Uffie edish
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uffie of course
Remind me again, how do you say IRISH on latin
great, sounds liek youve a varied taste and your mate appreciates it. I know its clichéd but I love a bit of hendrix, then the gods made love n that, shpongle always makes me laugh
'get a mason jar with the rubber seal, only a couple of quid and it cures your buds leaving it in there
The goal was to look a healthy weight and i think ive achieved that goal
What do you look like at 80kg?
BLACKED.com isn't just a website it is a way of life.
Some bus driver in Chicago had some old lady as a passenger who was just shamelessly coughing without a mask or anything and he made a video FURIOUS about it
And then he died 8 days later of the virus lol, fuck
are aisha
Pretty stocky, I’m fairly Yas Forums. Some call me the elusive Yas Forumsmick, please don’t pass it on.
Come home American man
yes yes we all read reddit
he could have got it from anyone
At this stage I actually hope this did come from a lab, China will be absolutely fucked if it’s ever proven
I’ve 10 grams in total
Lads what are Indian/Middle Eastern girls like to date? I wanna ask one out.
how do you make these weird edits
ask one out and come back to tell us about it
got the no gf/democracy has failed?
Love some country folk music me. Always have. If you have a problem with that, fight me
you LOVE posting this image
My gf is an Arab. I met her when I was at uni and her Dad threatened to kill me. He is some rich Saudi bloke. Eventually he changed his mind though because I said I'd convert to Islam when we get married.
As do I, ours is some of the best in the world.
I think it’s hysterical.
Away to have a Taylors lava java coffee bag
they own the WHO
they'll suppress this shit
maybe in 30 years we'll learn when no one really cares
*puts a sombrero on your head*
there we go much better
depends on what sort you're looking for
they come in all kinds just like other girls
traditional ones are extremely picky and probably will never date outside their religion/ caste. the ones who are westernized are generally pretty easy going
unfathomably based
dutch bastard brought it big time on these. i cry. i am 4 threads late but WHO cares. manny and nelly deserve more
any hugo duncan tunes for me mikey?
Are you going to? Provided you’re not LARPing. I hope you don’t. Fuck that scumbag sheikh.
Ours is what you call the original. Everything else stems from it
>he wouldn't change religion for someone he loves
Absolutely mental some of this stuff that's gone on
Thank God for our lot, civilising the world and that
does /brit/ take showers or baths
think we should give it another chance, might rid us of the rona
oh man... he's just like me
It was Detroit
>The city of Detroit has 3,550 confirmed cases,
That's very bad for a city of less than 700,000 with the peak weeks awat. New Orleans is also doing badly. Makes you think huh.
don't like yanks
that's all
He's not a sheikh. He's some sort of high-ranking engineer in a big oil company. And no, I'm not larping. Arab girls are easy to find in London.
dated a Syrian girl who was properly mental but her mum made nice dinners
S'pose it can't hurt
Showers of course
Mate if he’s not a sheikh then fuck him, he has zero clout. Don’t convert to Islam to pander to a backwards mudslime zealot.
literally nothing will happen. What do you expect to happen?
Showers, don't like sitting in a bath not sure what I'm supposed to do after I've washed myself. Like to get the job done and get out.
showers. bath takes ages
no man takes a bath unless they do so ironically
The one who works at the local chippy. She is a qt.
Could do.
Pic related