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someone make a non cringy new

wesley snipes

I am 6'0" 140lbs.

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how Is this cringey

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i want to racemix with a pale white girl bros

pretty cringe

thank you, my irish king

ok not funny

t. urkel
t. zhang


urkel is only attracted to anime lolis




People over the age of 45 should not have the right to vote or work any government job.

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shot a fat load to a very inappropriate video. think it’s been a solid week since my last, so it was big and juicy.

I'm attracted to young girls irl and MILFs in anime.

ok now this is epic (cringe)!

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retirement age should be 25

ni hao how did she make it so crispy thanks in advance

pretty based

HA thanks for reminding me that some people here actually samefag

jesus christ wtf

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ppl are so cringy
like its just a cat

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>chinese "cuisine"

Biblical marriage is based.

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jason you are a young man yourself

Masturbated for too long. Feel weird now


>nooooo not the heckin catarino

I am a young man, yes.

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I don't have a problem with literally any of those. My dad's cousin married his brother's widow.

wow that IS based

Also that little tear drop on the war spoils and rape victim are cringe. Why aren't the slaves crying?

>old testament law

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they're ok with it. if slaves had the will to not be slaves, they wouldn't be slaves. slavery is a consensual arrangement

I kinda agree. Historically, slaves lived pretty good lives as well. At least slaves owned by Europeans were.

I wouldn't be a slave though, I'd rather die.

racism is not attractive

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and neither are you

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Racialism and racism are too different things.

at least i admit it
i want you dead

Why do you want me dead? Wanting your enemies dead is perfectly natural, I'm just curious why you consider me an enemy.

Racism is actually fucking sexy

i ran out of cold beers
i stuck a couple in the ice tray but its going to be another 30 minutes before they are cold enough

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that's why you should switch to wine my friend

I want a gf that has a racial consciousness and strong in-group preference.

Race talk is cringe. Lets talk about literally anything else.

Spic trannies are not attractive.

im not a middle aged single woman

Elites in the late modern period chose to abolish slavery not because they believed in high minded ideals, but because the upkeep of chattel slaves was too costly. You can save a buck by running on the wage slavery system instead

Chattel slaves and serfs had it easy compared to current year wagecucks

what does that have to do with wine?

Remember when Lorde was a thing

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Speaking of wagies, how many will refuse to go back to work after corona?

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Alouette, gentille alouette


i listened to the shit out of pure heroine a few summers ago

imagine being so low down that you bully strangers on the internet

this is bullying

Got dang white ppl being racist even in the crossword puzzles!

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shut up nerd, this is the only place where i can bully people

How many will go back to work under the same conditions as before corona?

I was unironically hoping I'd get laid off so I would have an excuse for being jobless.

Instead, I keep on wageslaving. Fucking kill me.

Post in English!

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I'm not a chink and I wouldn't eat a cat but I hate the kinds of people who think this is a crime. Dogs and cats are the bottom of the food chain, and that's the reason they're pets in the first place but people often forget that and get too drawn to these animals.