Why is it that white men these days despise white women and are so infatuated with Asian women?

Why is it that white men these days despise white women and are so infatuated with Asian women?

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That's fucking filth. Scandi/Germanic women have stolen all the testosterone their men lost by eating soy

At least white guys shilling for Asian girls makes sense

When is the last time you heard a white girl says she prefers Asian men ?

It's a coping mechanism.

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i want to fuck Cate Blanchett

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White men in America don't despise White women. White women in America only have eyes for Tyrone

The left wing always needs an oppressed group and its enemy. Workers and employers. The people and intellectuals. Women and men. Blacks and whites. The poor and the rich. And so on. And that tears society apart.

And in the USA they are in the men vs women phase.
In the Netherlands nobody gives a shit about asians.

keep coping roastie, the beauty of the asian woman will never leave this earth

Don't confuse white man and American losers

because white women only find black bvlls attractive

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It's because they're mongrelizing. Such is the fate of every true colonial empire

Except that nothing actually backs that statement up. Whites and blacks barely date.

>keep coping roastie, the beauty of the asian woman will never leave this earth

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based as fuck

I find threads about Asian women on this board hilarious because of the reaction it generates. On one hand you have guys who obsess non stop about them and on the other hand you have guys who attempt to belittle them. No threads about white, black, latina or Arab women generate this sort of reaction only Asian women. It always striked me as odd when new worldes do it too. Unlike in Europe where most Asian women are Thai or flipino Asian women brought over most Asian girls here are completely westernized in places like Canada, USA and Australia

And if you live in a city like Toronto, Vancouver, Los Angles , San Francisco, Sydney or Melbourne you are just flat out being disengenious to try to play it as only loser white guys going for Asian girls

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why are white women so repulsive bros

find me another person who obsesses over a specific race of women like this. Everybody has their own preference of race that they shill but the asian women lovers are by far the most pathetic on this site. Not to mention that they love to state the fact that asian women are cute submissive trad virgins which is just flat out wrong.

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Are you cope roastie?

Are you actually being serious right now ? We have threads everyday about (insert race ) of women

because white women have been raised to be men yet hate them at the same time

whereas asian women are literally arriving in legions and they desperately want white cock

not memeing, im lucky to go a single day without some random asian girl looking me up and giving me the fuck me smile

>only loser white guys going for Asian girls
This is not true either.
While it's true that most of those who OBSESSED over Asian girls are complete losers from America and Europe (both regions are non-white) there's still plenty of decent white men who settle with Asian girl just because it happens to find one irl. It's not like there were obsessed it just happens that the girl they liked happened to be an Asian.

im a white girl and i prefer arab men

not true here
never seen a chad with Asian girl
I have seen white chads with mixed girls but

Maybe your country just don't have beautiful Asian girls. We have plenty here from all over North Asia from Kazakhstan to Japan.

I guarantee you he's talking out of his ass. I'm not going to comment on the quality of the white guy in the realtionships. But Asian women in Australia are known to go for white guys there no matter how they look

we dont
inernet is full of shut in incels so thet are the vocal minority that sound louder than the rest.
incels delude themselves into thinking they prefer asian women over white because its a way of coping with their incompetence of attracting a white female.

What about someone who can larp as an Arab?

>pic unrelated

Don't white men consider white women to be women who look manly and old?

You're all fags

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she's wife material
Liv Tyler is also very fuckable

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They don't know how good they have it
Many asian women are somehow both dependent and controlling
They have weak bone structure
No muscles, only flab
Forced/fake personality

White women have a strong jawline
Tall and both masculine&feminine
Independent and head-strong personality

Oh there are plenty of white Asian couples it's just that I have never seen chads with Asian women (nothing wrong with it ofc)

you like girls with muscle?

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Most Asian women cant give good sons
This is why I want to marry a decent mulatto girl so that my son's can be decent in all aspects

I prefer brown grills. Always have, probably always will.

women this women that sex sex sex
its all so tiresome with you incels

I've always wanted to marry a white girl since I was a kid
Or maybe a black girl if she's not the alpha queen type
I don't get why guys like girls that appear to be really weak
Is it some form of compensation?
I want a girl as strong as I am, so we can build upon each other

>check her twitter
>just today dropped a pull up bar on her own face and thinks that's hilarious
Yas Forumsfus are amazing

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I once made a girl do a pull up and the bar dropped- I managed to carry her in time but the bar hit her head , still, she didn't whine
only asian girl that I've ever loved

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Yea i want the same man I'm 5ft 10 and I will try to get a girl that is close to my height if possible . I want my son's to be taller and more successful .
But white women aren't really my type since I don't like features that are too ligth or dark too much . That's why I want to marry an arab or ligth skin black girl ( with the black one you will also have that default better athleticism and strength too for your offsprings)

>5ft 10 and I will try to get a girl that is close to my height if possible. I want my son's to be taller and more successful
>impregnates tall 6ft girl full of genetic defects
>produces 5ft 3 manlet son

very based
I'm 5'9 but was a late bloomer so hopefully I can be 5'10 by the time I'm 20
We need to start breeding fit and tall mixed race kids to counter this obesity epidemic

Nice cherrypicking, as excepted of a japanese you are really in season. I will now enjoy this cherry-blossom you picked for us, and think about all the beautiful white girls I've seen in our streets

>mixed race
>genetic defects

prove you are a girl
pro-tip: you can't nor won't

being mixed race isn't a genetic defect but being a girl and being as tall as 6ft is a genetic defect and that australian either has an unhealthy obsession with heightism or has a weird fetish

In spain is just the contrary the spanish asian couples that i have seen are stuning, both male and female top of their league, very few " normal looking asian or spaniard couples.

I wonder why


dont think i mentioned fucking a girl with genetic defects but ok.
but unlike manlet countries like Greece there are plenty of normal women that is 6ft here actually and besides i will probably get a girl who is 5ft9 or 8 which is also good above average height for women.
but make sure you dont go over the top with it if you want alright looking daughters too though. There are plenty of women near 5ft10 range that are good looking but above that i see less and you may only end of up creating some gigachad sons and gross daughters if you goo too much with it. Height aside thats why i would go for mixed black girls than full ones too because the daughter may come off as a bit too masculine .

It's not about heightism, I can't speak for him, but read my other posts
Tall girls tend to be more independent and strong, not pretty little princesses who constantly need to be catered to

Its true the only asian 1,8 m girl that i have seen was with a spaniard gigachad type and the mayority of spanish- asian couples i have seen dont look like the average asisn or spaniard thats for sure

Not m

no its not normal for a woman to be 6ft you disgusting anglo muttoid
might as well fuck a man if you want a woman that tall

Got it!
But honestly speaking with technology these days you can pretty much breed genetically superior kids and choose embryos if you have the money to do so

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you're an indonesian
any girl above 5ft 4 is taller than you

based retard

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he didn't say date. black men only use white women as cocksleeves

Well if you ignore old white men with SEAmonkey wives then all of the WMAF relationships involve a white guy who's kinda nerdy with an Asian girl who's also kinda nerdy (but slightly less so).
Both parties are pretty well off but yeah they're not Chads or Stacies

exact same with all the white male Indian female couples i have seen too