
Anglo-Celtic edition

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calm down jordie

love andy samberg
ambivalent about foreigners depending on where theyre from

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My name's not Jordie it's friendlylad

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Already nearly 8PM down here. Time flies...

peak male beauty

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Applied for a job that would pay £32k and would be completely home-based if I wanted it to. Doing a big hmmmmmmmm about where I'd move to if I got the job desu

>My name's not Jordie it's friendlylad

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this is what I think of daylight savings (and yanks)

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Think we can all agree that last thread was fucking atrocious let's try keep this one at least sightly high quality

now THAT'S what i call a glow up

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The darpa chief donald anderson

this is male peak beauty and you know it
dark eyes with blond hair
just like nancy botwin
i NEED a weeds reboot with some molto homo in there

Can live like a king on that in certain parts of the greater British realm

Don’t know why I laughed at this.

i keep forgetting the pictures...

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not really a fan of blonde hair t bh
ginger or brown is best for me

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>slavs? subhumans, fucking kill him
>chinks and japs? equal to aryans
what the fuck was his problem?

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wish i could step on myself and also have myself be an anime girl so i could step on myself with anime girl feet

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oh shit she had dark hair
well, he has her complexion nevertheless

Yeah that's the thing. Would I move to such a place and buy a comfy home, but acknowledge that there won't be many other young people about for me to have a social life? Or do I stay in London and keep paying my £600pcm rent like some sort of kekold, but at least carry on with my social life?

i will rape your straight boypussy

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what are some other crimes against humanity?

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Hitler's long term plan was looking east. He wanted to take over China and use it to sustain a glorious Germany. His entire views on race were carefully constructed to make the ideology synchronise with his future plans.
Would have worked too if he dealt with Britain or Russia separately and hadn't fucked it and got them attacking from both sides.

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rainbow warrior. although the underarm bowl was worse

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I don't appreciate that mate don't think I'd be here if I were such a person
glad you're enjoying the gif mate

Damn powerful stuff

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Thats right, fuck off yank

it's funny because we have polar opposite tastes

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Evian is the first bottled water I've had that actually taste like real mineral water

Developing a persistent dry cough lads. Genuinely a bit worried.

chinks and japs were faraway, slavs were living in the land he wanted

yeah haha funny
some people are different an that

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this moment forever showed the kiwi's inability to handle friendly banter

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imagine watermarking your shit comic 3 times lol
bet he didnt even draw it he just added the caption


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Snag a woman and live in the woods I reckon

I'll have a full english please

no femininity allowed ITT

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You should join us in /cric/ someday Ugandalad

>friendly banter
>bus parking: cricket edition
yeah nah fuck off you don't know what banter is

Some cunt on my Facebook shared an entire folder of the shit from some third workfer page it's unimaginably grim

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Would be ideal but I need to snag a woman first and I don't like most of the ones I've met (also, they don't like me)

i fell in love with a thicc ginger at a train station and airport
my hair kinda reflects red sometimes and my eyes greener when i drink

oh youre gonna get brian! youre gonna get it when i drink!

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I wish I could live in a place like this

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very autistic response

me on the left
(i'm smart, unlike the rest of people lol!)

>very autistic response

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'chabin bla! itsbeena minute innit x

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my freecams com/Innocent_Miss
one of you lads step up for qeenz and cuntry

Miss the footy lads

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stop being such a flaming queer
its not a substitute for a personality

/Cric/ being nothing but the 2nd rate personalities and middle aged kiwis yelling at each other for 9 months is the biggest tragedy of this entire thing

Business idea: Emma Watson’s poo in a can.

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Same but it's a shame about the society in which we inhabit today

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I like how there are exactly 3 watermarks on every imagine


how can I become the big man of the Parish?

beefy ginger bois give me life
shut the fuck up or i will rape your straight boypussy

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Everything goes so fast

/cric/ is my favourite thread when England are playing

New labour chief announced soon

Reckon’ll be some nonce

tfw perfectly happy to be an unsuccessful coomer degenerate and am quite content with the life i lead
truly a fantastic society for one such as myself

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Anyone know where one might find 'A Very British Coup' online? The TV series.


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Gingers need to be genocided

Kill yourselves fucking scumbags

I hope it's the reanimated corpse of Vladimir Lenin

Apparently you're meant to find the right on and fall deeply in love and that.

That's true, I've noticed a genuine decrease in quality over the last 6 months or so. Used to have some good chats in there, but now nobody even talks to each other unless it's to insult one of the personalities, and they keep doing that gimmick where they don't give out any (You)s. Sad!

just woke up, im still bald

As a lifelong suburbanite who has always lived in middle-class white areas I'm always shocked to hear about how bad gangs still are in the US. I don't know how they are in the UK but there are apparently still places in the US where you can get killed for wearing a certain color.

Cracking tits gromit

so lonely
so alone

Right one*

gingers are god tier
you are probably such a repulsive straight boy that neither women OR fags would want to touch you

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What do girls like?

Sounds like too much effort. Might just carry on with the ol' porn/wanking routine until the day I die

Genocide, now.


Are you a open gay dude with a rich social life?

I’m straight but sometimes I reckon that’d be a pretty /comfy/ life to live


kek this is me, im an incel you know

i know that feel

Was all of this really worth it? Not worried about kingflu me. More so the decade long recession coming on


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Same except I'm not an incel but rather a volvel

i ate too much lads, not feeling good...

i don't really wear my sexuality on my sleeve. i have like 3 friends that i regularly talk to

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"Likes" on social media

i never go out
but have had an amazing bf with similar tastes for 9 years
red alert 2, age of empires, half life, dune, tolkien, anything he can like or i are interchangeable
on the first date before we wrote letters to each other for months and sent books and stuff we drank like 12 pints in one day and he slept in my bed
then fooled around when he was awake
am i sure about this you ask?
i dunno

stop feeling yourself then lad ahaha

not good at all mate sorry to hear

*gives your belly a rub*

Nah that’s not the comfy gay life I envision mate. That sounds like a normal life but you’re gay


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always eat light in the evenings me
prolly an Apple and lemon juice or sommat x

masculine men i assume. i'm a fag and i love masc men

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lads her tights are ripped!
she has to take them off now :c

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i've also been doing a bit of listen to this now...
also i think frank herberts greatest works are in his other series, not dune
santarroga barrier, pandora sequence, consenciency series

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well im a volcel in that i dont particularly want a relationship at present, but on the flipside, im very much so an incel in that i could not attract a girl for a relationship whether i wanted to or not
so on balance, an incel would be the correct descriptor for myself methinks!

yeah well, not all of us can be like those sluts on everybody loves raymond

Go on...

so first they told us not to wear masks because they don't help
now they're telling all americans to wear masks
wonder who's behind this

i want to breed prince harry's man cunt

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/brit/ really became awful since I left

"Low skilled entry job" to "key worker hero" in one week
Wish I could quit my board of director job and become a key worker

me on the right

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never realized this porn star was a rugby player

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>please don't call the police and report our illegal group gathering user, we'll do anything

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Now I'm not necessarily justifying genocide, but let's just imagine that we did nothing and allowed the coronavirus to run its course. In each country it kills maybe a million (if that) boomers and weak people, whilst the rest of the population eventually develops immunity to it. The economy continues to prosper, and the property/gold that the boomers have been hoarding is released back into the economy for everybody to benefit from. God forbid, young people might even be able to afford to buy a house in this utopia.

On the other hand, you have what we've actually done. We're in a permanent lock-down, with no pubs and no footy. The economy has well and truly ground to a halt, and will take more than a decade to recover. As well as the lost opportunity for growth, we're actively making things worse by spending tens of billions of pounds on propping up the NHS to cope with the demands, and with paying out socialist bennies to lazy scrotes who aren't able to work during the crisis. Each of us will be paying back this money for the rest of our lives, through higher taxes and higher inflation. House prices will continue to be high, and wage growth will continue to be stagnant. And for what? All so some decrepit boomers get maybe 1-2 years of life before shuffling off this mortal coil.

Is it all worth it? It really does make you think, doesn't it...

Watch Eric Weinstein on JRE. He names the jew

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How do you defy something that's voluntary?

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Do two masculine fags ever shag each other, or does one always have to play the woman? Was chatting to some bi twink recently and he said he likes really masculine men because he likes to get dominated by them, but if he ever sleeps with a girl he has to act more masculine himself and step into the dominant role

Didnt read

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By not doing it?

did you know the cute guy from scary movie 3 has a jerk off video?


for all you talkers up in here!
shake a spear!

cindy! this bitch is messing up my floor!

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