
Attached: image.jpg (366x326, 42.55K)

Other urls found in this thread:


الزنا محرم


Attached: ET-7feIWoAYCvoI.jpg (716x1018, 189.5K)

What do you guys do when you are not shitposting here?


Attached: RK-11349285_1107783072583755_2114190139_n.jpg (640x640, 94.19K)

Shitposting elsewhere

Anyone have any shoop requests?

Attached: 224123.jpg (758x817, 169.51K)

Shoop a pic related into the gigachad hands

Attached: image.jpg (474x237, 7.69K)

how are you dirty yahood holding up in jew land?
not looking so good over there

Attached: israelcovid.png (223x179, 9.44K)

how come all your pictures have the same filename

Attached: 5ccd6c5123000033009a58db.jpg (570x338, 26.49K)

I'm using phone

here ya go

Attached: Muhammed Chad.jpg (548x568, 52.61K)

play vidya, read scifi shit

Attached: Jcfullbody.png (360x450, 208.42K)


its great actually, we thought it was bad but then it turns out all the cases are in places like bnei brak so now we're blockading them and turning them into ghettos.overall corona will be a net positive for us by wiping out the unwanted parasitic population.

Thanks shoop bro
I've never played video games before

ya'll faggots got anymore requests? Im bored

Attached: Agas0.jpg (1024x640, 168.4K)

you use photoshop? I also make OCs but easy ones

Attached: miloulebanon.jpg (564x802, 81.48K)

yarp, apparently I have talent for it. Yesturday was my first time using it

i use paint.net

Attached: lebanonpepecrying2.png (829x663, 122.75K)

people like you are what's wrong with this planet

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You can easily find and torrent CS6 user

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here I added tatoo effect

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Good afternoon! All wojakspammers should still be shot on site.

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Good afternoon to you too!

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dumb autocorrect

>my body is not your battle ground
I don't get it, is this referring to women being beaten?

Attached: snifffff.jpg (645x773, 30.49K)

Those snacks are fucking garbage

I'm going to sleep

She is talking about the abort doctor completely ravaging that pussy infertile, like a battleground.

your opinion and existence are what’s garbage here!

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You’re not a proxy you’re that saudi period who says لا تستشرف

the heck are you talking about?

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video games and anime cause homosexuality
install linux now

One Tumblrinas trash is another womans treasure ;)

>two saudi flag femanons complain about men being incels
What a coincidence

I thought about sharing a very detailed Reshiram sketch I finished and posted on my twitter yesterday, since I’m very proud of it, but I consulted three different reverse image searches a moment ago, and they all led to my Twitter.

Nvm then.

I still don’t know what you’re talking about, but you’re being paranoid.

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its extremely telling that in a backwards nation with retards like Sudan, somehow nooba and darfurians stand out in primitive behaviour

fun fact /mena/, a sudanese man
>goes to work at 9:30 if its 8:00AM
>spends 1-1.5hrs eating a plate of foul with his friends
>comes back and tries to leave at 2
and complains about the lack efficiency at the institution and how he's not paid enough! Right now they're lovingly sprawled across the roadside 'drinking tea' and consuming tramadol tablets complaining about passerbys, taunting people even

The schizo is at it again

>its uncomfortable therefore its psychotic!
>you have to irrationally love your shit people just becuz
its weird how merely restating things that are commonly said in the arab world hurts people

why do arabcels have a psychopathic superiority complex towards their own race and religion, but maintain a pathetic inferiority complex towards white incels?

>bases her opinion on the most autistic website
I’m a positive person

because they're masters of cognitive dissonance, arabs never have proper arguments without fights because they can't tolerate criticism which hurts their feelings

>youtube videos
>"arabs need to accept this horrible fact....X is superior because"

>but maintain a pathetic inferiority complex towards white incels
if by wanting to see them suffering a nuclear holocaust is considered inferiority complex then i'm guilty


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>parasitic population
u mean the goy hating ultra orthodox?

probably means Arabs

can you do a gigachad with this face

Attached: 14702-full.jpg (776x582, 112.28K)

theres no palestenians in the city he mentioned
sorry to destroy your dreams

it's just a guess

he's russian so his opinion is irrelevant

cyka blyat pidor

Caption this

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>the vpn saudi still hasn't posted her feet

Attached: images_2.jpg (228x221, 9.62K)

Good afternoon once again! Wojakspammers and fascist incels need to be shot on sight.

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Hi fren. I have a question for you :)

Screenshot this post first.

اريد انيچ

huh? anyways do you come on /mena/ because you're attracted to Middle Eastern men?

>It is related that Abu Hurayra said, "I never sae al-Hasan without my eyes overflowing with tears. That is because the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, went out one day and I found him in the mosque. He took my hand and I went along with him. He did not speak to me until we reached the market of Banu Qaynuqa'. He walked around it and looked. Then he left and I left with him until we reached the mosque. He sat down and wrapped himself in his garment. Then he said, 'Where is the little one? Call the little one to me.' Hasan came running and jumped into his lap. Then he put his hand in his beard. Then the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, opened his mouth and put his tongue in his mouth. Then he said, O Allah, I love him, so love him and the one who loves him!'"

Do you guys follow the Sunnah and put your tongues in the mouths of the young boys you love?