Are they white?

Are they white?

Attached: map_africa_eastern.gif (430x366, 25.74K)

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are arabs whitE? stop playing brother you know the truth. i understand where you're coming from bro but look at the picture
yes they are Caucasoid but they aren't European

Yas Forums: south europeans are not white
Yas Forums: east africans are not black

I know a somali guy who literally looks like a white man painted black. Horners are not black

Only Ethiopians count as white



Ethiopians, Eritreans and Somalis are mulattos
But now they aren't white

Mulattos are White + Black
Horners are MENA + Nilotic

>Ethiopians count as white
what ? what the fuck?
So everything from srilanka to Iceland is white

>So everything from srilanka to Iceland is white
Well pretty much, yeah

well shit im white now i guess....
Never associated with anything white but ok ..

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Honestly, being white is mostly about the mentality.
Sure, raycist will seeth, but if you are mentally white, we recognize that and threat you accordingly.
But being in Australia, you already know this, unless you just jumped off the boat.

Africa has four races.
- Semites (Arabs and Berbers)
- Horners at the Horn of Africa
- Khoi-San in the south
- And the rest are Bantus (True blacks)

i dont want to associate with whites
fucking gross germ kys

Attached: lil uzi displeased.jpg (400x400, 16.11K)

>if you are mentally white, we recognize that and threat you accordingly.
w-what type of threat?

what are Yoruba like Giannis then ?

Attached: giannis.jpg (534x376, 32.87K)

racemixed bantu

They are very similar to the Igbo. And the Igbo problem needs a solution.

Sorry, didn’t know I was replying to a retard

And yeah, they are based Bantus, colonizers of Africa.

>probably no one except Yas Forumsfags will deny that
what the fuck am i reading ??? how the fuck are mena considered white anywhere at all? Even he most normiest of normies dont think this.
Im so fucking confused by this thread did i just get teleported to a dimension where white is very different from what i knew

No, unfortunately.

Why are igbo a problem? I thought they were smarter and more educated than other africans?

the formal term would be Caucasoid but yeah

>probably no one except Yas Forumsfags will deny that
Do Poles really consider Arabs white? Everyone else does not

>Are they white?

Attached: rwanda-national-team.jpg (2400x1600, 472.06K)

Arab is just a linguistic group moreso than phenotype. I’ve seen black arabs, and I’ve seen blonde, blue-eyed arabs. They are almost as diverse as americans.

What’s the point of playing retarded? Is it supposed to be funny

no one uses that meme term and identity
Everyone identifies euro as white and every one else as different separate people

>pic related

Attached: 20_Somalia_r_w.jpg (1024x576, 567.53K)

no they are asian (indian)

Igbos > Yoruba

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Arabs, Europeans, Ethiopians, Indians, etc are white
East Asians and oceanics are not


Arab consider themselves an ethnic group and that’s what they are. I really don’t care if there are some random dark as fuck Arab or some lily white Arabs. I don’t consider them white and neither do the vast majority of people.

You are too young to remember it, but before the US fucked up the middle east, Arabs were close to being considered whites.
Being Arab had no negative connotations at all. It was just like being Armenian or something.
No normal person would have bet an eyelid at somebody being Arab. Now the ethnicity is considered to be one of the worse.

what are the differences between igbo and Yoruba?
Yoruba seem somewhat lighter and bigger from what i have seen but i could be wrong

>ooga boogas better than booga oogas

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>Arabs were close to being considered whites.
No, they weren’t. What’s wrong with you?

>Are they white
No, Europeans are just African albinos.

Attached: Ethiopian Albino.jpg (960x1440, 133.5K)

Remember that Whites say shit like this to erode the local identities and pan African aspirations of the people. "Whiteness" is insidious neoimperialism designed to introduce doubt about ones race

so this is white ?
if your answer is yes no one other than autistic fags here will think so

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There's no such thing as "proper" blacks, that's like saying only Germanics are proper whites.

So if a child from two anglo-saxon parents is adopted in Jordan by arabs, and grows up speaking arabic and becomes a muslim, he’s no longer white?

They were. It is even documented in literature how the perception of Arabs transformed massively in the span of a few years.

they were. somebody post than french racial group indicator that put arab with european as white and finn as yellow

Didn't all of them have a lot of trade with India and Persia?

Attached: Indian albino family.jpg (1200x800, 375.74K)

He'd be Arab because he speaks Arab and knows only Arab culture.
Whether you consider him also white is up to you, but Arabs would consider him Arab.

Did you think you were being smart by typing this? Cause it doesn’t have any effect on what I said


Look at this abino indian and tell me he's not white lol
He looks like an Anglo
>Mena are also white/Caucasoid and probably no one except Yas Forumsfags will deny that
>how the fuck are mena considered white anywhere at all
Mena are literally considered white everywhere outside of this autism bubble lol
everybody does
You're retarded

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no they weren't retard
lebs are very close to euros and they are considered a different people ever since they arrived here
dont how tf its like in Germany, cant believe this is coming from the people that made autistic phenotype charts to distinguish themselves from jews

The purpose of my question was to show that there’s technically no racial component to being an arab

Oh so you’re just in denial then

No, they are not white

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He wouldn’t be Arab. Do you think Rachel Dolezal or Ariana Grande are Black?
I really don’t give a shit about autistic 19th/20th race conceptions that no one besides incels in anthropology forums use. Go back to theApricity

They've had close ties since before people started recording history

holy shit, he does, that's whack

Do Swedes and other Germpoids like Swiss and Germans think Arabs are white as a cope for the fact that they get cucked by them or something? I guess it’s nice to delude yourself with the idea that you’re still 100% white, at least lmao

We agree then.

Spare me your ignorance. White Arabs are quite common in the middle east. Arabs are not all swarthy. Some are proper white. I've seen Arabs so white, you cannot tell them apart from a German, blond hair and everything. They are still Arabs though.

this is true
dont know if you fags have gone outside lately but normies do not consider arabs white. And they themselves do not associate with being white or close to euros. Go outside because being stuck inside is clearly giving you some kinda of false view on how the world works

I’m sure you have, German incel. Are you one of the retards that screech about Levantines being white? Lol

Australia is different. In the US and Europe, Arabs were at that point an insignificant minority so they had no negative connotation.

>According to Yas Forums these guys are white in Europe

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They are tall enough to be honorary white, desu.