What was that all you cunts said about our medical bills, bitch?
What was that all you cunts said about our medical bills, bitch?
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pay or die, amirite?
I didn't know Trump was a filthy commie.
Trump is a deep state spy working for Hillary Clinton
And who does Hillary work for?
So what happens to all those "suckers" who kept paying up until now? Do they decide to stop since they'll get free treatment and the whole system comes crashing down?
So Bernie was right all along.
>Trusting anything that comes out of his mouth after the past few weeks
The lizard people
I read americans are hoarding guns, can you confirm?
Must be a day ending in y
This is so fucking ghastly. These fucking politicians are riding on Bernie's entire agenda and Bernie will never win
No they won’t
Never expected Trump to be first socialist leader of USA
What's a medical bill. You mean a bill like law, right?
Fake news or they just won't do it
America isn't and will never be under communist rule
This would once again win him the election. Imagine Trump moving to the left of the Democrooks, and killing the entire party. That would be awesome.
free storage in a refrigerator trailer, that is
The government is paying the hospitals for the uninsured
Bernie is a fucking pussy. Fuck him.
Anyone else enjoying how all the american posters who used to go on and on about the virus being a nothingburger are nowhere to be seen now that their country is at the top of the coronavirus deaths ranking?
We are everywhere to be seen, we're literally sleep right now
USA always number 1
In France the heath insurance is indirectly paid throw taxes which are much more important than the USA, explaining why our real salaries are so low compared to the American salaries.
In the USA people are considered as adults, so they are considered with the part of the salary the State doesn't take from them to take a health insurance by themselves and save money by themselves for the hard moments.
universal healthcare shouldn’t be just Bernies idea
Nothing says capitalism like government bailouts.
Bernie wins when all his policies get implemented, not by getting elected dumbass.
Wtf, grumpft is a fucking commie after all?
There's an idea that America's parties are undergoing a switch similar to what they did in the 50s. Republicans will swing to the left in order to appeal to younger generations as the far right boomers age out of the voting population.
However, the Dems will remain center left to appease corporate interests. As a result the Democrat party will become comparatively conservative as the Republicans adopt socialist economic policy while retaining a culturally conservative stance.
Personally I don't think so, but I can't deny it would be interesting to see.
Imagine complaining about communism when you are a fucking government employee lmao.
Nearly every statement he made in regards to the virus TV or twitter has been false and has had to be corrected or clarified by the other government spokespeople. Why should I trust him now?
In addition how do I know this screencap isn't some clickbait shit. You didn't provide a source or anything.
why would they need to pay after he said it was just a simple cough?
That is nothing new, just an excuse. I think the biggest record of buying guns was when obama got the presidency.
Wait a minute... isn't this... SOCIALISM!?
imaginign being anive
>150 million Americans wanted to kill Obama so badly they all went out to buy guns
>no interest on student loans
>universal healthcare
How fucking funny would it be if these become permanent and Trump gets all the credit in the history books
>their country is at the top of the coronavirus deaths ranking
Not yet, Russiabro! They're #3 in total deaths, but soon!
>Remain center left
When was this written? 2008?
I am a civil servant working for the government and I won't be getting laid off despite having a depression :)
Would you not consider Biden to be center left?
>nationalist republicans embracing socialism
Not sure I like where this is going
Can't point out to you where, but I watched it here. Someone from the press asked him if it's just corona cases that would be covered for free, but he dodged that question. Someone else asked if the 15 million illegals would get it for free as well, and he didn't answer that either.
Trump is REALLY fucking good at talking for minutes but not giving a straight answer.
>Why yes I downplayed Corona so when it gets worse I can swoop in and save the day. See you on election day!
stupid man did nothing to save my hob here i am unemplay while the uk are covered with furlough
I was talking about daily deaths. But it won't be lobg until they're #1 in all categories. Dog bless.
Based Orange man outflanking the pseudo progressive Dems from the left
What started with the emergence of the New Right, 'Welfare Chauvinist' or even 'NazBol-lite' or 'NatSoc-lite' Danish People's party in Northern Europe has now culminated in many countries, including France, Italy and the United states into a new party duopoly between a socially progressive but economically right-wing, 'globalist' Neoliberal party and a socially conservative populist party with leftish economical and trade policy.
>I don't have to pay any more student loans until the end of september, no interest either
>still getting paid
>potentially universal healthcare
Did I go into a coma and wake up in a timeline where Bernie is president?
>dump claimed lie#98458135 is totally true
>Therefore is true!
Post proof this is enacted by law somewhere or go back to your shitbox.
Bernie would've wiped out all the student loans.
We'll see how it is. The house could block or pass it. It's still a week or so away. People are still paying now.
>no more reasons to vote Bernie
>Trump wins again
4D chess
his policies get implemented for 3 months, pandemic is over, and everyone is left 4 dead just as before.
Bernie wins only if the policies become permanent.
Feels good being a Bernie bro
Unfortunately both parties are frauds, pretending to either be culturally left or right, while both being economically libertarian, practically making the US a one party state for the megacorporations to get rich off. Both parties are going to continue this charade of switching the power baton back and forward to eachother as long as they can because they make millions of dollars for it, Americans are never going to have any labor rights and they are fine with it
Daily reminder than universal healthcare in non post soviet countries is crap.
You all have to wait MONTHS for your appointment.
Here it's a matter of days.
And you can book an appointment online. You can even get an x-ray/MRI in a few days.
All tests are pretty much free and results come within a week.
Even if universal healthcare will happen in the US, it will be shit with long waiting lists.
Btw, things are pretty dire in the US. Cancer patients aren't getting chemo because everything is bogged down by patients down with the virus. Trump didn't say it, but I think this universal healthcare covers just the virus and nothing else. So people without the virus are getting fucked, and when the virus dies, the act will be lifted as well.
While it's good shit is covered, it's only one ailment out of thousands, and just for a brief (?) period of time.
So, either death by no treatment or death by waiting for treatment? Thanks. I hope people will choose the one where they have a higher chance of surviving.
When you combine our shitty healthcare system, political pettiness, and staggeringly high obesity rate, we're going to make Italy look like a fucking utopia in the next few weeks.
>tfw already coughing uncontrollably
Emergency healthcare is free and instant
No one goes bankrupt while in the US 62.1% of all bankruptcies are of medical bills
You can still instantly get private healthcare options, just like in the us, if you can afford it
My dad would rather get an appointment tomorrow and pay $60 than have to wait until next week Thursday at 2pm.
Hope you're not overweight or have pre-existing conditions. Or live in a state where you have to be almost dying to get tested.
Trump boasted about 100k tests per day... but that would mean it would take 10 years to test everybody in the states. And more than half of those tests are conducted in NY/NJ/CA. The US needs to make WAY more tests.
Don't lie user. What's the real price?
Good riddance