
red, white and blue -edish

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thought that was pewds in the op image for a moment

are enaiychess

DO NOT say the n word

China just stopped counting them
their incinerators haven't stopped running 24/7 since it all began

the 'et for today

>2 jam and cream scones
>2 jam doughnuts
>1 bar of dairy milk caramel
>10 tesco white chocolate cookies
>1 large bowl of multi-grain hoops with milk

Feeling quite healthy lads.

yeah I heard of this when it happened
lurk more

I am so fucking depressed.

doing this to my barnet with some beard trimmers, lads, .

Attached: 01176.jpg (620x330, 26.9K)


Got the troops down and had jonathan out and was about to start battering away and what do you know. Flatmate starts shitting and farting through the bathroom wall.

Caralad made sure he was the first poster
Clogwog has to be the one to make the new thread
What's wrong with Dutch turbo autists

post results

I so desperately wish I was a girl
Just take pics and accept cash in exchange

Attached: 8HwMQzQ.jpg (1019x889, 318.85K)

ffs completely forget what I was about to post, what was I about to post??

looking forward to peng-ly and peng-ust

I'm here for you 190, remember, you're based. Don't you EVER forget that, I will fight your corner.

start a fire pit.

Mmm ohh yes!

I am multiple /brit/ personalities.
Multiple gimmicks spread by me and my wicked sense of humour.
My charade will never be broken and you will all continue to dance to the tune of fiddle peasants

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is that what onlyfans is?
image commerce?

I'm 25 but just have 0 wish to get married or kids.

Mental it's begun with old school friends but just can't ever imagine wanting to have to change nappies and do dull school runs in suburban hell than actually just enjoy my life. Maybe the cool wine aunts have it right


>tfw having to rotate supermarkets to buy my daily junk food binge so staff don;t recognize me as coming in every day


It is the only purpose to life really
raising a child to replace you I mean

On annual leave for a week and realised I left my charger plugged in at work with the switch still on.

>giving a fuck

Just have kids and raise them alternatively and hope they don't turn out like shit

Yeah. A fire is nice

You been sleeping on the job?

this but with alcohol

Local is running out of beer! Lock-ins have been popular.

Think I might pack a bag and go innawoods in the morning, supposed to be a good spell of weather coming. Need to get some good grass and a nice single malt.


infuriates me that england doesn't have its own anthem

what if somebody tells them this is the internet?
images are circulated as easy as the air
that whole house of cards will tumble down instantly

Nice frog.

fucking massive track right now

90s died

I remember listening to a podcast from a webcam creator who said most of the traffic is middle aged men in sexless marriages whose wives treat them like shit and they just want a woman to be nice to them

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laughable to suggest we're in a lockdown rn

my apartment overlooks a road with endless traffic and troupes of people on the paths on either side

and I say this as someone who is still working a non-essential job cause I know toilberg payed our shit corrupt govt to turn a blind eye cause we're not 'frontline' but still highly profitable

obese yanks will always be degenerates who need opiates

love is the ultimate mission in life

i go to the shops everyday, they don't give a fuck.

Thats not how electrical circuits work user

I wasn’t around in the 90s

I unironically want to be a house husband desu.

Raising kids seems far more rewarding than toil.

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not really very funny though is it


All women are narcissists

it's low-key findom
images have close to nothing to do with it


Probably the greatest thing Birmingham ever produced

need music for /brit/ browsing

The point is to feel a connection.
Also men are born with the desire to support a woman

Attached: Huck-dominatrix.png (2700x1576, 1.86M)


funny, but genuinely sad
men get quite a bad rap but we keep our mouths shut about it by and large, whereas the smallest inconveniences for women are magnified; and their rebellions against them always praised

>no vaccine
>no treatment
>illness directly proportional to the viral load you've been exposed to
>highly contagious
>practically airborne
remind me again why this couldn't wipe out humanity

feel a big poo coming
might go to the loo soon
will update x

How old are you

Why not just donate sperm instead of having kids

ye the industrial revolution is a bit overrated.

based pakistani christians, one of the most oppressed peoples on earth

if we dont stay inside matt hancock says people are going to start actually dying of this shit

which is preferable?
1.only ever shagging one girl, but being in a committed relationship and getting sex fairly regularly
2. shagging different girls sporadically, every few weeks or so

Lads my mate has temp moved out of his gfs and moved back home. I am genuinely worried that if I were to meet up with him at his place, just the two of us and we started smoking I might actually suck him off.

Really dont want to as I would immediately out myself as closet bi but he has such a cult of personality that if he wanted me to I would and I wouldnt be surprised if being away from his missus he would make me do it just because he could.

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insecure gimps

don't be ugly and these things don't matter

you are forgetting that we don't know if you can get reinfected or not yet

Ain't even turned on my playstation since lockdown. Bugger all games out too.

The industrial revolution doomed humanity

>remind me again why this couldn't wipe out humanity
Because viruses don't destroy their hosts.

id personally prefer 1. but many people want to shag as many girls as possible.


well dunno about wipe out but it's designed to rek us for sure