What the FUCK is going on with Indians running American companies?

Google, Microsoft, and now IBM. Bezos just went on an Indian ass kissing tour so I'm guessing Amazon is next. This is making me feel sick.


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indians are the jews of computer science

Super power in 2020 bruv

They weren't lying

He has to fix the mess this wh*te woman made. She completely neglected the cloud computing market for years, came very late to the party after Amazon, Microsoft, and Google already stole a big chunk of IBM customer business, then only put out garbage piecemeal services where you have to arrange a conference call with someone at IBM to even get a rough cost estimate let alone actually use it when Amazon has a published price and lets everyone use it the second they type in their credit card numbers.

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the indian question :33

What's the final solution?

pretty much this
let one of them get in a position of power and he'll hire more Indians and then they'll start promoting each other

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>under indian rule, IBM has become totally irrelevant



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>This is making me feel sick.
what's it matter to you, hick? do you even work in tech? you realize all those companies are in the dreaded cOmMiEfOrNiA that you people so desperately despise?

India is kind of a poophole because they keep sending some of their best here. Brain drain is real.

IBM HQ is in NY and Microsoft is in WA

How come Indians are so superior to Pakistanis

wh*Toids just can't compete in the tech industry.

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oh so two states equally as liberal as california. again, WHY DO YOU CARE?

Isl*m is probably the most retrograde force in existence; it truly subhumanises the mind.

Median household income for Americans of East Indian descent: $119,858
Median household income for non-hispanic whites: $67,937

the explanation for this is pretty simple, most indians who immigrate to america are higher class higher iq indians. poor lower class white americans (who mainly live in middle america) bring down the average income.

We got too cocky non-hispanic whitebros

Indian are individually the richest per capita ancestry in the US. The second highest is Taiwanese at $95,736 (Jews might be higher, but census data lumps them in as whites so we can't say for sure).
Why do Indians outperform all other immigrant communities?

>This is making me feel sick.
Then you should not had fucked up your life enough to be here in Yas Forums.

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Nah we're just better at sports than them.

>Why do Indians outperform all other immigrant communities?
because they're all in silicon valley

super pooper*
Get that right, subhuman loo shitter

they don't really "outperform" anyone, they're just earning more money because the tech jobs they work pay more

Despite hating India I have to admit that they value education much more than us. What is our elite doing besides blowing their money away in Miami?
(Rich) Indians are know for being doctors, computer scientists, Ivy League students.
baka this fucking country

It’s literally because your countries take in Indians on their school/university record.
I failed my high school exam once. Did a BA from a state college and applied for Masters in your country. I got rejected because my 4th year grade wasn’t enough.
I’m now hoping to apply for French Foreign Legion because my family members have been legionnaires, once their applications resume, that is. I couldn’t get in the Indian army because the Combat unit requires you to be minimum 178 and I missed the cut by 3cm. And I don’t want any non-combat roles.

But even the FFL has a terrible selection record. I guess I’m going to live like a NEET but my parents have a limited lifespan.

Well good luck with that man. What exactly is the French Foreign Legion?

not really
they are incompetent trust me as an engineer you never want to work with indians

It’s a military branch of France that hires recruits from across the world. I live in Pondicherry which was a French colony so quite a few people I know have served there.

Soldiers the French can send into the worst conflicts in Africa to die and the French populace doesnt get sad about due them not being french. Tons of Wehrmacht soldiers and later sovjets joined up after their skills were no longer needed at home. Also they allowed you to take on a new french Identity and citizenship after loyal Service.

It's South Indians mate, Pichai, Nadella, Krishna. North Indians are too similar to Pakistanis.

That indian woman is a cute!

>do a satya natella
Ruin it?

Another dravidian bull

Dam do north indian do nothing but run hotels and gas stations?

Where from, macha?

Also can you create a /desi/

i hate street shittingg subhumans ruining windows android and IBM but nothing can top my hatred of this subhuman whore
if i had a bullet to killsomeone i'd klill this whore

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Who is she?

There is a billion of them out there. A few are just going to be exceptional, and end up running these companies.

Something I noticed with the Indians in the US while I was there for 4 years
Nearly all the truckers were Punjabis
The gas station/motel owners were usually Gujaratis, or Marwaris
The arts students were Bengali
Most of the Indians living in upscale housing or engineering grads were Telegus, or Kannadas. South Indians, I know but I didn’t see many Tamils or Malayalis there.

I met 2 Pakistanis in total and both of them were STEM grads. I also met a Bangladeshi guy who owned a liquor store

I really don't care because this is going to make be filthy rich if American companies can expand to the Indian market.

i got a personal vendetta with this whore i hate her if i ever find her i'll crush her skull

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The majority of the workforce in the sector are Indians, so the boards of directors institute Indian officers, both as an incentive to middle management and a scapegoat.
Of course, the CEO's could also be just very competent professionals.

Indians were the ones after world domination all along. You're living in India's millenium

im sorry for racism i like indians i am just angry at this whore

shes a complete fraud, a scam artist. she got lucky by joining google early and then cashed in on stocks. then became a "tech GENIUS" for no apperent reason. every action she did, every company she ever went to failed ever since. she is literally the richest most unsuccesful person alive but she keeps getting away with it because shes a women


when you see people like this you go full commie

every single billionaire should be lined up and shot

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and asians are the jews of doctors and engineers?

of course in mexico maybe, all the good indians move to america

ok commie roach. no system on this planet is perfect, errors like this are bound to happen

dumass ameriNIGGER

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The same reason nigerians have better grades than chinese in uk

Selective inmigration

I mean both practice garbage religions but at least hinduism is somewhat less garbage than islam. Islam sets progress back by decades

go crawl back under whatever hole you crawled out from before i spray you with insect killer

They're just too powerful

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Damn what happened bro why personal?

We are living in an indian world...

the us needs to convince indians that they are part of the american dream

so that wealthy indians move to your country provoquing brain drain
and so that indians back home align with you

Kek. But I'm 100% sure if this was a white (or black) American, girls would be fawning over him.

Indians are based, they are the only good immigrant group that assimilates and succeeds in this country

indians educated in america are good, not indians educated in india (from what i've heard)