Finally a game where you can kill evil Finngoloids

Finally a game where you can kill evil Finngoloids.

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Should have done it for RO2 instead

played it. pretty fun, though the Finnish voice actors sound pretty gay. Russian sound pretty damn cool

>Release date 2 Apr, 2020
Why does it look like from early 2000s?

Because it's basically a free add-on to Red Orchestra.




This will be tonight's entertainment

Attached: finlandssakarvar1940.jpg (285x400, 34.63K)

Better master the game completely cause thats as close as youll ever get

when using the Mosin-Nagant 91 to dispatch Fingloids, remember to attach the bayonet since it was ranged in with the Bayonet mounted, your point of aim is off without it.

This does not apply to the 91/30, only the 91.

Thank you for the hint.

you're welcome.

You 2 are very based

That feel when my great grandfather died in Finland during his winter vacations in 1940.

Please don't kill our brothers

Russians often get into tragic accidents when going on vacation to neighboring countries...

Nah today's finns are too busy gayposting

Well i heard the russian army bois are selling ass in moscow soo..

Mosin IRL feels much stronger than in games. In games you don't really feel weight and kickback of the gun. Also it's fucking loud, even with headphones.

Attached: glav-mosina-sniperskya.jpg (1200x457, 52.56K)

Haven't played RO2 in a long while but wasn't the sound design pretty good and didn't most guns kill at contact

can't really do LOUD in a game. But it's better than most, and body hits with full rifle rounds are instant death.

Yeah it is pretty hard to try to pull off the cracking sound of shooting right but atleast I don't have to watch someone shrug off few bullets to torso

Angel of death is coming for you.

Attached: obrez.jpg (750x600, 58.63K)

Best rifle for hunting cockroaches.

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kawaii ^_^

Are there skis? I saw them in the trailer. What about flamethrowers?


Havent tried it yet but I saw people saying servers dont work. I have 400 hours on RO2 so might as well give it a try

that game on which you repair shitty broken car and race with that
I cant recall the name

My Summer Car

>released 2 Apr 2020
>looks like RO2

Rising storm vietnam has a winter war mod

Attached: ski boys.webm (960x540, 2.85M)

I wouldn't be surprised if those people didn't download the mod from Steam store.

Russian biathlon.

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lmao they annexed like a fifth of your shithole, hardly a win

But they wanted to annex whole country so their objectives weren't met even if they got my granddads farm.

Did s*viets not offer the option of exchanging these lands to you for the Kola Peninsula early?

Red orchestra 3 when???

My granddads farmstead alone was more valuable than some forest in the middle of nowhere. We have that enough in Finland. Soviets wanted to annex whole of Finland. First they tried to do so through treaties where they'd plop a military base base near Helsinki and annex defensive fortification in Karelian isthmus so they'd coup and annex rest of Finland later just like they did with Baltics and when Finns saw through that they outright invaded with the plans on conquering Finland.

So why didn't they do it in 1945?

I can finally kill finns in a video game?

why would finland give up its second largest city for some worthless amount of more wood. Would you give up saint petersburg for lapland?

Doubt Tripwire $10 for one (1) weapon Interactive will ever bother making relatively niche project like that after seeing that RS2 has little to no support after Antimatter got bought out. And Antimatter's doing '83 and that new IGI game.

War was over and finland got easy because of western allied influence to the soviets.

Because of battles of Tali-ihantala and Vuosalmi stopped soviet advance into Finland. They had bigger fish to fry (race to Berlin) than keep pounding their heads against Finnish defenses so making peace with Finland and letting Finns deal with Germans in their northwestern front was preferable..

>Would you give up saint petersburg for lapland?
I would give it away for free. Fuck pidorburgians.

>Allies were literally ready to go to war over Poland
>Stalin still occupied it
>but apparently he was afraid about Western pressure in regards to erstwhile Nazi allies
Don't be dumb.
Finland was absolutely useless to Russians, it was initially occupied merely to frustrate potential Swedish attack on their capital.
Stalin didn't give a fuck about Finland either, if they managed to occupy it easily he would've installed a communist government, but that was a remote goal. Primary goal was exactly moving the border away from Leningrad, and they achieved that, at the cost of some embarassment.

Any Finns already tried it or watched videos on Youtube? What do you think of Finnish voicing in the game?

S*viets could strike Finland from Norway which they liberated from the Nazis.

But this was not required, because the Finns betrayed the Nazis and entered into war on the s*viet side.

The Finnish treason kept Finland independent.

My point is that if they were actually serious about occupying Finland they would've done it. You're talking about a man who willingly let millions starve to push through his goals.
Do you really think Finnish resistance was some major obstacle?
During entire EF their northern forces were second-rate shit that could be spared from other fronts.
In reality Finland was always irrelevant, and during Cold War both Sweden and Finland were neutral so they didn't give a fuck.

Geopolitical interests often outweigh former diplomatic alliances. Italy is the master of switching side so they would know.

But soviets tried to install puppet communist government ( ). It is clear that soviets intended to occupy whole of Finland during Winter War and not just settle with annexation of Karelian isthmus because they created a puppet government and of course the fact that they attacked all over Finland like the attempt to cut Finland in half that was foiled in battle of Suomussalmi. And of course we have the example of what happened to Baltic states. This new revisionist history about Soviet not wanting to annex Finland is weird.

But it's YOU who's spouting revisionist ideas though. No serious historian claims Stalin had actual designs on Finland.
Baltic States were actually relevant, since they moved the border westward.
Setting up a government was basically opportunism, since they expected Finland will fold easily. But primary goal was securing additional space between Finnish border and Leningrad, and they achieved that.
Again, if their designs were serious, they would've occupied Finland in 1945 and no one would bat an eye since Finns were allied with Nazis and agressors, considering that in 1941 you moved beyond pre-war borders.

>My point is that if they were actually serious about occupying Finland they would've done it.
So starting a war is not serious enough? Only reason Stalin agreed to end Winter War was because he feared allied intervention. After the fall of France he wanted to try again but caved in when, Stalin's then allies, Germans opposed the plan voiding the Molotov-Ribbentrop treaty's part that dealt with Finland.
>Do you really think Finnish resistance was some major obstacle?
Yes, without Finnish resistance Soviets would have annexed Finland like happened with Baltics or create a communist puppet like Poland.

You don't seem to understand my point at all. If Finns folded Stalin would've occupied Finland, but that was merely a bonus outcome.
It's entirely possible just handing over border areas would've prevented war.

>No serious historian claims Stalin had actual designs on Finland.
So the puppet government, whole frontal assault, fucking plans on having victory parade in Helsinki on Stalin's birthday were all "oppotunism" and not something Stalin really really wanted. So had Soviets steamrolled Finland they would have retreated from there and just taken Karelian isthmus? Yeah not buying it.

RO2 is game taking its last breaths.
RS2 at least is bit more active.

>If Finns folded Stalin would've occupied Finland, but that was merely a bonus outcome.
So you are saying that Soviets wanted and tried to....occupy whole Finland in Winter War? Glad we are in agreement!

Subhuman finnshits lost, Karelia was taken back. The Finns surrender first at winter war.
Such a pathetic fate of your shithole.

Militia is their pimp, give them western t-shirt and you can rape choke that poor army guy and militia dumbs it into wasteyard when its dead.
Communism works

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I wouldnt say even that if i were russian.

Russia is much better than cultureless finshithole.

Ok kid.

I'd rather be cultureless Finn than Russian enjoying Dostoevsky while being an alcoholic HIV sufferer desu.