meeting with the workers committee that reports directly to General Secretary Corbyn
>The House of Lords must go - not be reformed, not be replaced, not be reborn in some nominated life-after-death patronage paradise, just closed down, abolished, finished.
>t. Baron Kinnock of Bedwellty.
flip it for us retard
No one knows.
>the working class is leftwing
>Concerns of Labour voters
Stopping tax evasion by the wealthy
Ending handouts to business
Stopping climate change
End tuition fees
>Concerns of Tory voters
Stopping interracial breeding camps
Leaving the EU to stop interracial breeding camps
nazbol british republic when
Who cares
Don't let Ugandalad hear you say that
can’t be asked I’m phoneposting lad
Why do you allow separatistas partes to even exist, especially sinn feinn and the SNP, they are really awful
clearly you
Would love to smash your poof head into the concrete
The EU promotes separatism to weaken Britain.
In 20 years, when the mutt woman markle destroys the royalty
Why do Irish people hate british
For me it's Azula
Cause they'll never get what they want and it's fun to watch them squirm.
Politics is for the rich
I'm a full time toiler who is a Marxist Leninist.
then nobody will read it
>chiselled physique
>on a leftist "male"
yeah nah
irish people are british
wog nonce
bet you work for the un
me? never worked a day in my life
my party? conservative of course!
Only the ones in the north
People in the Republic of Ireland have not one drop of british blood in them
are you supposed to bring proof of address if you're leaving the gaff for a bit to prove you're not exceeding the crucial 2km distance if asked by police?
why does your country?
nobody reads anything i post anyway
The general period 1169-1999
they don't anymore generally
sectarians are seen as a bit odd these days
>live on the british isles
>not british
tag urself
Tyzula was my favorite couple
Kill them all
I hate everyone. including fictional characters on TV and ones that don't even exist in any form that I just make up in my head
need a mask gf
just have sex one time you sad communist
for this lad it's azula
One nation under god
Post more ty lee x azula
Fuck up cunt
Wouldn't last a minute in my pub you dickhead
you'll never live like common people
I’m just gonna complain here, please skip this blogpost.
I’ve had a cough and felt sick for the past few days. I don’t want to get sick, I don’t want my family to get sick. I think this is just a cold or allergies as I havent left the house in a month, but I’m terrified of my dad getting sick and especially of my mom getting sick because shes a nurse at a jail. I don’t want my family to die. America is tearing itself apart and its obvious that our status is over and the world is going to never be the same. I want to cry and I’m crying now. It feels like the world is ending.
Scottish, Welsh and Irish nationalism is dividing the English Isles.
I already do,
same isles same people desu
By the law of averages I went to school with someone who became a nurse and obviously it was a female and obviously she’s spamming on twitter letting us all know the good she is doing and obviously people are tweeting her on how good of a person she is. Not even an incel but I see their point
catfishing a lad with pictures of rosie
So I turned up to /Brit/ right. And I pressed ctrl and f. And then look up (you).
I was having a Uganda
True, thats why nationalism is gay and bluepilled
try not to cum when i beat you into a coma you spastic little anime poof
I just want someone to tell me its going to be okay
Probably wouldn't have made it into European college desu
Was a B-student in high school
im finna leave the uk
>Welsh nationalism
Plz die
>highest R1b level in Wales
BVLL haplogroup
you could have gone to the university of essex or whatever
the welsh are the true celts
British nationalism is based though.
Pet Shop Boys
New Order
Depeche Mode
The Cure
The Smiths
Duran Duran
Britain isn't a "nation", it's a multinational state, like the Soviet Union.
If one has money can they go wherever they want, even if they were a D-student or something?
turntablism is up there with electroswing
Lads if you apply for UC during corona will they force you to apply for jobs or not?
yeah I'm a British nationalist
Who are you quoting?
you must be very very gay
oh yeah
you don't even need the money - everyone can apply for a student loan to finance the course
im learning welsh (badly)
the princes and princesses went to oxford and cambridge and they're thick as shit
dreading the march to tesco
Don't care virgin
You're wrong and stupid.
Britain is a single nation by any real metric or definition. It's also literally a unitary political state on top of that.
The Soviet Union was neither of these.
thought they mostly went to st andrews
No, I have patrician taste
why lad
Me speaking welsh
Btrrr vrrrr rvrrrrr sresgsgv i love sheep brrr
>we need moral progress and commercial propserity!!!!!!!!
very semitic read
just want to have the freedom to get bummed in vault139 again
you have the taste of a 16 years old tumblr girl with obvious daddy issues. sort yourself out
enjoy it, really like welsh music and i intend to move back there when im older
I miss the soviet union
Was going to imitate a Mexican speaking Spanish but I can't without a head
Why haven’t the british people risen up to overthrow the monarchy and establish a constitutional republic??
grassy ass pour favor?
why though
that's not even a good attempt at phonetically describing welsh so you shouldn't have bothered posting
proof that the English are not British
so this is at the top of youtube....
Andrew Lloyd Webber's 'Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat'
Can somebody explain to me why an adult that isn't a nonce would watch something like this? Literally mind boggling stuff.
Because they dont have guns duh
watching my 600lb life
Actually I’m a 25 year old man and I like it because nobody my age listens to that kind of music (it’s from the 80s, so before our time) and it makes me appear a lot more culturally intelligent on the arts
hate my life in the uk
would i be happier in america
looks familiar...
The English bend over to learn French, Urdu, Lithuanian, Polish etc and yet sneer at Welsh
Better stop looking in the mirror then fatty
alri tim
none of those people are english
no (you) for you anymore
>Lockdown extended until at least end of May
Wonder if I'll be bored of it by then. At present I'm still finding it fairly comfy, but guessing that might change
come home, white man
flatmate is frying bacon, hate that smell reeeeeeeee
>Spamming L is a language
Fuck off evan
only proper spastics think things like this
because England is essentially just Wales with its ancestral soul diluted, so the reflexive sneering at the Welsh only ever comes from a insecure and complicated internal space
Any other patriots simply not give a single solitary fuck about the Commonwealth? Jog on Aussie larpoids, this is a /brit/ thread.
We have no eternal allies, and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and perpetual, and those interests it is our duty to follow.
The Commonwealth no longer serves us in any meaningful way.
Always hear about english people trying to learn French, but never hear them trying to learn spanish
What’s up with that
Spanish is much easier
and then what
Used to really fancy Jamie Lynn Spears from Zoey 101 when I was a kid. Heard she got preggo at an early stage, so I'm guessing she now looks like an unappealing dumpy middle-aged mum
>Coronavirus: UK lockdown could be relaxed in weeks, says top govt adviser
>Sky News, 2 hours ago
post 10/10s
We're next-door to France, you're next-door to Mexico
the fact I'm still toiling absolves me from any sort of volunteering/'doing my part' in the collective effort to fight the virus and when its done I will spit in the face of all the deanos who will proclaim their heroic acts of marathoning netflix and playing fifa while getting bennies as doing theirs
Spanish is a disgusting language if i am honest, you have to be specific on everything, use the Ñ and the accents
I'm reading from the Guardian - "UK lockdown could be relaxed 'by end of May' if public follow rules"
mad how by wording it in such a biased way they can make the same thing sound so different
hate the media
And then you no longer have to pay taxes to the crown
Barcelona is closer to London than Paris is
love how the english can't make the ll sound