Morgues and crematoriums so overburdened that bodies are all over the streets if not in trucks or storage units

>morgues and crematoriums so overburdened that bodies are all over the streets if not in trucks or storage units

Guess the country.

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Other urls found in this thread:

imagine the smell....

don't need to guess I've already seen this footage. it's NYC.


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>bodies are all over the streets

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he's not quoting anything, just making a le funny shitpost

USA is #1

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Imagine the smell

>released in 2000
how did they predict things so well ? they only missed 9/11 by 3 km (maybe they even planned to hit the statue but aborted when they saw the attack portrayed in DX)
when darrow\elon musk issues a mass recall of his neuralink biochips i aint falling for that shit


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The new Tesla even looks like a car from a 2000 era video game.

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Why are Brazilians on this board consistently this fucking stupid

How come Ecuador is more protected than the average Americans?

A lot of them are upper middle class Yas Forumstards.


there's a large pandemic every 25 years and it's no secret that governments have bioweapons; that prediction was super vague, nearly astrology tier
here, I'll make a prediction:
in the future there's going to be a war, a few will benefit from it, but the masses that feel nationalistic and in support of it will eventually start getting disenfranchised with it
I may not ve nostradamus, but what I said is going to happen at some poiny

Because half the Ecuadorians in the pic are dead and contagious and the other half is medical workers in hazmat suits removing bodies.
Ecuadors government admits that they lost count of the dead because they don't have enough tests, but it's so many that they cannot even remove them for now.

Shit for luck, I hope your people make it somehow through this.

imagine the smell

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Many are full Yas Forumstards, the others are just silly. In all, worst posters on Yas Forums on average.

lmao these clowns still manage to fool people?

Thanks for buying record amounts of guns from Switzerland and supporting our economy in this dire times. I hope they will keep you safe from this terrible virus.

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I'm actually taking a sick pleasure in watching these Americans die. Imagine them all coughing to death and their ICU wards being overburdened and their healthcare workers freaking out and politicians panicking. I hope more and more die as the days go by. Live, laugh, love my friends.

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Is this why Americans are buying massive amounts of guns? To fight the virus?

Event 201 pandemic simulation only weeks/ months before this.
Run partially by bill gates, who's now on the news talking about pandemics.
Your decide.

well that's a nosterdamus type prediction but DX had a terrorist attack on the statue of liberty driving people to hand over rights to UNATCO and less than 2 years after the game there's a big terrorist attack less than 4km away from their predicted place and americans hand over all their rights and privacy to the 'patriot' act.


Hello based department?

Did they get rid of the FEMA coffins because of conspiracy tards?

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>how did they predict things so well ?
They cribbed the in game theories from conspiracy message boards, usenet groups etc

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>Countries can't cremate a couple of bodies nowadays
>Germans incinerated millions of people 80 years ago
>Janny is a tranny and deleted my post kek

Personally, I hope it slows down. If they die too fast, they can't effectively spread the disease and won't crowd all the hospitals while slowly drowning on their beds.

What a waste of space.
Put some shelves up in that bitch or at least lay them the other way.

>they only missed 9/11 by 3 km
You are like a little baby
The pilot episode for the x-files spinoff show 'The Lone Gunmen' aired in March 2001 and depicts a government plot to crash passenger jets into the twin towers. Go ahead and watch it, it will blow your mind.

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Why not just stack them? It's a big truck and when they are frozen trough you can get them out with a forklift.

USA, since you don't get shot on sight to take a picture of it - like in China.

is it any good ? i marathoned Xfiles 2 years ago and wanted to watch this but after the absolute shitshow that was the later Xfiles plot i kinda dropped it.
also you got any other good shows\movies of that kind to recommend im kinda into that shit

it's alright but a bit cheesy (as all of the lone gunmen episodes in the x-files were), there are only 13 episodes though. Fringe is an alright show with a similar feel to the x-files but not about (real) conspiracies.
Just watch the pilot you kike, I put the video in the post for a reason.

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i watched fringe, pretty kino but goes off the rails in the end as well (fringe atleast tried to maintain a consistent story tho)
my current favorite 'conspiracy' show is person of interest (more conspiracy\AI\mass surveillance with no paranormal shit) and its more or less good until the end and with a kino af ending.

>Why are Brazilians on this board consistently this fucking stupid
You Anglo-Mexicans are the last people who can talk anything about stupid people.

I gave it a miss because I thought person of interest was portraying the mass surveillance as a good thing

it dosnt really, it portrays it realistically as something that can be used to combat terrorists\criminals by good guys and also be abused by bad people to grab power and control.
also it starts kinda slow and gets better as it goes along you should definitely give it a shot.

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Every country in one month

>morgues and crematoriums so overburdened
ayy tone

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Poonited Sharts of Fatmerica

It doesn't, Harold kept the Machine hidden from the government and never let them have access to it, it would just feed them numbers that could lead them to a terrorist or a target of a terrorist. Later he actively goes against glowniggers to stop them from getting access to the Machine and shows what a disaster it could be if someone could have and use something like it. If anything, it could be argued that it's a pro-AI show but that quickly changes later on.

Alri might check it out then

You're telling me the most powerful country in the world can't burn all these bodies fast enough? That doesn't seem right.

i mean its not really pro\anti ai or surveillance it shows both sides of both. they definitely start by showing how it can be used to catch bad guys but its necessary to start from the good side of mass surveillance for the story to work.
anyways its a great show and also i think the woman that plays root is one of the best looking women i ever saw on tv, i also liked her in dollhouse theres a few very kino scenes there with her.

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based AND smartpilled

callase pinche olmec


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fake news

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This guy looks like a really sleepy burn victim.

and here I was thinking niki lauda was dead

Seriously, it's uncanny as fuck

They don't have graveyards? just dig a hole in some field bury the poor bastards.

But you share a border with them, one that is near impossible to defend. If it gets bad over there, you are fucked too.

You think hordes of Americans would start running to Canada for some reason?

If this game were made today Americans would call this game communist lmao

this tbqh
>wah leh 6 million
>wtf we can't cremate a couple hundred bodies although it's 2020
