Nihilism vydání.
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What did they mean by these coloursets?
So this is what communism was about?
I mean wtf.
this is borderline schizoposting
This is actually quite interesting imo. I only see white cars parking next to commieblocks, but I can spot a lot of coloured ones in the old town. You could tell where are people from just by looking at their car back in those days.
Blessing this thread
Good morning sunshines :)
Today is a rest day
get your meds
I am confused and questioning myself 24/7, I wish to stop thinking
oink oink
who THE FUCK enjoys sunshine
this is disgusting
I am an incel.
I shall therefore bless this thread.
You are 18, you have a long path ahead, keep moving forwards, the world is there for you big guy to conquer it.
i remember having found more pics of her on a RU image board but it can't be found anymore
shit hurts
I'm not conquering shit I'm too stoopid.
sunshine ist gut for you
Imagine wasting your good genes like this wtffffff
imagine living your entire life depressed instead of realizing who you are
Good genes are not just physical but psychological as well, which in this case were obviously not as matching in quality to the physical.
this, packing muscle on yourself is a nobrainer
Imagine being mentally ill and not realizing that he's absolutely fucked when he turns 30 and realizes that he's no longer an exciting young sexual hedonist, but an old wrinkly bag of shit no one wants anymore. Also those tranny angles aren't tricking anyone, his wideass shoulders couldn't have just disappeared.
>Good genes are not just physical but psychological as well
Good point, but you know what I mean. Chad had everything served to him on a silver plate but he ruined it because he couldn't control his tranny urges.
>he's absolutely fucked when he turns 30 and realizes that he's no longer an exciting young sexual hedonist
do you think trannies put up with being hated, disowned, ridiculed just to experience a short-lived fetish? That dude coped with dysphoria by getting ripped and chaddish and cracked because he couldn't handle it anymore, it's literally not about being wanted or whatever you're saying
Life is so unfair. I hate being a bottom of the barrel male.
>do you think trannies put up with being hated, disowned, ridiculed just to experience a short-lived fetish
No, it's not a short lived fetish but a serious mental illness, but regardless trannies are fucked after 30, especially trannies that are used to being desired. No family, probably bad relationships with family, friends will likely start distancing once they start looking like circus freaks, etc. It's really not that hard to imagine.
>No family
I mean *no way to start a family
Then change it
I can't, my life was ruined by my genes.
imagine "realizing" you're a frankenstein monster with fake tits
pic is fake btw
Baw baw gimme attention. Sloni = the male Fridge
>No family, probably bad relationships with family, friends will likely start distancing once they start looking like circus freaks
they won't look like circus freaks if they transition young because their bodies age according to the hormone balance they have which is estrogenised
anyway, people who don't transition and repress their whole lives probably won't even live that long because they kill themselves, and if they don't kill themselves they just live lonely unfulfilled lives
Fuck you, you don't understand my suffering.
That wouldn’t be a problem if you were a dinaric serbian chad
You are runing your life by your untreated mental illness
Why do you say this all the time but also do it yourself and reject other's people suffering as less important? I think you need to work on your empathy.
>dinaric serbian chad
Lol no, the only thing uglier that a Slavic male is a Dinaroid abomination.
>tallest in the world
>chiseled face
>high T
It's not mental illness because I'm basing my conclusion on my previous experiences.
>and reject other's people suffering as less important?
I don't do that.
>I don't do that
You did that to me various times, and you hate a lot of people without thinking about the problems they might be facing and how they live their lives.
Height doesn't matter because Serbs at least even when they're tall look lanky, funny and disproportionate, often with narrow shoulders. And faces... Do I even need to say more?
>high T
>It's not mental illness because I'm basing my conclusion on my previous experiences.
Your conclusion is affected by your mental illness and delusions
Sloni is very feminine
Lol you don't know anything retard, STFU.
>and you hate a lot of people without thinking about the problems they might be facing and how they live their lives.
Not true either.
The average Serb is two heads than you and can snap you like a twig
mental illness was invented by jewish doctors to sell more meds, its not real, it's just your personality
two heads taller*
I was supposed to turn in some homework today. Havent even looked at the papers yet.
Actually most Serbs aren't significantly taller than Hungarians, their fucking zoomers from the UNS are 182. and there are actual statistics that prove that, if you include boomers they're even shorter.
>and can snap you like a twig
>>and you hate a lot of people without thinking about the problems they might be facing and how they live their lives.
>Not true either.
You do that all the time, you hate a lot of people like Serbians but never stop to think about why they act how they act.
>inb4 they act how they are because they are subhuman
>“During construction it’s rumoured the Poznański wanted to pave the floor of one of the rooms entirely with gold rubles,” says Długosz. Unsure whether to lay the coins heads up or down, and cautious of offending Russian sensibilities, he wrote to the Tsar asking his advice on the matter. “The Tsar responded by telling him to lay the coins edge upwards, at which point Poznański abandoned the idea.”
based tsar lmaoo
Average serb
Don't let your mentall illness define you :)
>you hate a lot of people like Serbians but never stop to think about why they act how they act.
Actually I've spent a lot of time thinking about that and doing research on that topic.
>professional athlete
Also unironically looks like an ogre, completely grotesque.
Should have laid them with the heads up so people would step on the face of the tsar
>Actually I've spent a lot of time thinking about that and doing research on that topic.
You didn't put any empathy onto it just let your hate led you that's why you keep hating.
With genuine empathy you cannot hate.
He was Jewish so he was pretty fine with the tsar, Russia helped him make his fortune after all.