
gator edition

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big boy

yeah, not a fan of it myself. I was the plug for everyone who was on it at that party but I didn't take any myself, took some mandy and a lot of speed instead

starving lads. ran out of food 2 days ago


looks like a yank sat on him

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who you supporting


read this pal, your incompetent, isolated, antiquated high command lost the battle for France mate, don't blame us x

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hypnotising myself (in lieu of drugs)

if me dad wasnt already dead corona would had deffo killed him

my drug of choice tbqh

staying indoors is not a request, it's an order

25 minutes until I'm 52

god my dad's a whiney cunt sometimes

This woman is literally a witch

Hi lads :)

I want to ask how you'd describe your current levels of happiness in general.

How do they compare to the years from 2015 or so, do you think over time youve become more content or fulfilled?

the nhs obv

LD people

any doomers in?

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happy birthday

it only gets worse

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Hate this stupid yank weirdo who finds a new woman to spam every week and calls anyone who tells him to fuck off a gay

shes insanely beautiful

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will you be my dad?

no your not
be quiet

before corona: very good
now: in the shitter

I was really happy 2008-2012
then less happy 2013-2018
now 2018 to present I'm pretty happy but this virus really fucked things up

Off my rocker lads

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want to self isolate my bollocks in your mums mouth, only if shes fit and got big tits though

do people realise lockdown will last 6months +?

wow the toilfu literally isn't going to view my insta story

Perhaps, but you’ll miss him when you’re gone. Mad that innit. You’re parents, they’re here for a bit and then they’re gone. You can never speak to them again. Quite a soul destroying thing isn’t it

She was a cumdump for harvey weisnstein too, that bitch has been consumed like a bubble gum

About the same. Feel like shit. :^)

been miserable my whole life.
had teachers in year 2 of primary school telling me to cheer up. im 28 now.

Any computer man in?
Computers crashed twice tonight and done this, is it completely fucked?

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>the virus has fucked things up

got a touch of the old bi polar so its ups and downs lol

more like 18 months minimum

Still go out whenever i want haha

wow very intelligent and philosophical observation there

most likely a hard drive failure
laptop or desktop?

ask me in 4 and half minutes

Mate, you’re a yankified reddit clown. Nobody gives a fuck about Weinstein or any yank for that matter.

doubt... soon enough they'll see saving 30k pensioners isn't worth ruining the economy for a generation

whatever, im bald, i dont have to put up with your shit

>laptop or desktop?
like that makes a difference

Desktop, it’s pretty old ngl think I brought it in 2013. I know fuck all about computers

just finished me 4th fosters tinnie

For me? I was going to travel Europe with a beautiful woman but now we are stuck doing fuck all for god knows how long - basically pushed all this years plans into 2021 minimum

indeed, coming home for this 'rona business has put a bit of strain on us but i reckon we'll be alri

make no mistake, i blame us more than anyone else
first mistake was counting on anglo allies, Foch was right and no one listened
then the entre deux guerres was a total mess
still, doesn't make you lot look good at dunkirk

literally me

Reckon I’ve got some undiagnosed condition because I have recurring depression but right now im good

your hard drive is failing

haha big croc

Fine by me. I'll be Yas Forums as fuck when I get back to work.

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Watching crank high voltage

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It’s neither. It’s just common sense. On your bike, spastic yank muppet. Not like you give a fuck about your parent up or down, shithouse

can anything be done?

me? went to the tesco for a cheeky chocolate muffin before. its in my nature to be rebellious

>18 months minimum

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going to stroke my penis

so instead of being hemmed in and obliterated or forced to surrender, we mounted a huge, unprecedented naval evacuation.... giving us a fighting chance of continuing the war

I'd say it represents a success, given the circumstances

get a new one, clone harddrives, put the new one in the computer.

shagged a bird wearing this dress once
obviously much uglier
(to clarify she was wearing this dress on the date, I did not shag her while wearing this dress)

You’re family man. Nothing else matters, only family. Seriously, nothing else matters

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Name, age, address and phone number?

I am reading about how your authorities are warning the british People that there might be a fucking blackout die to the coronavirus, arent you pirate scared of that?

Is there anything you could imagine making you happier? Living in a new place, new occupations and meeting new people perhaps?
Thats good lad, just a blip innit, bit weird for everyone, good time for self reflection
Mad how we can generalise big chunks of time like that, suppose it fits nicely with what you were doing at the time, the people you were seeing everyday
What would make you not feel like that?
At what moments do you feel enjoyment? What happy memories do you have?
Install gentoo

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that’s beyond my knowledge, tbf I kind of need a new pc in general seeing as this ones about 7 years old now and wasn’t exactly cutting edge at the time of purchase either

you're a smart cookie

co. waterford?

any steampunk man in?

yank who posted this in last thread who is it?

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if it's 7 years old you are best served getting a new one

because the gyms are closed
so i miss out on that mental catharsis every day, my self confidence goes to shit and i feel like shit constantly
literally three lifts are the only thing standing between me and absolute ruin

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thought you meant you were wearing it at first haha just imagine

cody rodriguez from biddlyboyne, idowah

Time for me to get ripped off then as I have no idea how to build my own


Shit tier. Get some real pomade

Glad I have my own weights at home. It's been pretty cozy.

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Money doesn’t matter. How many people you slept with doesn’t matter. What matters is your father, your mother, your brothers and sisters. That’s all that matters and all that ever will. Boris Johnson doesn’t matter, the price of petrol doesn’t matter. None of it does. It’s all a load of bollocks

all this talk of war reminds me of my great grand fathers, both went young at the first one, both came back alkies
completely different men, one was big and tall and stern, the other a furious stocky manlet, they didn't like each other much from what i was told but they would disappear for days sometimes, go on drinking binges and no one ever knew more than the fact that they drank a lot together
youngest of them was fifteen when went, i was still trading pokemons at that age

your hard drive is fucked so it's trying to fix it
might want to replace it sometime soon

the absolute state


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Cant you work out at home lad?
I had a cracking pull day today using pull up bar, rings, dumbells and curl bar
Run and push day tomorrow. Never been fitter.

any Portsmouth man in

whats that shite with mandy where your short term memory goes to complete shit and you start jumping in and out of conversations, replying to things people said 20 minutes ago etc?

you can use something like crystaldiskinfo to see if it's dying, but you're probably better off just getting a new one anyway if it's 7 years old
>buy a new hard drive
>move the data over
>destroy the old one
it's not difficult, esp on a desktop

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female coworker kept drunk messaging me last night lads haha

Imagine feeling like a little puppy on 450ug and looking into her eyes as she twists the vice closed onto your bollocks

astute observation

>who is it?

Bold men.

You know you can exercise without as barbell? It's not the same but it feels good still be will maintain gains... See jeff nippards vid


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i'm well aware of it

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there are youtube videos that walk you through step by step and websites that allow you to pick parts that will be compatible with each other
i built my first one by just following a youtube video

Loving your wisdom tonight mikey. Amazing the power of perspective innit.


can i just move everything over I want on a memory stick? I haven’t got THAT much stuff on this computer that I wouldn’t want to lose

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everyone should have a pull up bar at least

>a huge, unprecedented naval evacuation.
it's called running away, lad
churchill was a fat posh bastard btw

it's okay if you're putting on a little weight, we're all on lockdown

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true tbf
would include mates though, never met people that I was so in tune with

what if im too fat to lift myself

already pull on a bar (my willy)

Really easy lad
how much do you want to spend?
pcpartpicker.com/ is a great site for simulating builds

Chyna will die on our life time,