turkish edition
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Wake up faggots, you're in quarantine I know you're here.
Hi dipshit
>Slovenia sent us 100k masks and 100k gloves despite their crisis
Did Bulgaria send us anything?
Why don’t we send Slovenia something like respirators we don’t need?
When I was ENTJ I lived in the future, now as an ISFP I live in the present.
>tfw vampire gf
Some time this week or the next either the virus mutates or we're going to see a breakthrough in the search for treatment.
t. Baba Vanga
occupation troops in 1941
we've already done it, you can be grateful, Poland saves Europe again
Thank you Polisha
based Greece my best friend
most Greeks don't care about poland and love russia
>tfw fetish for black haired pale girls
Not true my cousin was in Zakhyntos and some Greek shop sellers could even say several words in Polish.
Hmm I didn't see this written anywhere though. Why does Western media ignore it?
just a trick to sell stuff to tourists
>Why does Western media ignore it?
1. the substance still needs further examination
2. Poland doesn't have big pharma companies to advertise its products and pay for making the hype
For me, it’s black kweens
deformed body
We love Poles irl
Greeks love their money
I wish I had money
cringiest poster
Thingken bout autochthonous
Sloni says he will come back if Balk counts to 10.
I wish I lived in 1930s Germany
Top o' the morning to ya balk
i want a new name
nice movie
We are sons of Attila
Praise Tengri
Magyarok strongest Central European country!!
shitskin is this you?
God I wish I was Russian.
No surprise servinsect majority region is the poorest only after the region with the most Roma
No surprise Greek minority region is the wealthiest only after the region with the most Roma
>Greek minority
ahahaha look at this dude, no one tell him
>Aerodrom fire department sends a message to citizens
Weeks ago already
>Russia sent 11 planes of medical supplies to Serbia
Meanwhile tatars get nothing cause they’re not allies or superior PФ
name one dish with controversial origin
Thank you brothers Xi and Putin
>tfw cheating on diet by eating two oranges
Fuck that and fuck him
All this help from everyone and we're still too retarded to use it properly
Seems to be a lot of Euroscepticism going round lately, EUcucks. What's up with that??
I lost all respect I had for bulgaria after browsing /balk/
The monkey and the frog
Janny not gonna like that one
hard cope
Source? Or is it just for Albania?
Probably cause you delete all pro EU threads aptechka
based hoxha, most beloved Albanian.
Ah yes. Am I also the one making anti-EU threads? EU apologists always making up excuses and shifting the blame. It couldn't possibly be that your shitty union is falling apart.
Paid €1 for the steak
I can't wait until you liberate us from this cucked union, brat
remove the eggs and you have a nice meal
Skopje supports Russia
Let's wait for the situation to unfold in sukablyatland first
I’ve seen Putin bar in Jerusalem, found out it was started by Russian Jews
No, but half of them are literally made by one Macedonian and one Italian. It wont change shit. No matter how hard you delete here it wont alter much. And Italians know that they default without the EU, theyll never get the backing. Imagine special snowflake former imperial Britain with their strong self consciousness and they still got barely 51% leave. Forget about it
First I was like