Is she right?

Is she right?

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I’ll give her reparations personally in the bedroom if you catch my drift

no, inter-sectionalists need to be shot

i wanna perform some affirmative action between her reparations

fuck cracKKKas

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>a fucking virus discriminates
She didn't use those words, did she?

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What the fuck they think they are?

Why do Americans hate themselves so much?

She looks like a BoJack Horseman, Nigel, what's wrong with you?

>Paul Joseph Watson
Why do y'all get baited by this ?

If she is talking about the how shitty our medical system is toward minorities or fucking anyone at this point, yea. If you got the virus and are of a certain race, you are fucked when it comes to treatment. If she is talking about biologically the virus, she is a bigger fucking retard than I thought.

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she's right china should pay us reparations for unleashing the virus on the world.

>If she is talking about the how shitty our medical system is toward minorities or fucking anyone at this point, yea. If you got the virus and are of a certain race, you are fucked when it comes to treatment.

what are you even talking about. imagine actually thinking that when you have covid-19 symptoms and you go to the doctor they say "sorry pablo, you're too brown for thus country. go away".

what is environmental racism




I mean a minority of rich people definitely get better care, but most people get the same treatment when they show up at the er. The bill come after. Minorities in the US are just fat and unhealthy as fuck.

she's right you know

floods destroying the coastal properties of wealthy whites

holy BASED
pay up, whitey

all leftist virtue signaling is good virtual signaling since it keeps the narrative going

this is the default attitude of U.S. leftists today. Trump dickriders are the exact opposite yet the exact same. It's like they all implicitly understand Nietzsche's quote "truth is will to power."

We're all discussing this lady without having actually read her. I really doubt she's as moronic as the article implies.


she is

>I really doubt she's as moronic as the article implies
what will it take for you to realize you should never give American politicians the benefit of the doubt?

The virus does not genetically discriminate, no, but when black people are 4x more likely to die in michogan for example its obvious theres racism at play

No. She's just buttmad that the coronavirus is hitting Democrat strongholds more than Republican ones.

It kind of does discriminate against hypertension.

shes completely correct and you could only ever disagree if youre unuronically racist

I meant that majority of minorities can only have access to shitty hospitals/services and considering they will get flooded pretty soon with cases, they are most likely going to get fucked out of all the groups.
Shit, im curious of the numbers of detroit and baltimore in terms of deaths when it hits new york levles of cases with all the dysfunction those cities have.

why is she so ridiculous
what's her endgame

Sure but unless that were somehow genetically based it still comes down to unjust disparity in environment by race

it's also state and local politics. california has every ethnic group you can think of along with a dense population and our numbers are low compared to New York.

lockdown works and it blows my mind that a lot of states are just putting their fingers in their ears going "la la la la" and doing the same.

the only racial reparations should be from china to the rest of the world

*not doing the same


It is. It's more prevalent in black people for some reason. Not four times, tho.

>for some reason

Because blacks hug and shake hands all the time and tons of them are evangelist retards who take parts in massive ceremonies.

They also take public transit. Whites do not take public transit in the USA because...blacks take public transit.

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this is super detached from reality
or maybe theres a reason that people take public transit that is associated with other, more significant factors...

Why do nuyoricans care? Puerto Ricans and Black Americans don't generally get along.

Absolutely she's right, pay up whitey

>>or maybe theres a reason that people take public transit that is associated with other, more significant factors...
What other factors? The fact that whites live in the suburbs because of white flight from blacks? In Toronto, the suburbs are full of pajeets and chinks and the inner city has lots of whites.

she's right in the sense that a good chunk of minorities have to rely on public transport, are unlikely to have insurance, and they probably have no savings or nice and stable job to survive the quarantine, so a minority is more likely to come out on the losing end of it when compared to the better off majority of the population

but trying to piggyback racial policies at this point in time is a bit retarded
also just giving gibs will change nothing

i hate white oids


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I mean for starters you could say the chronic toll of redlining, environmental racism, wealth gap, etc.
Sound familiar?
>whites live in suburbs because of white flight
that is an extremely reductive way to put it

No and based on her history if she gets re-elected she'll change her mind.

>"While Queens and The Bronx have lines down the block at hospitals and grocery stores, AOC is holed up at a brand new luxury apartment where she shops at Whole Foods in her lobby,”

"That’s shameful. No wonder voters think that she is out of touch. She has a golf-simulator and infinity pool and Peloton Cycle room as well as other luxuries while families in the Bronx and Queens are worried about how long the lines are at the grocery store and where they are going to get their next paycheck. AOC isn’t even here to see their desperation and their struggle to survive with her own eyes,” the challenger said.

>AOC criticized the predecessor she toppled in 2018, former Congressman Joe Crowley, for spending more time in Virginia, where he and his family live, than in the district.

>“[Crowley] doesn’t live here, send his kids to our schools, doesn’t drink our water or breathe our air [and] cannot possibly represent us,” Ocasio-Cortez said then.

im sure usa regret annexing Puerto rico after shit like this...

If you think that's bad boy do i have bad news about literally every other politician even slightly more conservative than her

Puerto Ricans here usually don't like them either except Nuyoricans especially the ones that didn't grow up here. Though I'd say other Hispanics more overtly hate them.

I'm sure Paul would never distort what other people said to get clicks

right... racism, just blame it on that

that headline is all over the place. those are her words

Some of my boomer families have told me about their experience going to New York in the 60s-70s, and they always brought up how negative their relations with Black Americans were. The black-hispanic solidarity is a meme.

Maybe those FUCKING NAGGERS shouldn't be poor then? Huh, everthought about that you big pussies?