rise of the empire edition
Nothing wrong with that.
Neither of those things. I think it sucks, and it's not fair, but it's just your time to go after you hit about 70. You're weak, you're shit, you're dying, you're a burden on everyone, you even physically just look like a rotting piece of turd. It's not fair, but you need to just move on.
why dont you watch football
even tarquin likes football
*votes in a new one*
phew that was easy
Luncheon was half a pic. and some nice dressing on spinach and tomatoes
Need state enforced bondage gear NOW
just have no interest in watching a man kick a ball
B blood type gives immunity to viruses
lunch break over. back to toil everyone
Why didn't Anakin just kill the Emperor, or at the very least just leave, after Padme died anyways? Clearly all his work was for nothing since she died anyways.
poo slags
I feel like this says A LOT about society.
>You're weak, you're shit, you're dying, you're a burden on everyone, you even physically just look like a rotting piece of turd.
this is projection
t. psychologist
cig, beer and some peanuts
Got Type B blood and can click this virus fine? whats your point
How is it projection when I'm not elderly? I'm 22 user
complete pseudoscience
Eskimos show what the society will look like after resources become scarce. Elderly get killed, cuckoldry is acceptable, and you learn 47 ways to say snow.
can't grasp the immensity of otto ranks penetrating insights into the human condition
too deep down the rabbit hole of the dark side
i dont think thats right
>Chinese study
I have never had a cold I will be fine
well i think it's because you're weak, you're shit, you're dying, you're a burden on everyone, you even physically just look like a rotting piece of turd even at the age of 22
imma stop yall right there
yall need to back up behind the yellow line
ima finished being PC about all dis
cuz yall been ignoring the warnings
I agree. Being old is a hell and the only improvement would be death
the French don't even collect data about ethnic demographics in their censuses because #OneRaceTheHumanRace
very silly country
Just had a look and its not on mine.
can't wait for the bootlickers to justify are nannypolicestate
you're deranged
Change my mind.
Only virgins get colds
france is literally about 45% non-white
even the "white areas" are ramo with nogs, it's america tier
projection of your own fears allowing you to make sweeping statements you know arent true
nah it's because france is kiked
even if I am all those things, it doesn't invalidate my argument at all.
>on your birth certificate
is this a newer thing?, just checked and its not on mine
It is indeed a pseudoscience.
we're putting together a team
>the French don't even collect data about ethnic demographics in their censuses because #OneRaceTheHumanRace
Yet France is 1000x more racist than the UK. Ask anyone familiar with France. The lack of recognition of ethnicity and religion in France means that a lot of hate crimes are hard to record or just not recorded at all.
didnt realise you could live long enough to become old in brazil
When was the law for this put in place? As far as I'm aware it was for immigrants from nearby countries (Italy, Germany etc), doubt they set it up thinking that one day Ubumbu would be considered as french as them.
is he wearing a gay pride badge?
>Why yes, I am AB+, the universial recipient. How could you tell?
Your mum should know your blood type
If she doesnt
She's either a neglectful mother or just a brainlet
your incel mind is warped beyond repair
>Dr. Foster, I'm Ministry of Health and Social Care
>France has not counted individuals by race or ethnicity since at least 1978, when a law was passed that prevented individuals from being enumerated by these categories without their consent or a state committee waiver.
dunno why exactly
nah its the NHS logo with the rainbow thing
not gay afaik
dont care about skin colour, me. petty thing to think about really, got more important things to do
Brush your teeth, Nigel
if you have anything but A type blood then you're not white
simple as
I vant to suck your blood bleh
phoned up mum asking what my blood type is and the dopey cow responded "red"
>modern nu-white cucks doing hate crimes in 2020
>Yes, I am O-, the universal donor. No, I don't intend on ever donating, how could you tell?
the cold war was mad
Who /sweat pledge/ in these troubled times?
your sister can suck something else of mine
Some girl flexed that she was a universal donor to me once.
backside of your ID
just look at them
The fact I know plenty of 70+ people that are more fit and healthy than the average man invalidates it immediately
The fun thing about sweeping statements is anecdote invalidates them
swear my blood type changed
your blood type is probably B (ent)
This just means that your state has very weak institutions.
Rome had it too and all of their dictators willingly gave up their power when the emergency ended
Aw love a good palpatine reference
> #OneRaceTheHumanRace
>Get CV in for a potential job interview
>Mohamud Ngubi
>into le trash it goes
hon hon hon
old meme
we're not talking about skin colour we're talking about race
>>modern nu-white cucks doing hate crimes in 2020
They almost elected Le Pen and FN in 2002.
not on my birth certificate, shant be clapping tonight
>your ID
Very grim Hans
We ask 18-year-olds to make huge decisions about their career and financial future, when a month ago they had to ask to go to the bathroom.
i was born in '49, a cold war kid in mccarthy times
stop em at the 38th parallel, blast those yellow reds to hell
cold war kids were hard to kill, under their desk in an air raid drill
french people were never white to begin with
>answers "don't care" because like fuck would i ever speak to them anyway
What is the worst country in the UK?
What is the worst county in England?
just went for a drive (for work purposes). bloody lovely driving on empty roads. wish it was always like that
Mental, thanks for sharing
Free Palestine
lol well yeah if his parents named in jean none of these would happen.
cope more oldoid
any HIV blood type univeral donor man in
want to know your blood type?
I can tell you how to find out using one simple trick
sucks getting paid when theres nothing to spend it on
when i was in ukraine they literally had neo nazi militia recruiting in the streets and no one gave a fuck. doubt france is more racist than them
I hate white people.
Any lads ever been to Glastonbury? Fuck me, it's a mad place. All the people there look weird and seem to believe in weird magic shit. It's like an /x/phile's paradise. Weird place.
you're talking about blacks and arabs who are you kidding you little sheltered freak
Passed your post on to the local bobbies
Some place in Lundun probably
northern ireland and merseyside
Everyone you meet always asks if you have a career, are married, or own a house as if life was some kind of grocery list. But no one ever asks you if you are happy
im an essential worker :)
the modern fn are cucks
all men are trash
Are you proud to be British or English or not proud to be either?
kek im younger than he is
don't get this reference as I have never seen SoyWars
what's that then
the answer is no, regardless
Is it just me or is lockdown time going by crazy fast?
this man is having an identity crisis
yeah its a shame because the buildings are very nice but the town is filled with smelly incompetent tarot-reading rotters
They're called neopagans lad, been around stonehenge and small Devon villages since the 50s
yes Princess
cope cope
any motorcycle man in?
rorke doesnt like the conservative party
who's got that paki londoner webm
Any updates on our Corona numbers, or do they not come until later?
go donate blood and they'll tell you
prefer not to say
alright, change my post from 70+ to 90+ i don't care. at some point in your life, you're going to be decrepit as fuck. At that point, hanging on too long is pathetic. Yes it's a sweeping statement, because we've never seen a human that was immune to aging
Remember back in the days, when niggaz had waves
Gazelle shades, and corn braids
Pitchin pennies, honies had the high top jellies
Shootin skelly, motherfuckers was all friendly
Loungin at the barbeques, drinkin brews
with the neighborhood crews, hangin on the avenues
Turn your pagers, to nineteen ninety three
Niggaz is gettin smoked G, believe me
bit suspicious of abdul on the left if i'm honest
okay hue monkey
Any railway signaller man in
welcome to NEET life lad
weeks go by in what feels like days
you don't understand stop replying to me
Proud of both, but I'm English first and British second.
The Inclosure act and its consequences have been a disaster for the British Isles.
whats your ride
used to be proud to be both but then i was exposed to /brit/ and realised i share a country with these runts
got a honda ruckus if that counts
countries i've lived in you didnt ask?
Just the opposite for me. It’s been less than 2 weeks, but it feels like 2 months. Holy fuck, at least start relaxing some measures.
On a case by case basis I agree but it's the sign of a child to say 'I don't want to live past X age' and assign arbitrary limits
It's the limited view of life that children have
>when i was in ukraine they literally had neo nazi militia recruiting in the streets and no one gave a fuck
They're called the Azov battalion. Ukrainian anti-Russian nationalism includes all sorts ranging from Neo-Nazis to neo-liberal pro EU Ukrainians.
thoughts on death?
god forbid you have indian neighbours and they have a wedding party. you won't sleep for days.
my auntie moved house because of this haha.
lungs feel funny
Finally got my Luxardo Maraschino Cherry Liquer in my basket. Don't know what else to consoom though.
a certainty
been down the local hospital giving free blowies to all the cleaners. not gay, just thankful for what they do. simple as.
im somersetian not english or british
Countries I have lived and worked in in
>They're called neopagans lad, been around stonehenge and small Devon villages since the 50s
West country in the best part of the UK tbqh. It's real England.
got itchy teeth
you're just like the yanks, completely obsessed by muh races.
who then
i know, but they had a board of pictures up where it showed them doing roman salutes and holding swastikas. can't imagine that in france
Sure I agree with that. Don't really care about the age number as everyone ages differently, more just focusing on the fact that it's pathetic to hang on too long.
organ harvester?
>im somersetian not english or british
a random list of countries for you lads:
hope you enjoyed it x
reckon there's about two races in this world
no I don't wish to eventually be presented as a box of pink sludge the police scraped off the tarmac to my mother
the white one and its slaves
im master race Dumnonii, not pig-tier Engl*sh
theres three. humans, blacks and abos
A list without Tajikistan is no list at all
the human race and the rat race
saw him a few weeks ago
What is the most pointless subject in school?
off to buy two bottles of vodka to day drink at 13:28 on friday
why you ask? hey.. its party time
unironically the best post in this thread
he looks a shagger here.
Wanna go to a hippie place in America. Fancy a shag desu.
Yeah that I can get behind
The coronavirus has proved a great boon to the world’s authoritarians. From the imposition of border closures to the utilization of mass digital surveillance, moves that may have once been classed as dangerous expansions of state power are now being lauded as necessary steps in the global effort to curb a pandemic. Extraordinary times, it has been collectively agreed, call for extraordinary measures
Never ridden a bike in my life just wondered if anyone was in. Wouldn't mind learning. Do you ride?
Looks pretty cool