Spanish girls are_________

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at home because of the coronavirus.


The sexiest women on earth

I remember that song


looks arab

out of my league ;(

...for holding hands
...for embracing
...for falling asleep together

I’m sorry Mexico, you have sexy women too

at a discount. Please take them away. No refunds.


trash compared to spanish boys

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_made for the Big Arab Cock.

fucksake that's what i want to badly

made for brown cock

Why are you so feminist Spain?

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How many under 35 year old Spanish nurses have died to Corona?

Karla means midget in Russian.

These guys get it. First hand experience is horrible.

Unluckily this
Feminism has been heavily promoted by government and leftist political parties, making believe that women have no rights here (false) and that we need equality bc of that. Lots of politicians and activists are rich for this artificial problem.

486 km de distancia

Made for Big Greek Cock.

Imagine how many Spanish virgins El Greco deflowered

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qt doctors

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why do they not grow bigger boobs?

beautiful but feminazi

... finally not blocking the bicycle lane anymore and I thank G*d for it every day.

I bet they're all out there on tinder right now organizing house parties to keep the Corona alive

>nazis are bad
Just say feminist

wife material.

old hags, judging by the picture

largely unremarkable
Most Spanish don't even look like this mutt.
And yes feminazi

at home due to the corona virus

para toros finlandeses

Cute arab girl famialazoid.

are quite literally designed and maintained for BBC

>Made for Big Greek Cock.
No such thing

>brown hair

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Are Spanish boy really better what is your experience with them

unas jodidas endiosadas, y la mitad tienen grandes problemas cognitivos que les imposibilita la condición de no subir fotos semidesnudas cada 10 minutos a internet

>tfw you got a Spanish redpilled cutie, introvert and waiting to become a housewife.

Do people in Spain and Italy still bother with tinder even with the corona virus ?

Annoying bitches who think they can do whatever they want and that everyone owes them

Man, it must had been bad, sorry for that, neighbour.

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What happened? did you get rejected by Maria?

too skinny

If truly so, congratz.

that' every westernoid roastie.

fuck you cunt. happiness is not allowed.

everywhere in Berlin an annoy the fuck out of everyone by clogging traffic with their rental bicycles or yabbering in groups

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>Spaniards and Italians who use Tinder
You should ask normie forums, I doubt you'll have any luck with us Yas Forums posters.

they are okay :)

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hungry for hairy nordic men

Freak. You are not Nordic.

pic related

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Where's her nosering?

The fuck? Since when are nordics not hairy? Finns I understand, they are even all thinning by the age of 13.

I dont even disagree but you guys just sound like pussies and they knew they could act like that with you

shes hiding it

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