/Top 10/

Welcome: Italy, Spain, USA, France, China, Iran, UK, Netherlands, Belgium and Germany
Not welcome: the rest of the world

Attached: Top10.jpg (423x261, 59.74K)

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Jesus US what are you doing

>only 53975 deaths
pretty low
it was just a flu after all

Is this anti-china race or pro-china race?

Yo, come on, that's a fucking man-killing virus out there, can we just coop for a while ffs? We can still bitch about each others after the virus gone

10 to 14% of all coronavirus deaths happen daily.
Meaning if you have 50,000 deaths one day, next day you will have 55,000 deaths, next day you will have 60,500 deaths, next day 66,550 etc. If this continues for a month you will have 1 million deaths.

Attached: percentage of all deaths daily .jpg (1080x1653, 262.42K)

Were we too cocky, coronabros?

Attached: 1547176153417.jpg (1280x720, 241.49K)

Dumb dumb

S-spain, slow down

>implying china or germany are being honest
lmao just lmao

>about 500k deaths due to flu every year worldwide after infecting a literal billion people
>meanwhile covid has been out for only a few months and has been aggressively constrained by most governments
not comparable at all, but wellp I guess all those epidemiologists and virologists and health authorities out there are just either brainlets or conspirators

Sweden will be here soon.


684 more COVID-19 deaths in UK - bringing total to 3,605

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Top 10 should rename to /bbc/ (big boys club)

Instead of total civilization collapse we get another recession, shieeezz.

why would we lie about the numbers and what would be wrong about them? we test so many people, even ones with barely any symptoms are caught, whereas in other places only those who are getting fucked by corona are getting tested

Was he right all along?

Attached: http___com.ft.imagepublish.upp-prod-us.s3.amazonaws.jpg (700x394, 43.7K)

Germany skimps on a lot of deaths that wouldn't have happened without Kung flu but weren't directly caused by it unlike say Italy

that's wrong

Dont know who that is

Germany (especially East Germany) has stronger BCG protection than other first world nations. They did quit but only recently.

>why would we lie about the numbers
You are the European economic powerhouse. Markets would freak the fuck out (even more) if you were as bad as us or Italy, for example.

>french deathrate
eh... frogs you guys ok?


But it's not anywhere near as bad, we are taking French, Italian, Dutch patients. If it were as bad as people pretend it is we wouldn't be able to do that. Also, we have the highest amount of ICU beds and we are even doubling that number to 50k. The UK is at barely 4k lol

It's... literally you who's coping lol

There might be a bad mutation in South Europe that causes very high death rate

Nah we have a LOT of old people living in geriatric residences and most of them are private and didn't want to be fucked over (or shut down) by a few dead boomers so they concealed their cases as long as they could. The result is a lot infections among old people all of the sudden which colapsed our ICUs almost instantly. The average age of those deads in Spain is like 75 or something

I don't think you are as bad as us indeed, but I think you are way worse than your government says.

Taking french, Italian and Dutch patients could be a tactic in the same way the US was giving us sanitary material just a few days ago and now they say they don't have enough for themselves. It's just propaganda.

BTW other countries are also probably lying.

Every time people try to save money at the cost of lives...they lose both.

>BTW other countries are also probably lying.
No country is showing 100% of the true amount of cases. However, Germany might be the closest to it due to the excessive testing

UK isn’t peaking until mid-April apparently.

They are going to lose a lot indeed, our government has literal, unironical communist now and those private residences probably won't stay private for much longer. Same goes for private healthcare, we're putting up field hospitals while hundreds of private owned ICUs are empty.

Being based wouldn’t expect a e*ruopoor to understand, only my greatest allies can be based and dare I say redpilled

truly the number one, how can we even compete

Belgium is #5 in Death per capita. 5th to two irrelevant micronation nobody ever heard of (Andorra and San Marino, who gives a fuck)...and also Spain and Italy.

What are YOU doing? Shooting every coofer you see?

We're unironically already planning protests against how the gov handled the pandemic once the lockdown is lifted

America first!

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France has long tradition of beheading, you should practice it more often.

Where can I see the daily increases in deaths and cases by country?

We're not testing much, mostly people that are already in a bad condition. That might explain why.

>believing in nip government number


it's mostly accurate I guess

they aren't testing much, so they just don't know. same with boland btw

There's still a guillotine or two disassembled in a prison in Paris

Is America doomed? This looks bad

Attached: usausa.png (697x350, 14.46K)

I sure would like to go for public execution if it was not myself being executed of course :^)

Attached: Last_execution_by_guillotine_in_France_1939.jpg (1600x1169, 205.85K)

Stfu retard, wanna lose another world war? Because only speak when spoken to

crashing this plane

why is everyone dying but me
someone cough on me please

gotta go FAST

Attached: usausausa.png (857x513, 24.55K)

This was not the last execution by guillotine. Last one in France was in 1977, not in public though.

Fun fact, one of the reason why they stopped public decapitation is because young women would dip their hankerchief in the blood because they believed it would increase fertility

They weren't testing, because they wanted the Olympics to happen this year.
We're too poor to test, but Japan has a lot of money.

hope as many mutts die as possible

The Netherlands probably has 1600 extra deaths give or take.

Changed file name.
>This one simple trick will let you have more babies
People never change.

We stopped hanging in the 60s. Stopped them in public long before that though

Just wait for it, we are getting there.
So far many younger people (

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>684 deaths today
we're coming for the belt, baby!

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We are doomed but not because "dur big number". We are a big country. Think of USA like an EU that actually has a semi-functioning federal government

We are doomed because no BCG history (similar to Italy) and high obesity rate (similar to Mexico).

theyre doing what they should have done 200 years ago