FAQ U: >How do I learn a language? What is the best way to learn one? How should I improve on certain aspects? Read the damn wiki >Should I learn lang Y so I can learn lang X? No >What is the most useful language? LINGVA LATINA >What language should I learn? Ænglisc
>Easy : >>I don't do it for the money. Jag gör det inte för pengarna.
>>I've got enough, much more than I'll ever need. Jag har tillräckligt, mer än jag någonsin kommer att behöva
>>I like making deals Jag gillar gör erbjudanden.
>>If it can't be fun, what's the point ? Om det är inte kul, vad är meningen?
>Medium : >>Sometimes, it pays to be a little wild. Ibland lönar det sig att vara lite vild.
>>Nowadays, if your name is Donald Trump, everyone in the world seems to want to sue you. Nu för tiden, om du heter Donald Trump, alla i världen verkar som om de vill stämma dig (very rough on that last part).
>>I rarely go out , because mostly, it's a waste of time. Jag går sällan utanför, eftersom det vanligtvis är slöseri med tid.
Is this the thread? Unanswered challenges Portuguese (I think??) German? Greek Thai or something
Jace Wright
reviewing flashcards before bed after studying for an hour. feels good to be back on it lads
Brayden Garcia
This is hard because I feel obligated to learn another language because I don't want to be a dum dum monolingual mongoloid anymore but I also have a hard time staying motivated.
Aiden Walker
Have you tried learning the language of your family before they moved to the US? (in the case that you aren't an Anglo). This is the reason why I've been learning German and have been consistent for the past 8 months.
Ethan Allen
My ancestry is anglo, so that's a non-factor in this case. I have a language that I'm studying, it just feels a chore.
Christopher Sanders
What does "mainstem" here mean? That the bar is notable, high-profile (visually)? Or famous?
Are there any cultures that you like? I've heard that that is another source of motivation for learning another language. What language are you learning at the moment?
Adrian Myers
>Jag gillar gör erbjudanden. Jag gillar att göra affärer. This would normally primarily mean to like doing business, but a business deal is also 'affär'.
>Om det är inte kul, vad är meningen? Wanna toss the clauses around here. Vad är meningen om det inte är roligt/kul?
>Nu för tiden, om du heter Donald Trump, alla i världen verkar som om de vill stämma dig (very rough on that last part). Clausetossing again as well as some paraphrasing. Nu för tiden så verkar hela världen vilja stämma en om man heter Donald Trump.
>Jag går sällan utanför, eftersom det vanligtvis är slöseri med tid. Jag går sällan ut eftersom det för det mesta är ett slöseri med tid.
Lads I have some questions about Portuguese Is it right to use the imperfect tense to Express "would"? Today I watched a video where a guy said "Eu aceitava" which from the context could have only meant "I would have accepted" or "I would accept" But wouldn't that be "eu teria aceitado" or "eu aceitaria"? I also see just "ia" instead of "iria" alot
Also for the frase "quem me dera" I know it means "I wish" but I don't really see the connection in the words, is it like "who I would have given"? But wouldn't that be "quem me teria dado"?
Matthew Martin
Will I get in hot water legally for opening that mega folder or any of the files in it?
Christopher White
It had been French and for as long as you've been studying German for (8 months) but as of last week it changed, coincidentally, to German also as I realized that I internalized so many bad habits in French that I had no hope of speaking it correctly without completely forgetting everything and starting from scratch some years from now. Now I'm studying German but with an entirely different method and being extra cautious about bad habits. I'm so new at it that there really isn't much I can comment on other than I'm waiting for more patterns to be noticed sub-consciously. It's just a bit of a stressful process for me because I'm still reeling from the 8 month time lost I had with French and I'm terrified and repeating those mistakes again.
Jaxon Green
What was your method with French? What bad habits did you have?
Andrew Moore
What made you choose French in the first place? And what made you switch to German?
Jaxon Perez
Can't tell if this is a (You)-bait or not.
Jack Moore
I don't know if ISPs track that sort of thing.
Elijah Nguyen
Essentially, before I had even begun learning French, I created my own method wherein I would get myself to the output stage as soon as possible. I played tons of vidya I'd already owned that had a French language setting to get used to how the language looked (I actually never really heard any French growing up surprisingly; I basically chose the language arbitrarily). Then after some days of this I learned what Anki was and downloaded a deck that had the 5,000 most used French words and drilled them everyday. A month later I would join FR discords with the intention of learning grammar by outputting a lot and being corrected. I basically set myself up to reach a plateau of being just barely understandable and to never go much beyond it. I would read a lot of stuff in French but would never apply what I learned to trying to sound natural. In my mind, if they could understand what I wrote and I could understand what they wrote, then that meant there were no flaws. I also basically never did listening practice because... "I can't understand shit", oh but don't worry, I would be sure to get mad at myself about often. The sparing few times I attempted to listen to French without the aid of French subtitles, I'd be unable to fight the temptation to go back to reading because I would get too uncomfortable just listening. >What made you choose French in the first place? I heard it was easy, I had a lot of games that had a French language option, and it wasn't Spanish. All shit reasons. >And what made you switch to German? Discovering Matt vs Japan and his MIA / AJATT method inspired me to try something new when I realized that my French was never going to improve the way I was doing things. As for why German itself, it's actually a language that I had interest in learning as a teenager but never pursued due to laziness. It's also largely phonetic (at least more so than French and English) which makes listening a lot easier for me. (cont.)
Easton Miller
>(cont.) I've probably listened to more raw German these last few days of AJATTing (AGATTing?) than I had listened to raw French in the 8 months I spent studying that. There's also more stuff I want to read in German, mainly philosophy. There's more stuff I could say here but I'm mentally spent right now and I'm having a hard time concentrating.
Jace Reyes
are you using tinders currently free location feature to converse with qts in your target language?
I understand haha, it's getting late and I'm pretty tired as well. Best advice I can give on the subject is to keep going. You will have times where you're really into learning, and times when you feel tired/like you're not making much progress. That's just the process with learning. Consistency is the key here. Viel Glück beim Deutschlernen.
Easton Morgan
Nibba, it's like a couple of hundred books on languages on an encrypted service so your ISP can't see shit anyway. Besides, no one would come to your ISP with a warrant and request IP logs over this even if it would have been unencrypted and 100% traceable to you. It's a bunch of books.
I can teach people to speak broken, yesterday left english.
Hunter Lopez
>tinder You must be at least 18 to post here.
Nolan Lopez
Thanks. I think focusing on input is the way to go now that I've seen what happens when that component is ignored. It's more lonely though, especially right at the start when you're lucky to understand 5% of the words of any given video.
Aiden Wood
True. I've heard they mostly focus on people downloading popular movies. Maybe I'm just paranoid.
Brayden Harris
What does a "logical" language mean? Lack of irregularities? Some says german is one
Jace Lee
i downloaded Yas Forums X. is there a way to get every comment/post translated into your TL and displayed below it?
Henry Peterson
Personally, I think German logical because it feels a lot like math. The rules of grammar are extremely consistent, so once you know the rules constructing a sentence is a lot like an equation, same with translating. Plus a lot of German words are kind of like puzzles because they're made up of smaller words that when combined create the new big word (thats also why German words can get so long). Anyways, that's just my autistic late night ramblings.
Brody Cruz
If German is logical because of that, then Japanese is even more logical because it has even less irregular verbs and everything obeys head-final order
Adrian Flores
Just learned the Cyrillic alphabet a few days ago, still confused between how you pronounce ч, ш, х, and щ. Also, any resources to improve Russian cursive?
Levi Wright
Did you read the section on phonology in the Wikipedia article on Russian language?
Aaron King
I believe it’s a play on words to more visualize whatever city they’re in, in a straight block city it’s a main-street but with a city built without straitness in mind it’s a main-stem.
Samuel Davis
>made up of smaller words that when combined create the new big word Latin, Greek, and Chinese all have words that do that. I wouldn't be impressed if Sanskrit, Arabic, and Nahuatl do too
Thomas Butler
I don't know much about other languages so I can't really talk about them. I was just telling the other user why I think German is a logical language
Jace Morgan
tech inglish pleas
David Anderson
¿Donde están mis estudiantes de español? ¿Que problemas han encontrado uds.? Pari mi, lo estan los verbos irregulares y los pronombres. Por ejemplo, porque todos los sustantivos son masculinos o femininas, es dificil decirle las cosas y las personas.
Blake Richardson
Es español su segunda idioma? Todas las idiomas son así. Nunca pensé en eso desu
Escuché hijo, no tengo mucho tiempo, me persiguen. La secreta para aprender español es
Jaxson Brown
>somebody has to put down this filthy animal, he's downloading ebooks about learning Finnish. Good thing his ISP brought this scumbag to our attention
Hunter Howard
>ч CHeap >ш SHeep >х Like ch in German ‘doch’ >щ Yeah this one is hard
Adrian Edwards
El silbo
Jackson Harris
Or, you know, there is Tandem eh.
Connor Rogers
But asking for feet pics is probably against the rules on Tandem
Carson Turner
You can post pictures on tinder?
Jose Gomez
You literally swapped щ and ш.
Liam Wilson
The sound in sheep is in between ш and щ, it's equally wrong _and_ right for either sound.
Elijah Nelson
>Ich es nicht für das Geld tue. Geld is indefinite here. And the word order is a bit clunky "Ich es nicht für Geld tue./ Ich tue es nicht für Geld." >Ich liebe es, zu (handeln?) deals could be translated with "Geschäfte" "Ich liebe es Geschäfte zu machen." >Ob es keinen Spaß machen kann, [ ]? I don't know if it always holds true, but dirty little trick: If you can replace "if" with "whether" then you can use "ob", if not, rather use "wenn". "what's the point": "wo liegt der sinn" "was ist der sinn" "wo liegt der zweck" and probably others. but generally, "what's the point" isn't as prolific an idiom in german as in english now, depending on the context you would probably skip the "can't" part when translating. if the "can't" is because of the speaker in a sense of general apathy then you wouldn't say the "can't", but when it were because of the activity simply making fun impossible then you'd probably say "can't" "Wenn es keinen Spaß macht [machen kann], wo liegt der Sinn?"
I learnt english this way (except for the output page coming much, much later) how old were you when you attempted this?
Benjamin Nelson
im learning vietnamese and it is basically impossible
Jack King
Дaй чaльeндж
Eli Ward
I hate seeing fucking cyrillic writing. Fuck sakes why can't russians just write in latin alphabet like normal human beings
Camden Baker
Would be boring to see the same script over and over again
Zachary Ward
Are you the pt-pt or pt-br user?
>Se não puder ser divertido, qual é a razão? ...qual é o sentido >Às vezes, paga ser um pouco louco Às vezes recompensa - more natural >Nestes dias se teu nome seja Donald Trump, todas as pessoas neste mundo querem te processar "Nestes dias" works but "nos dias de hoje" sounds better nome é Donald querem te processar - either "querem-te" or "te querem"; the latter sounds better in pt-pt >é um fabricante de negócios e água está molhado "Fabricante" means manufacturer. In this case "fazedor de negócios" ou "fazedor de tratos" would be better although there isn't a proper, natural sounding translation to deal maker >e água está molhado e a água é molhada (água is feminine) Verbo ser - something intrinsical to something; eg: ele é alto, o céu é azul, a água é molhada Verbo estar - something temporary, eg: eu estou com fome, ela está bonita hoje, o desemprego está elevado >não me levei muito tempo "não levei" or "não me levou" >não houve nada particularmente não havia >mais grande que a vida You should use quotes there because this idiom doesn't really exist in Portuguese also "maior" instead of "mais grande", everytime a native (usually kids) says "mais grande" he is immediately mocked by everyone around him
Pretty good desu, mostly just minor mistakes
Jonathan Nelson
Thank you, as always.
Ethan Reyes
Sheep doesn’t sound like щ. If you are gonna be nitpicky, ш can be compared to sh in shark.