how can europe be a continent if its attached to asia (Russia) and africa ?
How can europe be a continent if its attached to asia (Russia) and africa ?
dude wtf how can Asia be a continent when it’s attached to Africa??? dude haha
this but unironically. how can you be a separate continent if you are attached to another continent ? The only true continents are Australia antarctica and north and south america
>canadian education
Ural mountains are the border between Europe and Asia and that's for a reason. Basic knowledge of orogeny and historical Geology.
Caucasus seperates Evropa
all of the sudden they are all the same people and will be treated as such
Urals is in Asia. Asia starts at the eastern border of Vienna
its a made up border though the ground is still touching each other
again the land is still touching each other so they are same continent
>its a made up border though the ground is still touching each other
Pic related explains it.
that gif explains nothing. If there is no water border then they are the same continent.
>that gif explains nothing. If there is no water border then they are the same continent.
Water means elevation between two places is steep, mountains mean the same thing and seperates two regions of land on beyond the mountains and behind the mountains
mountains mean nothing its still the same land on the other side of the mountain
Europe from Lisbon to Vladivostok
so as you can see from first frame to the end europe is touching asia, which actually supports the leafs argument
theres a land border between asia and africa so europe actually stretches from lisbon to cape town south africa
What do you think how mountains evolve?
According to your claims every part of land seperated through rivers would be different continents. What if the sea level rises and cracks in the top layers of the surface fill with more water? Will we have hundreds of new continents then? No. It just means that the sea level has risen.
As you can see it's just a little piece of Asia in beginning.
if the entire river cuts through the land going from one ocean to the other then yes its a different continent
>As you can see it's just a little piece of Asia in beginning.
>If there is no water border then they are the same continent.
And when the sea level sinks, it's one continent again? This is not how continents work.
What "and"? The gif shows a crack between those two parts as time goes on.
We are all connected together under the ocean.
notice how its only the ""europeans"" (asians) upset that they are now asians
Did the leaf smoke crack or something? He says that Europe Asia and Africa are the same continent because the landmass touches but americas are somehow seperate even though they touch too.
I fucking hate everyone that lives in the new world with a passion.
No, you are just an idiot. Continents are not depending on the sea level.
>"If there is no water border then they are the same continent"
This is really the most brainlet statement I've ever heard. I am shocked. Have you even visited a school? And do you use the internet for porn and shitposting only?
north and south america dont touch because of the panama canal
You cant be fucking serious. Please tell me that youre joking.
I am correct. its a water border so different continent
It's a cultural thing. You're talking about hemispheres. Africa, Asia, Australia and Europe are the Eastern hemisphere. Afro-Eurasia is kind of a super-continent that is divided into three continents for historical/cultural reasons.
Is the Canadian Baffin Island another continent too? And the Victoria Island? And every other Island in the world? According to your claims they must be single continents, because they have coasts and are surrounded by water.
if the island is in the ocean it would be a continent.
Okay, so we actually have several hundreds of continents on this earth according to you. This is something new. Thanks for letting me know. Canadian science at its best.
>and north and south america
the suez canal is only twice as long as the panama canal, despite this literally nobody considers afro-eurasia to be the same continent not just because of the arabian plate or the red sea rift
if you think it's silly that latin america considers itself to be the same continent as north africa that's fine but they're literally doing the same shit as eastern europeans/russians/japanese are doing by claiming the asian continent is the same as the european continent, china, india and pakistan treat them as separate continents
p.s. there was a precursor to the suez canal in 500 fucking bc
p.p.s. the split between north and south america should be somewhere along the mexican-guatemalan border and not arbitrarily at the panamanian-colombian border (or even more arbitrarily at the panama canal), this is better supported both by plate tectonics and botanical separation
wouldn't surprise me if he were chinese
>this is better supported both by plate tectonics and botanical separation
pic related is the botanical continent map, the eurasian separation is still largely cultural/political because the ural mountains make a good separation for everybody that isn't a pedant
Continents are determined by geological and geopolitical factors.
Is this the power of Canadian education?
New World and Old World - Any other division is retarded. Also surprisingly Australia belongs to the Old World.
If sea levels rise mountains will be the new land and the flat land the.ocean floor.
its a subcontinent like india
a glorified peninsula
Connected to a huge continental cliff that has no.connection, if there were no water then continents.would be seperated by huge cliffs going down a long way down.
How is Russia part of the same political entity as the UK when they despise each other?
I live here :)
Based Evropa brother
lol kazakhstan is part of europe
This part of Kazakhstan is russian clay
North America and South America are quite clearly different landmasses. Same with Asia, Africa, and Australia. Europe has no natural boundary with Asia, and should really be considered part of the same continent
Why would we hate each other
the wogs start in calais
Europe is a peninsular subcontinent, just like India
Yes, this is true. But continents exist even if they are under water.
oceans cant be continents....
Whats the difference soon?
Dark skinned indos
How can you be so stubborn idiotic?
What is the ground of the ocean? Just because it's lower ground doesn't mean that it's not part of a continent. Continents are plates. Doesn't matter how much of water there is.
Europe is Russia's biggest penisula.
Eurasia is just a peninsula of Iberia
>Continents are plates.
factually wrong
For the purpose of landmasses Eurasia is the continent, Europe is just a peninsula.
The "attachment" between Eurasia and Africa is small enough to be ignorable.
It's a made up border.
The reason people still pretend Europe is a continent is because a bunch of dumbarse Greeks thought Italy and Anatolia weren't connected to their homeland.
>Just because it's lower ground doesn't mean that it's not part of a continent.
Yes, it does because definitions like "continents" are made for human usage, and humans don't use that submerged ground.
Note the Pacific is also a plate and yet anyone who calls it a continent can be safely disregarded as a retard.
Do you want another proof plates have jack shit to do with this?
Arabia is in its own plate, and yet nobody calls it a continent - people say it's a peninsula. A good chunk of eastern Africa is also its own plate and yet nobody calls it a continent.
how can North America be its own continent if it's attached to Central and South America?
Same deal with Africa and Eurasia: the attachment is small enough to be disregarded.
But if we're going to be really anal on that: "the Americas" and "Afro-Eurasia" are two continents.