Beer is for soyboys edition
Name a single good rock band in the last 5 years
hot water has been sabotaged
blow it out your ass
hello virgin!
there are only two beers that taste shit and they are stella and carling
alcohol is an acquired taste. you need to drink a good bit of it before you like the taste. if alcohol is so bad for you, why would anyone want to acquire a taste for it?
explain, alcoholics
cat meow because he know in my bed the boobs
Yeah cheers anyway
fosters would like to have a word
one of the blander lagers and thats a good thing. if you can't even drink this you're like a 3 year old
Its a shame bill withers is no longer withers
when youre drinking it since the age of 16 you get used to it quick
not that youd know
pigs pigs pigs pigs pigs
drink your local beer
The British booj are loving this "virus". Provides an alibi for the latest economic crash.
Grave bathers
you actually wait until the legal age before drinking over there? lmao, knew you were a little good boy
it numbs the pain
makes life bearable
it is the ultimate cope
rock is dead but nostalgic marketing campaigns won't let it be
alcohol is bad for your body but in moderation good for your social life or sometimes even your mental health
>you need to drink a good bit of it before you like the taste
I've always liked beer though, the acquired taste thing is only really true for neat spirits and good whisky is worth persevering with to 'get it'
Goldie - Inner city life is arguably the greatest British choon of all time
The 21 minute version makes me want to try psychedelic drugs cause I know it would be a beautiful experience whilst tripping
>The words of the Preacher, the son of David, King in Jerusalem.
ngl used to be a peroni drinker and then i started drinking stella as peroni were available in the local and now I only like stella, cant stand peroni
Got rejected before interview for all three jobs I applied for at the University of Oxford and now I'm feeling sad that I'll never enter the intellectual elite where I surely belong
Royal blood
I'm a Civic National Socialist
fosters isn't THAT bad
would happily guzzle down all these beers
I prefer cider tbqhwy
Fosters is not even in the same galaxy of shit as Stella
Bang average radio friendly rock
definitely one of the best dnb songs of all time. has stood the test of time as well
Imagine the police taking your beer away as a 20 year old man
Ah yes, yanks, with no actual pub culture to speak of. A people who think TGI Fridays is their local pub. Come in here and then start lecturing people on this and that. What’s actually wrong with them lads. No wonder nobody likes them
You know its okay to say retared here, right? You're a retard.
for me, its this
I'm from Buenos Aires and I say KILL EM ALL
Hmmm I wonder why clean blankets feel warmer than ones that haven't been washed for a few weeks
usually go for stella or carling but will treat myself to a peroni in a beer garden in the summer or whatever
just seems more of a summery drink
Timeless is probably the best dnb EP ever, I'd agree there.
Atlantis might top it as the best choon though, still sounds fresh to this day
i know them
they're shit
Nice Smirnoff Ice or WKD to make me feel like a teen again haha
I am curious to know, how are your parentals dealing with the pandemo?
Mine are taking it pretty seriously, spending a lot more time at home; they've got all sorts of at-home projects going now to pass the time.
fuck off whiteboi
you too tranny
For me it's the opposite
since you asked...
Good if it's there tier
>Pilsener Urquell
Decent tier
>Kronenbourg 1664
>San Miguel
No Bollocks solid pint tier
Meh tier
Deano tier
>Birra Moretti
Shit tier
>Coors Light
>Bud light
Meme tier
>Red Stripe
>The U.S. Embassy in Tokyo issued a warning to American citizens Friday that said those with plans to return should do so now or risk being stuck for an “indefinite period.”
Why did they make the exit narrower?
guinness still isn't amazing no matter how much you snivel and seethe
Stella doesn't taste shit, but it's definitely loaded with something. It affects every man I know in ways that no other beer does; presumably that's why it's called wifebeater?
Also how can San Miguel and the Americans' imitation Budweiser not be on this list?
Mars red sky
Is this just a politer version of martial law?
Used to think this but been gravitating more towards Adam F - Colours recently
Remove yourself
Proletarian internationalism
Could happily sup Fosters all night without complaint. Stella gives me a banging headache every time vile stuff.
>Good if it's there tier
>>Pilsener Urquell
we voted brexit Marcin
You’ve never drank a good pint of Guinness. Don’t talk to me, subhuman mongrel
have to be BAME to get a job at oxford these days.
they probably laughed at your cv.
Birra Moretti is actually nice though, at least decent tier.
Red Stripe is good when you're at a rave
>yank vs bong hours
*Yawns over everyone in the thread*
san miguel is vile
red stripe is good
It's a training run for it.
it's a normal beer.. got that reputation back in the day when it was unusually strong compared to competitors.
Only shit thing about it is the meme chalice it's served in, and the price
>becks in decent and meh tier
what did he mean by this?
san miguel is good
budweiser is ok
big fan of red stripe ngl
>tfw the peak is expected to be somewhere between April 6th and April 30th
Place your bets: What’s our peak count going to be?
probably because a good pint of guinness doesn't exist, 5'4 baby boy. go get alcohol poisoning from a sip of your daddy's beer now
>hating on the stella glasses
Peak Boomer
shut up jordan
What would the elites have to gain from permanent martial law that they don't already have?
alri, deano, my son
agree with the general sentiment that czech lager is the best
and for me?
>Only shit thing about it is the meme chalice it's served in
nonsense mate, stella in a proper stella pub is amazing although you're right it can be steep
I dare you to make a blind test between, let's say: Beck's, Carlsberg and Heineken, and I guarantee you won't notice a difference.
interesting fact: belgian beers are strong cause they're meant to be drank something similar to wine but theres little or no vineyards that far north in what was france (or french culturally anyway) back in the day
red stripe is literally shit, but got a rep as the trendy rave beer and blew up. It's since lost that rep desu
Seriously rate Chase and Status's Original Nuttah 25
Most of their stuff since More Than A Lot came out has been wank but that is a fucking banger
Take Me Away is still one of the best dnb tracks ever too
1.4m sissy whitebois
You’re just an innocent boy it seems. Clever chap. Fuck off back to /cum/ you foreign wog
Turns out it’s not very good
Nah it's because of wine swilling pedo monks.
hilarious how authoritarian states like britain and america are handling this virus terribly where as the only true democracy in the world, the People's Republic of China, has practically eliminated in no time
let in as many immigrants as they want
I wonder how many people will start buying corona beer at pubs now just so they can say "I have Corona LOL"? They will probably be making a killing desu.
it's true xDDDD
Ignored this post in the last thread so I'll respond now and hope it's nipped in the bud lad
They already do that.
Do wonder if that ever plays a role desu, but that's probably just a cope on my part. They do have a "Diversity and Inclusion" part of the application mind (which they say is completely separate to any decisions about hiring). Refuse to answer the questions about religion or sexuality, but did admit that I'm a white male
>hilarious how authoritarian states like britain and america are handling this virus terribly where as the only true democracy in the world, the People's Republic of China, has practically eliminated in no time
alri' Winston, for me I'll stick with
>no based corona that gave us universal neetdom
worst lagers I recall having were Freiberg and some shit called Ludger's Gold they sold exclusively in a small local chain for about a year or something. basically an even shittier Dutch Gold if you can imagine
Brought a 4pack of Red Stripe to a house party once and no one drank it. I had to drink them all myself.
cannot drink from cans, just cant do it
I haven't been on facebook since 2010 but I imagine it is something like that.
would never in my life do anything a 5'4 baby boy told me to, soz
Already discussed this with the lads lads lads. First night out after the lock-down ends everyone has to be on coronas all night
for every dire unfunny joker there are 100 people not buying it bc it's associated with the disease
did you not see those pics of empty beer isles except for stacks of corona?
i was doing this during those few weeks before the shut down while it was all kicking off in china
doing a think
Neighbours were loudly playing "My Sharona" yesterday. Could be related?
hello dad
We now have stay at home orders (except for shit like grocery stores where everyone gets infected in the first place)
This country deserves this
Please red pill me on the lockdown
>4pack to a house part
can he get more boring?
600 people died in New York yesterday
i know its more efficient and cheaper overall to drink spirits but you just cant beat drinking a tasty cold beer.
not the heckin jewerinos
I actually got invited to house parties. Do you even have a friend?
>always get it up for the touch of the younger kind
I am so fucking depressed.
It won’t actually go on for that long but the damage is already done as far as the economy is concerned, which will increase reliance on big business.
love a good pint of john smiths
back when I was in uni you could get 3 660ml bottles for a fiver
Don’t care lads. Honestly wouldn’t care if America blew up tomorrow. Not bothered. This isn’t /cum/
Never seen so many people on the streets on the way home from essential worker toil
fullers beers mogg other widely available stuff. ESB is nectar of the gods.
it's to keep us indoors while they lay down 5G cables which give off a strong electromagnetic field which alters DNA and scrambles brain cells
China is socialist, unlike Britain and the United States.
that's not the case at all
Don’t have a local alcohol bar I hang at, have a local coffee bar I hang out at
Miss it dearly
seethe on, we run this general
11.000 people died in uk this week
Last year 11.000 people died in the UK
What does this mean?
oh snappity snap. ill do a listen later today.
You still can
i am fat and ugly
ok thanks for your input
cheer up lid
There are different kinds of drunk
Choosing your drink for efficiency is a terrible terrible choice
me too , sublte taste, nice and cold, smooth as you like and weak af. Could happily sink ten of them right fuckkin naaaaaaa
Just finished listening to this beauty
>tasty cold beer
No such thing as "tasty" beer
LOVE how the 5g and coronavirus conspiracies are gaining traction
hello literal child
Shut the fuck up and go back to /eire/ you brickie mickey retard or are you currently in your bi weekly pro-UK mode
You couldn’t run a bath, dosser
>There are different kinds of drunk
And the spastic pipes up
Gonna go do something else lads x
Sneaky little kike
*does a nazi salute towards you*
>are you currently in your bi weekly pro-UK mode
Kid has amazing taste
haven't seen a dutch post in a while
burn your local 5G mast
Just finished an ice-cold bottle of Timmy Taylor's Landlord and now I'm onto the rum
Now I'm going to have a browse of the Wiki page on Tower Houses in the UK and Ireland and then wank over Miss Scotland's instagram snaps
It's been a good day, lads
i only drink steele reserve. cheap as hell and gets me drunky
This would leave you wanting more
hes at the mosque
shaggers can't be depressed
not the 5g mimo antennarinos
I’m British. Therefore I’m well entitled to post here and unlike you and your countrymen I don’t have to larp to fit in. Coooor giz a lads or a peng Cody
lmao look at this absolute manchild
have a mans drink or an ironic VK or Hooch.
That’s the only choice you have
Now fuck off
want to get a 5g phone in june but if mongs keep destroying them it'll be pointless
corr love a bit of hooch. especially on the last day of a festival.
Historic years of the 21st century:
>ice cold English ale
cody on the ropes
cant have a new phone until may 2021 dont give a fuck
like my beer heated up in the microwave
Oh yeah you’re british now? Real ulster man aren’t you? Gonna be going on about crimes of Brits and pipe bombs next week?
so you sunk not threatening french boats that were under vichy command since a couple of days, but flew at the sight of the german soldiers ? i find difficult to understand why you're such coward and proud of it ?
Is there anything better than Red Wine and Pasta on a warm Sunday night, while the sun is setting
chuckled at this
apaz 5g is a meme anyway, only has any effect if you're in LOS of a 5g tower.... move more than 500m away and it's barely different to 4g
higher frequency waves don't have the legs
>responding to fake mikey
first anniversary of 9/11
Don't you dance in gay clubs on a weekday, taking any illicit substance you can then post about it on an image board.
Absolute cringe.
when you're not larping.
Ulster? Never been in my life. I was born in England.
>red wine
Hello gay fag
you're a moron if you think 5G is causing coronavirus
Just the sniffles bro
2001 - the great false flag
2003 - iraq invasion based on false pretenses
2008 - recession
2011- ?
2016 - the populist fight back
2020 - the great nothingburger panic
Oh right
Understood every word of this post
Arab Spring, Occupy Wall Street, London riots, Bin Laden assassination, beginning of Syrian Civil War, death of Gaddafi
>Red Wine
Mers el Kebir do it again Churchill
ahhhh last day of festivals are such a weird feeling
2011 end of the world dimwit
2001 - year I lost my virginity
no person would ever respond like that. if you don't like beer you don't like beer, don't have to be an ass and annoy everybody with it.
japanese earthquake and poonami
Utter philistine
Want to know what drugs I’ve done while partaking in British culture?
big fan of hentai sluts
why use a nigger for a gay image
Aren't you a virgin?
the yank posters are particularly terrible today
if you dont like beer just drink vodka, Its what i did but now i drink both
2011- Skyrim released
imagine replying to mikey as if he were a real person and not a larp
2003 - Yas Forums
can't believe zog killed my boy gaddafi
still fuming tbqh
Never said I was English. I’ll never be English. I am British though
Have a cry and drink some red wine over it gayboy
one of the all-time great covers
>censoring a dildo
Not a willard is is it
In these trying times only the wisdom of S club 7 can lift our spirits and guide us through the darkness
where's homealone
either you got molested or are a literal grandad
Nothing better.
Killed himself after they announced the rent freeze
don’t answer my question with a question
Ought to be deleted from human history