Love v. Hate

10 countries you love/like and 10 countries you hate/dislike

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>Love v. Hate
>10 countries you love/like and 10 countries you hate/dislike

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you're map is based. turkey is the only country I disagree with.

I don't think I even hate 10 countries. Maybe just China for what they did. There are a few others which I really dislike (I added Turkey today to that list).

send template

hate mates
love doves
simple as

Gonna be really succinct.
Love: Spain, Italy, Ireland, UK
Hate: Africa and the whole American continent

blank template?

i thought this was one of those maps were you could fill in a country with one click so asking for a template would be pointless
i'm sorry user, i am deleting my earlier post.

hate ALL except mine and i like ireland

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Ok Vulgarian

OP is the Armenian diasporia in Urugay

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Looks like a map of someone who loves to put stuff in his asshole.

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I want to go back to the good old days of being a fish

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I hate
>Arabia Saudi

I love

>South Korea

Attached: who really gives a shit.png (6460x3480, 1.37M)


ever notice how black fish swim like this:
< < <
but green fish swim like this:
> > >

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Funny because I can't think of two more overtly homoerotic countries than Russia and the USA

And you like trannies, right?

Do you just hate sand?
that's it isn't it. green land and their fucking volcanic sand.

I’m red as always i see

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I would just put China as black. I hate them so fucking much bros.

>New Zealand
>Saudi Arabia
>Also Indonesia

war mongering will do that.
slavery and religious courts are just extras.


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Is it even a country?

i love china


I don't hate you

Well, it's based, I admit it

You sure it isn’t because the name has “arabia” in it? Or because we got mecca?

t. Zhang

Love: Only the United States.
Like: Canada, New Zealand, Norway, Japan, Spain, France.

Dislike: Italy, Serbia. Serbians are usually disagreeable on here but they occasionally say reasonable things.

Hate: Every current, "technically" communist state: Cuba, PRC, Vietnam, Laos, DPRK (they quietly amended their constitution a few years ago but it doesn't count), then the Arabian peninsula generally, especially Saudi Arabia and Israel. Mexico should also be mentioned.

I was having trouble filling out my list so I just listed Burma which = Myanmar

>Love: Only the United States.

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>hates Sweden, loves Denmark
Dangerously based OP

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Any other Rwanda-loving Chads here? Tutsis have never done anything wrong and also fuck the French (in relation to what they did in Rwanda).

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Attached: countries i like and hate.png (6460x3480, 1.33M)

>Hate: Every current, "technically" communist state
boomer detected

Bhutan should be ‘love’ too, btw.


I don't like any religion how ever Arabic contributions to science and keeping the records that would have other wise been lost are more meaningful than any personal religion.

With out the medical developments, huge leaps in optics and engineering (automatons) my life would be less awesome.

That said your government is psycho.

Good morning my friend. Why're you up so early?

>belize white

Das rite.

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not the same poster but i'm like really left wing and still hate california

no one asked

Cringiest pic I've ever seen

I'll COOF on your Colonizing ass

Not the same poster, but my opinion is too important to hold it in myself even tho I don't have one on this matter.

cold, barren, full of alcoholic eskimos