Why do they dislike the Germans so much?
Why do they dislike the Germans so much?
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They do?
austrians are just tsundere, swiss hate is actually very real in my experience
fuck switzerland
How would you know? We hate the germans because they're rude as fuck and act like annoying robots
>saying "no" when you actually mean "no" is rude
You're just doormats.
Saying "give me this" instead of "could I please have this - thanks" is rude. Just one of the reasons why no one likes you
annektiert uns doch einfach bitte
fik di
Why not?
der kunde ist könig du hurensohn, solange wir euch bezahlen können wir euch schluchtenscheißer behandeln wie wir wollen.
I hate Bomber Harris because he didn't nuke Berlin
because Krauts move to their countries and steal their jobs
because they are too much of cowards to say anything about Albanians Serbs and other subhumans
So fucking what? Just cause the customer is king doesn't mean you're allowed to throw all your manners over board. Fucking behave yourselves you disgusting uncivilised monkies
bcos of the niggers
>Saying "give me this" instead of "could I please have this - thanks" is rude.
Do you forget that this is the same case everywhere?
Literally every other ethnicity manages to say could you, please and thank you - except for you people
>Literally every other ethnicity manages to say could you, please and thank you - except for you people
It's real in your mind
ww2-induced self-hatred desu, same as the other germans
>every other ethnicity
well, that would include you
since Austrians are by all means ethnic Germans
Austrians to pretend they dindu nuffin in WW2 and Swiss to feel special about themselvbes.
There is no deeper reason behind it.
swiss companies has hired germans for years here in germany, offered them twice or even three times the payment in germany if they move to switzerland.
Because they are Germans.
>they are Germans
Austrian really are but they always pretend they are not just because they are special snowflakes
It's a friendly rivalry.
I'm convinced Yugoslavs dislike each other far more.
lol no
based as fuck
virgin austrian asks politely for something, the chad germanbot DEMANDS it
Do you think that Germany and Austria will ever reunite?
es ist so frustrierend
Absolutely fucking not. We'd turn Austria into a nuclear wasteland before that happened
I love misunderstanding G*rmans with this attitude.
>"Ich kriege XY"
>"Ah gut, Sie sind schon bedient."
Until they're in the U.S. then they act like best buddies.
>leider nichts wirksames
why would anyone like Germans?
beats me
Sure my man
>Köllen führte die Online-Befragung 2015 auch mit in der Schweiz lebenden Deutschen durch: „Der Wohlfühlfaktor war geringer als in Österreich, vor allem bei Deutschen, die noch nicht lang in der Schweiz lebten.“ Überraschend war, dass Deutsche, je länger sie in der Schweiz leben, ein immer positiveres Gefühl entwickeln, während in Österreich immer negativere Emotionen aufkommen, je länger man da ist.
Köllen also conducted the 2015 online survey with Germans living in Switzerland: "The feel-good factor was lower than in Austria, especially among Germans who had not lived in Switzerland for long." Surprisingly, the longer Germans live in Switzerland, the more positive they feel, while in Austria, the longer they are there, the more negative emotions arise.
It's fun to bash them since they are pretty weird and autistic, but at least in my environment most of the people don't actually hate them. In the end everyone here has at least one good acquaintance or a relative from germany.
I think Tyrolians are an exception, they actually hate germans to the guts. If you add the Swiss to the picture, the full on hate on germans seems to be more widespread in the Western-Alpine region. Probably because of the tourists.
>bragging about being bigger cunts than the swiss
It's an achievement, isn't it?
Yeah, but not a good one.
It's lovely to live rent-free inside these faggots' heads.
And who doesn't?
It's alright, we're just cunts to you. Other ethnicities we're nice to
Why do you hate yourselves?
imagine thinking you're part of the austrian ethnicity lol
Austrians are fags. They trade us Mozart for Hitler, so now we can't trust them.
curious mutt here, who speaks the worst form of deutsch?
swiss by far
Without a doubt: The Swiss
I'm seeing a pattern here.
Who speaks the worst Portuguese?
Rio de Janeiro.