>noooooooo you can't just close the mosquereno Nooo where would the Muslims pray noooo stop Muslims are immune to this virus noo open them please
Noooooooo you can't just close the mosquereno Nooo where would the Muslims pray noooo stop Muslims are immune to this...
Other urls found in this thread:
>wear hijab women
you really think youre so tough for bashing muslims online you dumbass?
he isn't tough, that's why he does it online anonymously.
Why so butthurt abdulah? Did someone eat bacon in your face?
Literally exact same thing happened in my locality today. They forced their way into the mosque to pray and the police have sealed them all in and said they provide food and water but won't let them outside for 14 days/ until all of them are tested. My cousin is stuck in the mosque kek
>you really think youre so tough for bashing muslims online you dumbass?
Based. Al though I prefer if he shot them.
He is right
What’s the point of whining about islam here? Do it with other arab atheists
Oh and I'd like to add that if people here saw a cope beating an old man, they would probably shove that stick up his ass. Why do you allow yourself to be treated this way?
lmao get shit on goat fucker
>Grrrrrrr this 5000 year old rock offends me
I made a soyjack thread not an extensive article about it.
Because most people know that these idiots won't understand if you talk to them nicely. They did that in the initial days but people would come out in droves so they have to resort to these things. If it was any other time people would have revolted but given the situation they are supporting the police.
La ilah
>you really think youre so tough for bashing muslims online you dumbass?
>people mad that Islam exist
Holy based. Islam is so based for angering these baby incels.
>>people mad that Islam exist
>Holy based. Islam is so based for angering these baby incels.
Based Indian police
Muhammad was gay
What's up Rachid, cat got your mosque?
wasn't he lolicon?
No he was a pedo
He pretended to be a pedo to cover his gayness
No he was a goat fucker
Muslims don't have those dots on their forehead.
based Hindu state
He fucked everything in his path actually, females, males, kids, trees, animals, rocks, shields, armors and insects.
You have no reason to be a muslim, have a beer with me
Lmao these shit are literally mentioned in the kh'ran. They are supposed to be a good thing because "look at me I pray a lot :)" while in reality it's just a fungus from being dirty animals.
الموت للصلاعمة
الموت لليهود
الموت للمتحولين جنسيا
الموت للجانيز
الموت للزنوج
What? That's bullshit.
user are you autistic?
I'm a former Muslim dude.
They literally get it tattood/painted on sometimes to show how pious they are. Are you even Muslim?
Since you’re indian your ancestors are former Hindus so by default you’re Hindu. So that Singaporean Tamil nigger’s point still stands.
No. Alcohol is haram and it can cloud your judgement.
Oh you are stupid. Nevermind. Continue with you shitposting.
Also you’re a chink you can’t process it Malaysian gook
Who says I'm talking about your faith bro
It's a pandemic yet people still do retarded shit that compromises everyone's healthy
The cops enforcing their ban is essential to the public
Ignore him he got bullied out of /asean/
No one complained as far as i know you’re making it up
Kill yourself faggot.
Everyone is former something.
You're lying
>looks at flag
but that's what you do for living
what made this Jordanian so edgy?
>muh edge
This is Facebook you stupid retard.
>prayer bump
>mentioned in the kh'ran
As I said before. You are stupid.
he does it online because irl his dad would kick him out of his house and he'd be beat up every day on the street by a chad bus driver. trust me, i know this clown, he's the very definition of an arab loser.
Sharia police have successfully traced your IP.
He is gay so probably persecuted by muslim
>says the refugee
He's shitposting for fun. I remember him admitting to be a nutcase and would occasionally play both sides to get a reaction.
someone's projecting
And what are you doing here again? Is it because your mother would be gangbanged by ISIS literally 24-7?
I'm not gay.
You should know that there are over 5 Jordanians on this site.
Oh, so you're a different one from the guy that admit he was just shitposting both sides?
Nobody shitposts for both sides. There is one Jordanian who is a salsfi dog, the rest aren't Muslim.
>complete lack of tolerance
yup another mohamed
>noooooo not my goat fuckerinos
Gebaseerd. Do you get a lot of aggression from family / colleagues / neighbors?
>provide them food and water
did you miss the joke?
I'm Murtad AMA
>acting Tough®
Why did you do it? For me, it was because I wanted to fuck my sister which is haram in Islam. Deep down I know that Islam is right though, I just want to live whatever I want.
Its strange that you'd take a side in it, it isn't even a worldview of you mongolids
>All these kuffar seething
Dilate lmao
Fuck off larper.
That's not haram in Islam.
>you really think youre so tough for bashing muslims online you dumbass?
these are hard times son
can't bash one irl cuz muh lockdown
1492 best year of my life
why are muslims so fragile that they can't even take sojak posts, the lowest effort bant?