Post your political compass test result and your favorite condiment.
>Extra hot sriracha
Post your political compass test result and your favorite condiment
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can’t be bothered
Mayo. Took this one before.
Its short as fuck. Cmon
expected more to the bottom left desu
>dijon mustard
I think the test treats government support as authoritarian
out of the way virgins
The test is not specific enough but okay.
Literal Yas Forums thread
Im an absolute monarchist and Trad Catholic my favorite condiment is Franks Red Hot Sauce (basically cayenne+vinegar).
Political compass tests are always a meme, since obviously an absolute monarchist is far right by definition. I always score left wing though and sometimes not even authoritarian.
olive oil
Anyone more right and more authoritarian than me is a moron
based tankie
Mine over time
Smokey, spicy BBQ sauce.
Who am I supposed to vote for if I hate the Libertarian Party and think it's a dumb meme?
Aceto Balsamico di Modena
voting legitimizes the st*te
I voted for drumpf...
favorite condiment is uhhhh brown mustard?
wtf every other political compass I did shows that I'm more anti-authoritarian. why is this one so different?
Ancap is a conoletely defunct ideology with such serious internal inconsistencies that it is never a part of serious discourse
Sorry if this upsets you to hear but its the truth
>Anything in lower right quadrant of literal meme grid
Fuckin lol
Economic: 6.1
Social: -4.1
Kinda resembles my libertarian values.
I'm not ancap tho
Anything lower right is not necessarily ancap, but at least ancap sympathizing
deli mustard
>serious internal inconsistencies
Go on.
I've always landed somewhere in this quarter when I've done this thing over the years. This test seems pretty clumsy in many ways though
I'm not ancap, I just think we should have minimal government because they're a bunch of old pedos who get nothing done and only operate in the interest of a handful of people.
Mine look like that
How do you feel about democracy?
by the way I'm a cringe reddit bernie socialist who has polysubstance abuse problems
I know why I'm lib but I don't understand why I'm centrist
Yeah no.
Get out commie
this is actually more accurate than the regular political compass
something something ideology *sniff* and so on and so on
Wait, what is this, did I do the old one for no reason
Well for starters you can have capitalism without a state since the state serves to enforce capital
This isnt wrong but its short sighted. There are actual ways to implement a smaller, more local government that doesnt hurt so many people
so you're basically a national socialist?
yeah, this one is the one the german linked
Tomato Ketchup
kinda accurate, the questions are retarded who wtf do homos have to do with conservatism\progressivism ?
Oh yeah I'm retarded, I see it now
Fairly moderate.
a nazi is authoritarian to the max, im just monarchist
>economically right
>israeli flag
>t. Oswald Mosley
dirty filthy centrist
normalfag liberal
*Angry extremist seething*
what does one thing have to do with the other ? i think most israelis are right wing at this point (not as right wing as me but still). you're pointing out that im right wing but our state is pretty leftist right ?
these the the unfortunate results of special interest group parties in israel's politics, if everyone voted based on left\right wing israel would have a right wing government.
The Left-Right spectrum is a meme, but these are fun anyway.
Soy Sauce
The economic right is where the evil (secularized) jews plot. Read Marx.
>Read Marx.
I did and am no longer a lefty tosser.
Why yes I am a Centrist, how did you know?