Entire generations of normies have convinced themselves this is good to drink just because other normies said so
Entire generations of normies have convinced themselves this is good to drink just because other normies said so
Other urls found in this thread:
for me it's gin and tonic
>drank heavily every single weekend of college for four years
>week after graduating I stopped
>no cravings at all, 3,4,5,6 month gaps between drinks
>to this day I rarely drink even though there’s alc in my house
>my housemates are all alcoholics now
Who here /superiorgenetics/?
I love beer
>that Chilean faggot obsessed with beer
It's not like somebody is forcing him to drink beer, what makes someone this obsessed?
Shut up and drink the llama wine.
>implying I don't drink alone 100% of the time
Because others said so
nobody thinks drinking is good, people just do it because they find it fun
poor Yas Forumscel
It is good to drink unless you're drinking anything but Belgian or German beer
>craving for something that tastes like rotten piss
Your housemates are subhumans
I hate normalfags and everything they do and is popular among them
mead and sweet white wines are the only things I drink for the taste, everything else is strictly to get drunk
A lot of stuff you eat and drink is acquired taste, beer is no exception. hell all alcoholic beverages are acquired taste.
And it's not even limited to humans.
My friend had a dog who liked beer.
>child-palated dork is also a social outcast
Color me surprised.
good taste
beer with limo/soda/sodie pop/bubble blish/sugary bugary/bing bing wahoo is actually pretty good though (not that i every drink it because alcohol is actual poison)
unironically drinking some shitty whiskey right now waiting for the shitty beers I bought to cool down (they don't sell cold beers here)
Realistically most alcohol tastes like shit with a few exceptions. The taste isn't why people drink it.
>they don't sell cold beers here
Manchildren seethe at people who can like things that aren't drenched in sugar. Another example is Starbuck milkshake drinkers seething at people who like black coffee.
Oh look another contrarian wow such a unique and thoughtful specimen
i actually like the taste of alcohol itself
it adds a nice new dimension to drinks and desserts
you sound very resentful
Seethe cope dilate
that's because our beer isn't literal sewage water.
>Manchildren seethe at people who can like things that aren't drenched in sugar.
That's not even the weirdest thing.. I've met people in my life who would never drink water.
It always had to be some kind of beverage, be it sweet or not. But not plain water. They said they don't like the "taste". And there I was, drinking water everyday for years thinking water has no taste and if it does - there's something wrong with it.
Like I wish I could see them 50 years into the future with all sorts of health problems.
t. child
These are the bullshit excuses they give:
>Cold beer promotes consumption because you can drink it right away
>If we're going to cool them we have to cool them all, because we can't promote specific brands
Source from a representative (in Swedish) because it's not even a joke: sverigesradio.se
pic related is the only thing I can say about it
Drinking makes me tired, and in general is just meh. I still drink at least one a week.
It's a habit that is hard to break.
If you drink rarely it is easy to not drink, because drinking itself isn't that pleasurable. Our minds trick us into thinking it is pleasurable because there is a release of opioids when we take our first sip of the night, it's that initial release we crave.
Caffeine, ethanol, sugar, etc are all bad for you and should be limited/avoided. Just because they aren't as bad as injecting heroin in your body doesn't mean it's good for you.
You are from Chile. I doubt you have ever had a good beer. No offense.
>caffeine is bad for you
Depends on the amount and the person. Coffee has been associated with several health benefits.
unironically reasonable
imagine not having the self-awareness that liking "normie-activities" like drinking beer is a socially institutionalised phenomenon.
In the EXACT SAME WAY hating normies and activities as "drinking beer" and their associations is only a result of being surrounded by counter-culture boards and communities as some Yas Forums boards and ur incel communities.
Your hatred for drinking beer is just as superficial as the normalfags's love for beer, user. You are not special. You are not smarter than them. You do not see through the meaninglessness of society. You are simply in a defined subset of culture that is a result of being rejected from mainstream culture since a young age.
Kill yourself. Beer is good.
Ocasional beer or wine at dinner, like once a week. Sometimes more than once a week, sometimes several weeks go by without. I like beer because it's refreshing, it's a good complement for meat dishes, and I think it's better for you than unnaturally sugary sof drinks.
Moderation is key.
>buy a pack
>take one out, put the rest in the freezer
>drink the first one warm while the others get cold
where's the problem
I have a better idea:
>have cold beer in the store
>>drink the first one warm
And the problem is that is another dumb regulation
This, people who bang on about stuff like that are very dull
I got drunk once and felt worse than normal, getting drunk too is a gargantuan meme perpetuated by retarded normies.
Like I'm going to eat literal excrement day after day until I find it good, I guess this could be an example of "acquired taste" also, right?
All caffeine does is raise your body's alertness temporarily through mimicking chemicals that spur a response. Over time your body acclimates to the increased presence of those chemicals and when caffeine is not ingested your body senses a relative lacking resulting in impairment.
There are no health benefits besides a temporarily more active body to aid in perhaps weight loss. But so does getting sick intentionally to induce a fever.
How wide spread is Kalimotxo in latin countries? Also what is the best wine for it?
That's why i only drink the sole superior product on the market
Honestly many incels and other social retards that browse these boards are drunkards too, so your logic is dumb
I'm not that big into the 'normieworld' myself but it's so ridiculous seeing people on Yas Forums taking pride in their social isolation and mocking normies for being "dumb sheep".
It's ridiculous cause they can't see the irony of parroting the same argument they've read on pol and r9k over 5 million times.
Their thought-process and actions are just as much a result of societal experiences as the normies' actions and thoughts are.
Coffee has been associated with lower all-cause mortality though. Also I've never had withdrawal symptoms from coffee.
Got to make yourself feel superior about something in your life I suppose, and if you get your information about the world from Yas Forums you probably don't have much to go from
First you talked about drinking piss and now about eating shit. So not only you're an incel but you have a scat fetish.
You do you, I'll rather be a normie having a beer.
Based but I also drink wine and beer.
I love beer and football. I realize that society has has molded me to like those things. But it does so for everything, what kind of anime I watch, what vidya I play, what books I like, all is affected by other people and their opinions. Even baser things like fucking is molded by others, like what kind of fetishes I have developed. We give and get meaning of things through social interactions and pressures. Nothing bad about it, it's just the way things are when we are social animals. You aren't any special if you don't like beer, you just have had different influences making you say that way.
I'm 99,9% sure OP is a lardass. People with a kid's palate and people who get triggered at people who drink alcohol are almost without exception sugar-addicted fatties.
but I turn coffee into code!!!
Lager is majority shite, only light lagers are drinkable, prefer a good dark ale or stout myself
I only drink for the taste, my tolerance is too high to properly get drunk so the only side effect I get for not moderating myself is an annoying headache the following morning.
I liked the taste of beer the first time I got a sip from my dad when I was 7 or something. In restaurants I'd go around asking other people if I could have a sip of their beer
Well it literally doesn't matter because Systembolaget closes at 6 pm (3 pm saturdays) and thats not the time to drink beer
same, interestingly I don't like it very much now, too bitter to my taste
I put those as examples because alcohol is almost on the same level, the shittiest tasting thing ever discovered by humanity.
Yeah, because to get laid is mandatory to be a drunk retard first
eating excrement is definetly a anti-normie thing to do so you should start doing it right now
>kid's palate
Is this a new meme?