Did they do the right thing by stealing masks, medical supplies, protective equipment, and medicine from 10+ countries?
Did they do the right thing by stealing masks, medical supplies, protective equipment, and medicine from 10+ countries?
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being a superpower requires being evil, elsewise you shan't be one for long
I hope at least 7 million americans die.
it seems like it isnt working
>Trump is such a failure he's not doing anyth-NOOO YOU CAN'T INVOKE THE DPA WE NEED THOSE MASKS
no, this is exactly the kind of thinking that led the uk empire to its demise
there is absolutely no need to be evil, just abusive¿
Why did the British Empire collapse?
name one "nice" superpower.
No. There's no such thing.
Evil is a prerequisite for maintaining superiority.
most of them are in New York
hope the numbers keeps rising
This but all of US and not just New York.
no, they have more than enough supplies within the US for the near future and many countries would gladly sell them shit.
theyre fucking themselves over in a big way long term
we could always stop supplying 3M with the materials needed to make the masks
Imagine being such an edgy moron.
Being a superpower requires being evil and clever.
USA time in the spotlight is over. China's the new superpower now.
Fucking annoys me to no end. But that's how it is.
well after WW1 the league of nations was created and after WW2 the UN was founded. It saw colonialisation as completely antithetical to its raison d'etre so it started encouraging world powers to get out of Africa. We had a faggot PM in charge Clement Atlee (who everyone adores because he's the reason we have our NHS) and he invited India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, et al to completely comply with the new UN's demands.
The end of the British Empire was a CHOICE.
Portugal didn't give up their colonies until the 1970s when their commies instigated a revolution in 1974.
>Imagine being such an edgy moron.
>Being a superpower requires being evil and clever.
>insults me and then agrees with me
ok tintin
neither rome nor china were/is evil
just abusive
Kill those Americans, coronavirus.
i hope all of them die
on the other hand the ussr was an artificial regime built with a gun to the head and the usa and uk intentionally try to fuck with others but also their own populations
and yours elites engaging intentionally in evil acts like paedophilia and who knows what
China Lied, Boomers Died
>ab use
>to use wrongly
well done
um, based department? yeah... there's someone here for you...
intentionally crafted words to taint an idea
do you prefer selfish and uncaring?
Corona in Ecuador, the dead are piling up. Seems like the big dying has also started in South America. Sorry Bro's.
Does anybody have any idea what the "real" numbers are? How is the US categorizing deaths? Italy and Germany have different categories for deaths.
This: Pure cope. You were completely broke by the time WW2 ended. You couldn't afford an empire anymore
why do american lie about their numbers
Trump wants everybody back to work after Easter. He was really going hard for the April 13th date.
UK, France, Spain and Italy all report around 10%-12% case fatality rate, but they all reached max capacity. We have currently have 3% cfr and Germany around 2%, but it will go up eventually. I estimate 5% cfr if your health system does not reach max capacity and stays functional, 10%+ cfr when your health system craps out.
If we couldn’t afford it then why did it last another 15 years ?
yes invoke a trade war with us in the middle of a global recession
we probably have more than a million cases, fatality rate is much lower than 10%
>that edgelord canadian
I mean you do realise the rest of the world sees little difference between your shithole and your shithole neighbour ?
USA is maxed, no? They have to build temporary hospitals in NY and LA. Even people in NY were turned back.
>grossly under reported by at least 2 deaths
>doing the right thing
The answer is always no bro why even ask.
Absolutely based and redpilled. What the fuck are you gonna do about it?
>Even people in NY were turned back.
Even the place that makes up almost half of the countries cases? Well if they can't handle the load they're under then nobody can
NY and NJ are maxed I think, Michigan and Louisiana soon will be. Overall the US would have ample capacity but it is very hard to move patients in critical condition over such large distances. We have taken patients in from nearby Alsace and the 2 hours on the road was about the max the could take.
On the other hand, the US would have the weight to go in heavy in affected regions if they wanted to, they have the medical manpower.
it's a doggy dog world
Louisiana/Florida should explode in the next week or so. Almost all the resources right now are funneled to the NY/NJ area and California. With all those people going to churches/Mardi Gras in Louisiana and spring breakers in Florida, their deaths are going to shoot up soon.
They're going to have to make more choices like who gets to live soon.
Oops. Looks like that data is outdated.
30 minutes later, these are the numbers.
>elsewise you shan't
Florida is 'ok', per capita they have relatively few cases, but Louisiana is proper fucked. Michigan is a time bomb too.
Why don't you like Atlee?
and the day is not even fucking over holy shit
Nah, we have 2 more hours before the website rolls over to the next day.
Bill Mitchell is my favorite American comedian at the moment. He always makes me laugh in this hard times we're going through.
Fuck's sake, America...
>A tangle of military protocols and bureaucratic hurdles has prevented the Comfort from accepting many patients at all.
>On top of its strict rules preventing people infected with the virus from coming on board, the Navy is also refusing to treat a host of other conditions. Guidelines disseminated to hospitals included a list of 49 medical conditions that would exclude a patient from admittance to the ship.
>Ambulances cannot take patients directly to the Comfort; they must first deliver patients to a city hospital for a lengthy evaluation — including a test for the virus — and then pick them up again for transport to the ship.
tl;dr the ship was never meant to take coronavirus, but instead take people with things like injuries to help relieve hospitals that are being overwhelmed with COVID-19 cases but since people aren't going outside anymore, no one's really getting injured either. So you have a near-empty hospital ship. with 1,200 staff who have nothing to do
The Chinese steal masks from everyone and then give out bad masks
I tried to make a post in the other thread to address the Aussie. But yeah, the ship is just there to make Americans "feel good". The ship is empty and isn't equipped to handle coronavirus patients. No protective gear, masks, or ventilators.
It's fucking useless.
this is just propaganda tho
the west cant allow china to become the saviour of mankind
Tell me again how black that kettle looks.
>this is just propaganda tho
We aren't giving people bad masks. Having no masks is better than a faulty one because with the faulty masks you think you are safe
>lol whats the worst that could go wrong if we offshore all our manufacturing industries to china?
>he actually knows the exact time it restarts
Jesus fuck you are so obsessed
>Americans don't know what GMT is written right at the top of the page
Do they really...?
Hope all amerimutts die a terrible death. Their spirit must be broken and then enslaved by the yellow master.
t. chink sleeper agent
based giuseppe zhang
That mexican guy didnt know either because neither of us study the website like you do, you obsessed freak
>Having no masks is better than a faulty one because with the faulty masks you think you are safe
Lmao is that what you're telling the countries you're stealing masks from?
>"No, trust us, these masks are bad. Let us just take them off your hands, you wouldn't want them anyway, no don't bother checking, we got this..."
no its true
even if they were substandard why recall them?
better something than nothing
not only that but the governments purchasing masks from china are completely ignoring the beijing approved companies, accepting themselves the risk
the west prevers to endanger its own population before accepting to be dependant in chinas supplies
>you have to "study" the website to read "The day is reset after midnight GMT+0."
Do Americans really...?
>most are old people dying
>boomers overwhelmingly vote republican/trump voters
Yep, I'm thinking Covid-19 is based.
the west prefers to endanger its own population before accepting to be dependant on china supplies
>having no mask is better than having a faulty one
Your government officials literally fucking said it's better to wear a scarf is better than "nothing" at all. Even faulty ones have a better mesh than a fucking cotton scarf.
>Lmao is that what you're telling the countries you're stealing masks from?
Being dependent on China supplies is what is actually endangering our population.
Forgot to switch proxies?