*girl beats you up* edish
Other urls found in this thread:
trying to remember that quote from hitler where he's being filmed at his villa maybe and he's like "don't film me, I am old" or something
need my bollocks in her grip
me on drugs
ah yes, clogwog hours
think i'll go have a wank
Imagine her pummeling your bollocks.
what you up to tonight lads
home alone?
still howling about mutts who think a few beers is alcoholism.
this is what you get when you refuse to beat a girl up
>dogshite clogwog edition
having a few beers is alcoholism
Perfidious harlot.
having a few beers
>That face
You’re a nonce
Frozen pizza from Aldi and a bottle of tyskie de lads
honestly that was pretty based. she must train mma
Sort of want to get the corona to get it over with.
While on downtown.
Otherwise I'm going to be stuck home when everyone else is enjoying life later in the year.
Have a litre of whiskey and some xanax
at Rewe, anyone want owt?
never turn your back on a soyrish man
>it was literally nothing
12 cans of Kronenbourg
i am who im saying i am and im not anybody else ok theres people hiding me away in this place and harassing my life... that thing up there in the ceiling is a particularly evil thing i want to sort this thing out and end its life for putting me in this situation where its messing me about... i want that thing up there to be killed ok...
Covid isnt a 1 hit deal, it comes back plus you have the 88% reduced fertility and lung damage to deal with
club mate
remember [thing that happened before covid] when we thought the world was legit about to end?
how innocent we were
hol mich ein paar astra ab
They're only coping because everything else has been cancelled.
Lucky bastard. Wish I could get my hands on benzos, feels like everyone only sells coke these days
feel pissed after two 330ml 5% beers
you can't make this shit up
good lad
>copealone nowhere to be seen
Hope one of his tenants stabbed him in the neck
we bring the stars out
we bring the women and the cars and the cards out
lets have a toast, a celebration get the glass out
Have a lump in the back of me mouth and tea suddenly tastes like dishwater, strange
Unnerving set of sentences.
can literally buy it off Instagram
Get us a spezi lad
NHS: don't drink more than 2 beers in a day
/brit/: yeah it's fine if you drink 4 per day every weekend!
you're going to kill that user you know that right?
yank tier tolerance
get on the DNMs
>part of the Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Company
state of it really, Albion is dead
oh no no no
haribo and veggie pasty bitte
Remember that post the Latvian did in /brit/ the other day?
>enter /brit/
>regular posters
>trips everywhere
>everyone knows everyone
Its a fucking chatroom for fucksakes. theres no anonymous conversation, theres no international discussion. its fucking facebook without profiles
I've posted the exact same template in pretty much every general in Yas Forums across the past couple days and successfully got multiple seething replies every time
My best return was 11 replies in the Swedish thread
and we can do this until we pass out
>chubby rascal
>defined the 10s
Need to keep drinking innit.
Maybe in britain
Seems like a lot of effort
Intelligent woman
gf asked me to stop saying based
told her she was being cringe
quite the little troll aren't you
i've drunk entire bottles of vodka in a day when i was a student
don't drink much at all now though
reckon covid would leave me in hospital, assuming there are any spots in the hospital left
>4 per day every weekend
Who drinks 4 and only 4.
decided to abstain from wanking
For me, it's Camille Paglia