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Incels are a social class that hasn't existed on a mass scale for a long time. Now they've emerged in a world of assault rifles. This is not a phase, this is not an internet meme. Comprehend it as a sociological phenomenon and you might stop sounding so stupid.

Might give rentberg a call and see if he will do me a deal on the rent this month, much chance or na?

are you allowed to meet a mate for a wank in the park if you stay 2m apart and dont exchange fluids?


If three

excuse me but we are NOT on page 8 yet
please respect the rules

what's interesting is that the broad class of "sexless man" transcends western culture. it exists on large scales in china, japan, india, russia

beto (if he's alive) and emmett are kindred spirits

Incels have always existed don’t know where mongs on here got the idea that everyone was married in the past

called rentlord at 3am once. lights werent working

turns out the bulb needed fixing lol

if you can't afford to pay least you can do is give your reasons/try to compromise
if you can pay and just dont want to then you're a dickhead

Libya huh? And where exactly in the British isles is Libya located?

>if you can pay and just dont want to then you're a dickhead
and how many houses do you own

it is, young healthy people don't generally die

inb4 some VF links an article to some anomalous 30yo without underlying health conditions dying

>if you can pay and just dont want to then you're a dickhead
get a load of this bootlicker

>if you can pay and just dont want to then you're a dickhead
kek this is me

more than there are fingers on the human hand

I was going to ask if he would knock 20% off seeing as I’m only on 80% of my wage now, I would say that sounds fair?

Do you feel stupid about it?

Business idea: edit the "you should be able to solve this" anime blackboard image so that it reads a bunch of incel terrorism headlines then post it to a bunch of feminist groups to generate salt

we all know copealone is a parasitical worm, but can we not let that debate dominate /brit/ today

i wouldnt pay homealone either. fuck him.

why is it landlords expect the return on their investment to be fixed irrespective of what the market it is doing
they're the only type of investors who think like this

corrr giz us a house to live in Diego? I can help you get a gf

if homealone was my landlord id pay him double no questions asked
hes just that based

no it was hilarious i said it was an emergency too.

Libya be kidding me

Hello mini russia

he'll find a way to divert the conversation to him. he'll make a comment which makes him seem like a cunt like he always does to get people to attack him.
just like all the other personalities here, he thrives on attention because he gets none in reality. even if it is negative attention which is just fucking weird. imagine having an ego that damaged.

I never ever ever watch Netflix SHITE but this Tiger King thing is getting SO much attention I'm awfully tempted.
Would you chaps recommend or what?

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easy fix, to speak Italian just add "o", "i" or "a"" to the end of every words and you should be ok, worked just fine for me

Rorke thinks he can just have a referendum on staying inside as an option to tackle coronavirus.

Spoiler: he can't

you can get corona virus while being one of the young and healthy carers/janitors/nurses etc
some young people will need icu or hospitalisation which is further strain
a fucking 13 year old kid died now i dontr doubt there were health conditions but still no one shud be dying at 13 from a corona virus. we still dunno shit about it really still swimming in open water.
if by knock off you mean defer then i think it will probably be agreed
how am i a parasite
you're a filfthy thief
>why is it landlords expect the return on their investment to be fixed irrespective of what the market it is doing
we don't?
if you pay the rent
nah i charge fair market rent you pay that nothing more nothing less
>he'll find a way to divert the conversation to him
your'e already doing that for me

bopping around the mandem

nah apparently its shite

It’s getting attention from bored femnoids, for that reason I’m going to assume it’s shit

I like oysters well enough, but really really like scallops and mussels. Particularly scallops. I think they're all the same kind of creature just different.

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if i know a poster is a virgin i just dont read his/her posts

anyone want to move in with me?
one of my housemates is moving back in with his parents

>Tiger King
what is it? just got mentioned on the twitch stream im watching

Is it ethical to own property and then rent it to others? Consider deontological and utilitarian perspectives.


its alright, goes on for far too long though

Rorke thinking he can just go outside when he wants and ignore the police

Just want to be furloughed so I can play games all day

markets down the pan, economy is wrecked and there's going to be a huge recession so drop the rent, spence

The last thing that got hyped up was that dumb fucking don't mess with cats shite and that was an absolute load of bollocks so I'm probably going to give this new one a miss.

well this guy is like a "big cat conservationist" but apparently the tigers aren't even the focus of the whole thing. The guy has two husbands and is a degenerate in 10,000 ways - there's this bigamist in West Virginia that's almost as weird. There are muder threat accusations and it's just classic american white trash.

It's like so crazy you think it's scripted but unlike every single other reality shit on Netflix it's apparently bona fide.

life is unfair and absolutely grim for most people and there isnt even a hope of improvement for them.

the only nice parts of life really are things like walking in a field, sleep or a warm meal.

you read mine?

People are getting pissed off with the quarantine in Italy already, reckon there will be a lot of unrest if this is still going on in summer

I'm just looking for love
On a street called hate

no they arent
be quiet

housing market is stagnating it's nto going down (if anything proably go up due to supply and demand) as very few transactions taking place

for me, its wanking in a field

im looking to purchase my first property this year. good time to do it? will prices fall a bit?

seen some massive black lads at Woolworths

>want to buy a house to stop sustaining rentberg
>have to move every couple of years for my career
such is life

>housing market is stagnating it's nto going down (if anything proably go up due to supply and demand) as very few transactions taking place

Was always convinced your a LARPER but suggesting the housing market will increase during the biggest period of mass unemployment in modern history, synchronised across all states in the world, at a time whena quick google search shows Airbnbs in London are being flogged at cut price just so someboy goes into them suggests you know fuck all and are talking bollocks.


never met a black person with an australian accent.

Who cares

no one knows depends how long this lasts
at the moment i dont think it's had any effect as i said the market has just lost most of its buyers and sellers. if this goes on longer and longer and we hit full recession then it's likely that will cause house prices to go down. i fully recomend exploring investment oppertunities during market downturns liek thsi but you have to be able to weather it if it doesn't go up immediately

they killed them all

To say that it's OK to rent out property is to say that it's OK for everyone to rent out property.

Not everyone agrees that it's OK to rent out property so deontologically, being a landlord isn't ethical.

However, renting allows those who can't afford a home of their own a place to live. The argument against it as a utilitarian ethos becomes harder to define.

must be hard being a landlord knowing that at least 90% of the people you've ever met hate your guts

I once met a black aussie called Bruce Bogan Boyabembe

probably be more renters than mortgagers going forward.

given that jobs and businesses are jeopardy

me and rentberg after the revolution

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just like being a gamer

you are literally told to stay at home
evictions have been banned
no one is selling
why do you think airbnb (short term holiday lets) going down means that house prices are going down (except possibly those being used only as short term holiday lets)
your understanding of what is going on is very poor
dont think that's true

No Idea what you are talking about mate

homealone knows he could reduce rent, even in times of economic prosperity, and still make a nice profit and continue his lavish life. but he doesnt. he masks this by parroting 'fair market price' like all avaricious parasites do.

i think joining a momastery is my best option

wouldn't care. besides, no landlords = no places to rent

i've agreed to accept 80% rent if you have only 80% pay

be a grim existence i reckon

Quintessentially British

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just like being an australian

wow thats so christian of you, well done.

kill all the landlords and rent from the government at subsidised rates like in the soviet union
not that hard to wrap your head around

if diego is as hideous as he claims, he is 100% deserving of his looks

what is the solution to a life of grimness?

So you think that whilst everybody is unemployed and the economy is up the shitter lots of people are going to be looking to move houses do you when half the people can't be sure their job is safe?

The Airbnb point is in reference to the fact that heavily mortgaged properties, even in desirable locations like zone 1 are now being flogged as people have built up networks of airbnbs and now can't afford the mortgage payments so are whacking 10-20% off already.

i think joining a memestery is my best option

first day of volunteer supermarket toil this morning then into town to pick up my PPE so i can help the nurses in ICU. I live to toil.

finding islam

As in let them off the hook or defer it?

Nothing took the argument that landlords are "parasites" seriously. They're providing a service that you are using.

Not saying that there aren't any legitimate arguments against landlords but that one never rang true for me.

i think you know what youve bought into though.

whereas with real life you get the illusion that things arent grim if you could only just earn a bit more or get a better placd

>legitimate arguments against landlords
name 1

Surely part of the reason people can’t afford to buy is because so many people buy property as an investment and to rent it out? In that case wouldn’t it be self-fulfilling logic, that landlords are providing a useful service by making it more and more unavoidable? If property weren’t used as a way to make money it would be significantly cheaper and most people would easily be able to afford it. At best, as it stands the nicest thing that can be said about property investors is that they are simply fulfilling the ordinary functions of private actors within a capitalist economy, the one that is apparently bringing us so much wealth.

the service is needed. greedy landlords prioritising maximising profits like homealone isnt needed.

>volunteer supermarket toil

Why would you do this to yourself?

Just found out that the sister of the famous Pankhurst suffragette moved to Australia and started the Communist Party and an Australian independence movement.


>Prime Minister Scott Morrison has told visitor visa holders and international students the time has come to return to their home countries as the coronavirus pandemic continues.
Read unis are struggling to cope with the loss of international students already.
This is it lads, we're taking the country back. Imagine a USyd not packed with chinks. The dream.

It's well good chap, one of the better things Netflix has done

>Nothing took the argument that landlords are "parasites" seriously
not until coronavirus revealed their true form

reckon the navy would be a better bet than a monastery, you get a routine but you also get to see the world a bit and get paid

>volunteer supermarket toil

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Just did a poo and then tried to push it back in again

what is the christian thing to do
lol you've got it backwards
you think a pretty person ends up like me? of course not you can't be a 34 (nearly 35) year old kissless dateless virgin
>So you think that whilst everybody is unemployed and the economy is up the shitter lots of people are going to be looking to move houses do you when half the people can't be sure their job is safe?
you know there are more people than there are houses the people who currently own the property are in the strong position not those without. and even less supply when no one can or wants to sell due to current crisis.
as i said i agree that if this causes a significant recession you will see a decrease but to assume it's already happened because of your air bnb lets is stupid
defer ofc they arne't getting only 80% of the property

*prices family out of home*
*rents it out to them at a profit*

We have a lot of Eastern Euros in my area who don't mind sharing 6 to a room. This drives prices up in ghettoeswue areas where the rent should be half of what they're charging.

how am i maximising profits?

lips have been dry and chapping the last few days and the side of my mouth bled out at some point over the night all over my pillow. grim 2bh. might need to get some vaseline but hate the taste and feel of that shit my lips

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Would it really harm you so much to miss out on 20% of your rent for a couple of months?

>Would it really harm you so much to miss out on 20% of your rent for a couple of months?
what do you mean?
to defer means im not getting that 20% for at least a couple of months

>Mrs. Moldbug and I got on the R1100R and took a motorcycle pilgrimage to Chris McCandless’s bus, where we stayed up three nights in a row, just thinking, then did a bunch of acid and emptied our pistols maniacally into the woods. “Smoke dat moose!”, we were chanting. “Git dem maggots! Smoke dat moose!”

In a weird way, women ARE arrested right now

wow i really dont care

Why can’t you just write it off entirely?

because he wants to maximise profits

The irish are smelly

Hate that I have to take xanax in the morning just to feel like an ordinary person

Social anxiety is a disability

anyone here like fat tits?

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>social anxiety

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I don't. I just find that woman repulsive in every way.



You're literally the smelliest, most worthless race on the planet m8

Buy to let's and being a rentberg is fine in my opinion but only if it's for apartments/flats.

Being a rentberg on a house however makes you parasitic scum tier

fake beto

because he's a grasping little toad

Right we're what two weeks into lockdown life?
What have you achieved thus farly?

why would i write it off entirely
i'm not getting 20% written off my expenses
they are still getting 100% of the property
i am already taking a loss due to inflation by the time (if i ever do) get the money
how is it maximising profits when you sign a contract to pay x.
if i say i will pay you x to do y and then i say o wait a second i am going to pay you 80% of x instead and then i ask for the full money that is not maximising that is honouring the contract

ban buy-to-let/''investment homes'' and heavily tax houses left vacant. anyone whose sole job is profiteering off the suffering of renters needs to be eradicated
no single person needs to own 10 homes and a block of flats and tarqs don't need both a summer and winter house
one house for one family, simple as

i literally exist for the sake of profits to be made from me

i get nothing in exchange for this.
i rent so i can toil
i toil so i can rent
besides being able to eat and rest (prequisites for toil), the only benefit i get out of this arrangement is that my innate compulsions for survival is satisfied, that is i dont die.
life is death or provide value for those above me.

Mad that Mexico has more of a unique culture than Ireland despite only being a few hundred years old