Post rage comics

Post rage comics

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>Super Mario 64 Shindou Edition

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Copper prices have to go up 500% before this is viable. Pennies aren’t pure copper and you have to remove impurities.

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based modern day rage comcs


Based comicmaker. They’re ironicallly making me laugh

i don't get it

man, i loved rage comics.
why can't I go back?

Can someone make transparent versions, please? I want to make comics too but all Wojaks have a white background.

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Helpful advice


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>That maid soyjak
This stirs strange feelings inside me

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>tfw when ragecomics are making a comeback

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Too bad they use the same wojak we have been using for over 10 years


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>This stirs strange feelings inside me
feelings of suicide perhaps?

They aren't, they never will.

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this is the kind of obscure shit i send my sister on the daily
whats scary is she sends me int shitposts back

Your sister posts here and she show her tits :DDDDDDDD

Will the wojak/Pepe culture here one day collapse on its own or will normalfags have to take over first?


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Guaranteed replies

making fun of ragecomics is soooo ylilauta summer 2012

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its an acquired taste i think. used to hate it. now i crave a piss beer.


kekd really hard

not sure what level of irony we're at here. it seems we've gone full-circle

this made me laugh so fucking hard

what, lol


Did you even read the pic?

Based and Redpilled

Yes, It's called feel guy.

I was really hoping they would make a comeback and it seems thats finally happening

I broke gambling guysm
So u play roulette. U double ur money if u win.
So first u bet like 10 euro.
If u win u bet 10 euro again and put the other 10 euro in ur pocket.
If u lose you bet 20 euro. So now u make 40 if u win and u only bet 30 in total.
You just have to keep doubling your bet and u will eventually make your money back and get some nice prize money.

U are welcome for my help

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business idea

bro i came up with it a while ago and it has no flaws you can only fail if you break from the system or get too careless or if your luck is like junko furuta.

You are guaranteed to make 10 million dollars using that system.

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This is how you go bankrupt

He’s right you know.

explain bro
You only take like 1000 dollars for your first run.
This is in order to guarantee your win.
Then you only bet your winnings.
You only set target to make 100 euro per day every day.
Easy as fuck if you do it by making 10 euro and doing it 10 times.
Then eventually as you get richer you make your daily goal bigger than that.

it is literally fool proof.
Come up with a flaw in my plan, cunt

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A cold low abv lager after the end of a hot day is the best. Can’t really tolerate the upper end of alcohol ranges because they can’t mask the taste of ethanol.

>ice cold beer in a sunny day or while eating pizza
>red wine when eating meat
>white wine when eating fish
don't need anything else 2bh

Man i sure do LOVE "Le memes"

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he's probably referring to darker more bitter beers, pißwasser beers have always had a reputation of being bad but there's a modern trend of being snobby about being anti-snobby over acquired bitter tastes like dark chocolate, beer, black coffee, whisky, cigars, etc
>j-just admit that you're only pretending to like it, how can you like the taste of burning tyres

Just proves that hime-cut is the peak performance animegrill hairstyle

Oh my
All the seething Pisstoids i've argued over this comic
Good times

Unfortunately it's only guaranteed to work if you have infinite money/can raise stakes indefinitely. All casinos have a limit on how much you can bet at a time and there is small but real chance you will reach it before winning. And you make only your initial bet in profit anyway.