/med/ - Mediterranean general

dwarven strength edition

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I use to work right across the street from the McDonalds where this happened

Post pictures of cute greek girls that wouldn't even look at me twice

I'll keep the thread bumped if i can afterwards.

why did she beat him up for lmao


I don't have any

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You always send hot girls to gayrovision, the 2017 girl was hot af

need to lift up that dress and eat that pussy

non-based, qt galician girls >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Don't like her eyes, they see too much.

I have no idea but this McDonald's is notrious. It's in Ottawa on Rideau street in a tourist heavy area by Parliament Hill. The street is filled with homeless people, prostitutes and drug addicts. They normally have security guards working at this McDonald's 24/7 and recently they installed bullet proof glass so this stuff doesn't surprise me that there was a fight it is quite normal

post some of shut the fuck up desu

i like chubby/thicc blonde/ginger girls with big tits desu, those eurovision girls do nothing to me

my moms, small and timid and 5'5 100lbs literally defenseless especially against some slob boomer boss. She would come home crying and have anxiety about work. But now shes alright

We can learn something from the previous thread: Interesting OP = active thread.
Anyway I was playing some WWZ.

Hello fellow meds.

Hello my italian friend

well, makes sense
having a topic also helps

The OP set the topic.

Gib gf

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I was the OP. Having a topic in the OP always helps

Cute. What are you guys doing during your quarantine?

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You can be an honorary Med, but only if you have >50% Spanish admixture

Is it much harder to find work now that you have a criminal record? My dad got one in his 40s (about 15 years ago) and has only found work as a construction labourer ever since he came out

gn king

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I meant the OP post.


All the jobs i worked before like construction, bouncing, worked at a couple garages. So i dont see any change but I do have a degree but its in history. Usually the companies do a check and or i will straight up tell them what happened and they will laugh and just tell me not to do it at work

>make new thread
>it dies
come on

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It always dies at these hours, I'm going to sleep too

Post /med/ folk music.
This is Judeo-Arabic from Yemen

I'm eating rn, but I guess I'll go too
I wanted to bitch about the gym queen, baka

You can bitch to me, malakia man


yemen isn't med

I miss her so much bro...


tell me what she did to you

sounds Iberian desu


she was cute right in front of my face

It wasn't a girlfriend?

I wish she were my gf

Keefek habibi, I heard things are not so good right now


Alright, I thought you were talking about an ex or something.
Describe your encounter, if you want.

not med myself but my gf is med
am I welcomed?

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yeah, that's more south Italian, if I have to compare it to something
both are nice tho

no, I just stare at her in the gym, and now gyms are closed for three fucking weeks, and I miss her

Anyway guys, I'm dead tired. Goodnight. See you tomorrow.

That's kind of cute but it's moreso depressing and pathetic. I hope things get better for you guy.
Good night.


Time for some balls to the wall.

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>that couch scene

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not a yellow fever incel but damn if she wasn't a cutie

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lmfao yeah that one. How'd it go?
yeah a lot of people liked her in the scene where she practices her lines and does the finger thing.

adding skelepics to my collection. Nice

it was great, I loved the movie
and it's not like we're children anymore, a little sexy scene is fine

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>They normally have security guards working at this McDonald's 24/7 and recently they installed bullet proof glass

WTF, I thought Canada was first world

I thought it was great too. Anything else you want to see?
Yeah i understand. I'm not saying you were gonna hide under the couch just a little awkward silence.

Hasn't Lebanon been under a military curfew for over a week? When I went to visit a few years ago the infrastructure was terrible, almost as bad as when my dad left I'm the 80s. I can't imagine a shutdown has done anything good for the power outages, water shortages, and garbage littering every street in Beirut