Sad cat edition
/balt/ + /ausnz/
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I probably drink too much
Last few weeks I just drink and sleep
don't be sad, cat, /balt/ is here for you
I wish I didn't exist
maladec kad priduodi tara
I wish Narva had never been destroyed
Would Lithuanians be fine with these Polish borders in 1918 and wouldn't turn their back on us?
Me too
We wouldn't be fine with these borders.
We would be just as hostile towards us as we were back then
>why would they turn their back on us ? we only stabbed them once
You should drink some water, it's healthy
why do you bait us poland? we just want to be friends
Why? I don't know if it was you but one of you guys said that you were angry because Poland took Lithuanian-majority Trakai, so in that map Trakai remains in Lithuania
What is this thing called ''water''?
btw, Poland would support Lithuania to get as much land in East Prussia as possible.
Latgalian girls look Finnic
Vilnius is our capital, and it's written in our constitution
Memes aside, there can never be peace if Lithuanians do not have Vilnius. City mean much more to us than to anyone else.
It's like other liquids but filtered
cringe polish dreams of imperialism
victim for centuries, the first minute you're free you betray everyone around you
Latgalian girls look Finnic
ewwww, I dislike filters
I don't get where there is 'betrayal', Poland never promised anything to Lithuania.
We had to choose either to 'betray' Lithuanians or hundreds of thousands of Poles who lived in Vilnius. Why do you blame us we chose the latter?
>and it's written in our constitution
Not really an argument, you could ever write about Tokyo there.
>City mean much more to us than to anyone else.
I don't think it's true. I'm of course fine with Vilnius in Lithuania now, this city has a Lithuanian majority and after 80 years in Lithuania it obviously absorbed much of Lithuanian culture but in 1918 it was a different story.
Also, Pilsudski offered you Vilnius if you agreed to recreate the PLC but Lithuanians rejected it, I wonder why.
Todėl, kad baigiasi raide L.
too small and irrelevant
we're the European Federation now, from Lisbon to Vladivostok (soon)
because PLC would have have been poland with a different name, lithuanians - second class citizens once again
Sweden is pure liberal cancer.
Don't know about Norge and Denmark.
>recreate the PLC but Lithuanians rejected it,
You have to understand, that Lithuanian nationalism was very young back then, and our people back then didn't want to be polonised again.
Also, Vilnius isn't Polish or Lithuanian, but rather jewish.
And jews back then did showed preference that Vilnius would be Lithuanian
Bāzēts, they don't think it be like it is but it do
If Sweden was based it probably be great.
But Sweden is anti-based
So around where is our southern border there?
'tis was me, but perhaps you took it a bit too seriously.
Also us Lithos are not alone :) We would need to ask Litvaks
>"We the Jews of Švėkšna congratulate the leader of the nation, the president of Lithuania, and his honorable envoy, wishing that your second visit to us would come from Vilnius"
after last nights thread I too became a Lithuanian-Litvak supremacist
>lithuanians - second class citizens once again
They never were 'second class', Lithuanian peasants had the same situation like Polish peasants and Lithuanian nobles - like Polish nobles. There was no ethnic discrimination in PLC, just class-based (just like in many other countries that time).
Never heard of that. They'd rather keep it Russian afaik, because Russian culture was their main one and Russia was their biggest market.
>So around where is our southern border there?
black dotted line
friday night drinking ourselves to sleep edition
>>"We the Jews of Švėkšna congratulate the leader of the nation, the president of Lithuania, and his honorable envoy, wishing that your second visit to us would come from Vilnius"
Jews just tried to be loyal to every nation that seemed to be dominant in the place they lived. In Poland they praised Piłsudski.
>Never heard of that. They'd rather keep it Russian afaik, because Russian culture was their main one and Russia was their biggest market.
You do realize that Litvaks are basically Lithuanians with different religion? They were entirely different from German, Russian or even Polish jews.
And Vilnius was Litvak city more or less.
Because it means giving him all the power. Lithos wanted their own meritocracy and not be subject to self-proclaimed szlahta of Poland taking over.
I'm not sure what's worse - immigrant policy or feminists in government.
Do not trust the Slavs. Especially DON'T TRUST TO POLES.
We had a Litvak literally last evening on here, give us a lecture on how different are Lithuanian and Russian Jews and when they differentiated. Different people.
A lesson everyone should learn.
Jõvā pǟva!
My dude... that's such a cringe bait attempt.
Jews are jews. Do not trust them.
Polsks are going even harder, with the new
Let's see if this works out, yo :)
Found the -owski.
>You do realize that Litvaks are basically Lithuanians with different religion? They were entirely different from German, Russian or even Polish jews.
Litvaks were the Jews expelled from all over Russian who settled down in the western provinces of the Russian Empire, within the Pale of Settlement (including Vilnius).
Most of them spoke only Russian and Yiddish, some of them Polish and rarely spoke Lithuanian (maybe those who settled down in small Samogitian towns).
Lithuanians and Litvaks share 89 percent genetical similarity.
friendship ended with latvia
now litvaks are our brothers
Those 11 percent are the evil jew ones.
Very depressing Latvian song desu
I want to be Šmulik's friend
m8, my father is Litvak.
Trust me, Litvaks consider ourself Lithuanians. Also, most of them spoke Lithuanian/ yiddish, nowadays Lithuanian/hebrew.
Russian jews aren't litvaks, in fact, litvaks hate them.
By the way, modern Lithuanian jewish community is 10 percent litvak, 90 percent russian jews
Daily reminder that in 1920 there were more Poles in Gdańsk than Lithuanians in Vilnius but for some reason no one denies Germanness of Gdańsk that time.
Really like your zīmējumi
if they're Lithuanians, why is their name "Litvak" clearly of Slavic origin according to the rules of Slavic word formation?
hey litvak user, could you start posting with this added ? just for convenience
>no one denies
You bet I do. I deny the Germness of Gdanskas all the time.
Whoever drew that map - Cheesus, that's hard to look at. The north-south positions of cities are incredibly off.
This man knew what Liths and others wanted :) :
Nibba, it's yiddish
Etymology is
>Yiddish, from Polish Litwak ‘Lithuanian’.
With what?
I mean, the deal Poland offered to Lithuania after the Spa Conference looked attractive, and I wouldn't be surprised if Lithos had agreed.
But they didn't trust Poland anymore at that point. Due to Zeligowski's mutiny and then the stunt were Poland invited LTU leaders to a diplomatic meeting for peace and pushing deeper into south LTU with their military while it was happening.
Soviet Rus (unfortunately) just based on recent history seemed like the way more trustworthy option.
Imagine entering a sad cat edition without posting your own sad cats. Such lack of class and so much disrespect for OPs divine taste. I'm crying right now.
don't cry bro
Rīgā ir kaut kādi normāli naktsklubi vispāŗ palikuši? Man draugs teica ONE ONE un kaut kas vel cits itkā ir, ķip Piens veljoprojām kaut kā dzīvs. Bet ejot caur mājalapām, soc mēdijiem un RA vienkārši bēdīgi drūmi izskatās.
Varbūt laukos džeki vel reivus taisa.
Bāzēts. Sounds really similar to that Finnish song that was popular as a meme
it hurts