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/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
Henry Morales
Alexander Ramirez
Kick back
Light the blunt cuz and pass it around
Hudson Scott
the Shapiro family truly spoils us
Jeremiah Rodriguez
Canada is withdrawing from this
Xavier Ross
>muh economic victims
Wtf we should go back to business as usual now and let those poor economic victims die of covid
Jack Diaz
how many times have you guys shit your pants in your adult life? for me, sadly it's more times than i can even recall
Oliver Gray
Ethan Young
im still not entirely convinced covid even exists, it's been months now and the only evidence of it i've encountered personally is propaganda and hysteria
Isaac Nguyen
did you draw this?
Lincoln Cooper
regretting not doing a sleep...
Noah Allen
No confirmed cases in my social circle afaik, but some people I know have been coofing constantly when I call
Lucas Thomas
I've seen videos of the hospitals in Italy.
Brandon Scott
Jayden Clark
Can’t recall a single time it happened
Stop being a sharting loser
I have a friend with the ‘rona and the BF of my sister has (had) a coworker who died from it
Fucking bat chink fuckers
Kevin Nelson
I'm smarter than Ben piroshains
Wyatt Brooks
I think girlbutts are cute
Noah Diaz
the weird part is the impact of the virus itself seems to be sweet fuck all yet they're passing all sort of laws and policies, and taking away everyone's rights
this is a hell of a lot worse than a bunch of people dying from a virus, we're never going to get our rights back after this
Aiden Perry
John Howard
Butts in general can be great
Jason Smith
Better hold your guns real tight!!
Jordan Hughes
Very controversial statement
Eli Hughes
who isn't
Adrian Scott
Christian Jenkins
Yet brave!
Angel Murphy
very nice
Anthony Rivera
Look at Italy and other such places. The crisis hasn’t started yet here. We’ve already got ~12k infected and 150 dead, so it won’t be long until it exponentially snowballs beyond the means of our medical system. Be glad they’re trying to be a little proactive for once
Nathaniel Rivera
90% of deaths in italy were people in hospital because they were already dying, and happened to catch corona before they actually died
Jonathan Gonzalez
Your reaction?
Brody Russell
Stab the footfag to death
Jaxson Johnson
Angel Perez
mom just left the house for a coronavirus test
Parker Bell
nice bulge fag
Christian Lee
>derrrrr nobody's every been hurt by economic downturn
Kayden Clark
Return home, decontaminate, continue self-isolation
Lincoln Baker
Kick into pool
Mason Clark
might get a double big mac today fr this time
Logan King
ate popeyes two days in a row
Nicholas Ramirez
Ian Torres
never had popeyes
doesn't really look that good
Brandon Clark
same also it's in the ghetto neighborhoods
Cameron Parker
buy alcohol
seek help
Robert Gray
last two days were the first two times ive ever had popeyes
pretty good but I might just prefer chick fil a
Angel Butler
Wow that looks time consuming!
Andrew Richardson
rolling for singles
Kevin Jenkins
based singles
Nolan Powell
Looks cool, but a waste of candy. The textures look like they would conflict
Jack Myers
Samuel Rodriguez
chick fil a is too expensive tbqh imo
Bentley Adams
Is it as good as people say? We don't have them here
Mason Reed
I'm beginning to study Español today... brown boi bum here I cum
Jace Fisher
Good luck user
Sebastian Brooks
based retard
Jordan Rivera
its good but overrated imo
Colton Bennett
Trying to get some of that uncut chorizo?
Isaiah Kelly
Ben Shashitmypantsnodiaper
Jayden Ross
i hope fast food places never close
Thomas Peterson
they're already closed here
Logan Moore
looks like 3 storebought cookie cakes. vile
Christopher Cox
not if you drive, loser
Luis Martinez
Christian Ortiz
>modern day
>not using food delivery services to get all your food
Logan Morales
I’ve got a car but I wouldn’t know because I don’t want kitchen retards coofing on my food. I’ve prepared everything I’ve eaten for the past three months myself, to ensure no contamination
Kayden Bailey
>storebought cookie cakes
Do Americans really do this
Grayson Peterson
>go on a nice relaxing ddrive, and get some delicious food at the end
>have an unsavory character, probably wearing sneakers and a baseball cap, come to your home, and touch your food.