Sweden yes
Do people start balding in their 20s in your cunt?
at 19 here
i have known some people who do, man wtf how is that possible?
Only wh*Tes
I had a bald spot at 16 but i don't really care. I just cut it down to 1mm
Diffuse thinning NW2 at 27yo. Why shouldn't I end my life?
started gliding down the norwood scale around 17
hormonal issues
please dr koray erdogan can you save me
Despite what american posters say, I literally never see anyone balding in their 20s. If what they say it's really true, then it must be a nuyorican thing.
Only if you are willing to take finasteride. In which case it would be retarded to even let it get that far.
Yeah, heavy balding at 23. I am using toppik now.
Turkey: Yes and no
>my fren got bald around 22yr
yes, seriously
It's a huge problem.
I'm balding.
Girls 3-4 years younger than me are 5-10 cm taller than me.
It is over.
look at this guy from reddit
oof man...it's possible with fin and minox but extremely unlikely... and that hairstyle is a catastrophe
Already on dutasteride here for almost a year. Im 23 now. It sucks having to deal with this, but at least the dutasteride works really well.
My dad is 55+, 0 thinning and hairline completely intact. I would feel fucking embarrassed sitting next to him on any event if I were bald at this age.
Of course not
>18, the age of peak physical strenght, masculinity and form
Endocrine disruptors and jerking off too much.
What's the difference between jerking off and having sex each day?
He's just coping. MPB isn't caused by masturbating.
It's used as a common reason but I always wonder when I see it being used what's the difference between masturbating and sex for balding?
It's a meme. It's al genetics
Epigenetics probably. There must be a reason people bald so much earlier in modern societies and especially during the last 20 years.
Before industrialization baldness was virtually non existant in Japan nowadays they are the most bald Asians.
We've been robbed let's go back to the stone age civilization is not worth it.
Clearly all the stress from work.
Side note I used to think that ye olde hairstyles like pic related was Japanese baldies memeing others into becoming bald too.
>Before industrialization baldness was virtually non existant in Japan
We don't actually know this though, you're just basing that on a few pictures and videos you've seen. It's not an accurate judgement.
The only thing we actually know regarding MPB is that it's caused by DHT and DHT sensitivity.
It's actually silly how there's no cure for balding yet
What makes you think balding is more prevalent among younger men now than it was at earlier points in history?
imagine being bald lmao
you never see a young man who looks extremely healthy rapidly bald
No. Arabs and sometimes afghanis as well
>What makes you think balding is more prevalent among younger men now than it was at earlier points in history?
>We don't actually know this though, you're just basing that on a few pictures and videos you've seen. It's not an accurate judgement.
>The only thing we actually know regarding MPB is that it's caused by DHT and DHT sensitivity.
>It's actually silly how there's no cure for balding yet
There are actually studies in China that showed a significant increase within the last twenty years. And a lot of anecdotal evidence, even my dermatologist noticed it.
>Side note I used to think that ye olde hairstyles like pic related was Japanese baldies memeing others into becoming bald too.
I thought so too but apparently it was just to make wearing a helmet easier.
imagine balding LMAO
my dad has almost a full head of hair at the age of 60 and my mom's brothers are all in their 50s with hardly any hair loss occurring. sucks to be you baldy losers
Only söyboys start balding that early. Normally after 35 or 40 years old I guess.
Damn I thought I was bad
only slav(e)s
How do you even get dutasteride?
By going to a dermatologist, duh
The biggest baldies in the whole world are the Slavs with the most Germanic genes. My ancestry...sigh...
I made it to 27 without balding so far. Not bad considering my maternal grandfather was bald as fuck by my age. I only have one friend who has been completely cucked by genes and is clean shaven
What studies? How did they compile the data? Did they apply the same rigurosity in each generation?
I don't buy the stress of modern life as an explanation though. Preindustrial life was far more stressful then today by any definition but I suppose maybe it's something that was just taken as the normal, I mean when you have high chance of losing a child during birth anything else in your life doesn't seem as bad comparitivly. I think it's clear that it's mostly genetics but there does seem to be another factor that's at play too given the rise of balding in countries like China and Japan.
I was on finasteride first but it didn't work at all. I even started to see my hair go more rapidly after being 8 months in.
I went back to the dermatologists but she said I didn't have any other options. After that I went to a regular doc and asked her specifically to describe me duta after I explained my situation. The doc was a new one and I guess she had never prescribed it before because she was even googling about it when I was there kek. But after that google search she perscribed it without much trouble. I take one every 3 days.
But I thought dutasteride was never actually authorized to treat balding? I’ve been on fin for almost a year but I’m still losing some and I’d like to try it
It's been a while but I am gonna look it up for you...just wait a sec..
Sigh I am wasting so much time in internet discussions...
>I don't buy the stress of modern life as an explanation though. Preindustrial life was far more stressful then today by any definition but I suppose maybe it's something that was just taken as the normal, I mean when you have high chance of losing a child during birth anything else in your life doesn't seem as bad comparitivly. I think it's clear that it's mostly genetics but there does seem to be another factor that's at play too given the rise of balding in countries like China and Japan.
I never said it was only stress. Probably multi-causality...stress in combination with chemicals in our food and pollution who knows...nobody knows.
And it works so far?
rare but I've seen it happen
>Preindustrial life was far more stressful then today by any definition
preindustrial life also had way less environmental toxins, which are a stress of their own
Yes, it's amazing. Initially I really didn't have any hope since finasteride did jackshit for me. But I really noticed a difference. Especially when shampooing my hair, there are way fewer hairs in my hands or on my pillow in the morning.
I also do minox and take those biotin supplements (with vit B and zinc). That helps too but it's mostly due to the duta
Just found an article about it but not the original paper even though I read it.
25 and am fully bald by choice. Starting balding when I was like 15 so I shaved it off at 23. Take the plunge boys. It looks like shit if you comb it over, trust me.
>Preindustrial life was far more stressful then today by any definition
It really wasn't. A farmer would only work 6 months a year. There was no job insecurity and usually no time pressure. People would usualy do some form of craftsmanship which is much more relaxing than slaving away in some sort of buereau cubicle and staring at a screen all day to meet your quotas.
Like many drugs some doctors prescribe it off-label
>bald by choice
>started balding by 15
user, I...
Well in the sense that I totally shaved my head. Before I was doing the comb over with a receding hairline but it wasn't completely terrible but the thinning crown got to me.
>There are actually studies in China that showed a significant increase within the last twenty years
I'm not saying that's it's impossible that outside factors can have an effect on MPB, but right now we don't actually have any research that proves it.
From what I've heard it's way easier to get dutasteride in EU than in USA. Maybe same applies to Canada
>bald men live in an era when their biggest flaw has been fixed using science.
lucky buggers.
my beard is crap tho
Long hair and moonface is not a great combo buddy.
I think my hairline is already receding
usa, yes. I started at like 17. 30 now. Shaved my whole head last year after attempting to hide it for so long. Feels good man. Chicks think I'm hot too so that helps.