What couldve been

what couldve been..

Attached: iu.png (429x403, 39.74K)

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the allies sure fucked up that ww1 treaty huh

Greece fucked it up

Greece literally fight alone with minor France help.

France and especially Britain are the only ones to blame for this.

Attached: Russo-Turkish_War_(1877–1878).png (1482x1268, 938.83K)

Italy could help Greece too, but I remember some Italian talking about the "Allies" argue about the Italy zone of control in Turkey thus no one come to help and in the end, the "Allies" not even try to help Greece after all arguing. Turk seriously got lucky thank to France and Britain.

all should have been purple

Why do you even care?

Attached: Stavros_the fifth column.png (503x640, 148.86K)

Why are americans so obsessed with Istanbul?

25% more denbts?

>Implying it shouldn't be everything in purple

Attached: RomanBVLL.png (1600x1029, 1.27M)

and there still wouldn't be any Armenia kek


>D-d-deus v-vult!

Attached: 1491304933190.png (1278x1848, 871.87K)

The Greeks literally destroyed the Arabs you seething slavshit

War is inevitable at some point between Greeks and Turks. I do hope the Greeks are on the winning side when it comes.

If Greece annexed eastern Thrace today, it they would instantly become a Turkish nation

>We wuz turkic n shiet
You have to go back.

Attached: battle of ankara.png (318x994, 191.58K)

Cockroaches have to be expulsed back to Asia where they belong.

there is enough room for them in the central asian steppes

Needs to include Cyprus too, and the provinces of Marmara and Ege should be combined to form Aegea - a Greek puppet state.

Attached: fixed europe.png (5960x6968, 4M)


Attached: OttomanEmpire1683.png (1200x862, 332.62K)

turks are islamic gypsies but not arabs

If Greece is so great why don’t you live there you parasite.

Bruh what's with the proveinces in that map

Scientists did a study and they concluded that's what optimum Europe looks like

i wish i lived there you parasite

We helped the Turks :^)


>The Greeks literally destroyed the Arabs

Greeks were far more interested in waging proxy wars against the proxies of other regional empires, like having their Ghassanid proxy wage war against Lakhmid proxy of the Sasanid empire - the one proxy that actually kept early muslims at bay: iranicaonline.org/articles/lakhmids

It is greek meddling that actually made it possible for Islam to spread as far as it did

Attached: 0006 - Osf4Mjk.jpg (499x499, 137.17K)

Ugh.. Magna Graecia.. home...

I meant why are the provinces in Spain bigger while london has like 1000 of them

islamic propaganda

>Historic article critical of pre-islamic Iran's developements
>Waaaah! Iranians wrote it so it MUST be false!

Is it some opposite day today and german scale of national butthurt had been swapped with the polish one?

Attached: 1494524585104.png (700x718, 551.25K)

>Iranians wrote it so it MUST be false!
you get it

So your only idea of history comes chiefly from 'historic' blogs that you approve of, because they fuel your narrative rather than challenge it?

Looks like they divided Spain up into regions, while they divided the UK up at the county level (where each London borough is equivalent to a county, sort of). I do not know why.

it comes from white posters on /his/
they are always on the side of Greeks, so they must be honest

Why does it matter, are Greeks that different from Turks?

Attached: 1585874091864.jpg (720x540, 24.26K)

Yes they dont pray to allah



bulgaria is the successor to the Thracian kingdom

Man it seems after the conquest of Africa the Arabs seem to have overwhelmingly lost all their wars with the Romans.

Thats a nice map of the Ottoman empire

No they are slavs

So the Greeks or the Turks? Both of them still exist user.

What SHOULDN’T and will NEVER be

>seethe slavshit
>proceeds to seethe

Get fucked hahaha

you can move there you know



neither are true Thracian
only in name

they do, actually

Πάλι με χρόνια και καιρούς πάλι δικιά μας θα είναι. Πατριώτη, θα κατακτήσουμε τους εχθρούς και θα υψώσουμε το λάβαρο της πατρίδος στην Αγία Σοφιά, με την βοήθεια του Θεού.

Greece is by far the most cucked country in the world. Half of their ancient lands are in our control. Imagine living here for thousands of years then one day chad TVRKIC hordes from Central Asia come and enslave your race and eventually you get butchered and people who enslaved you and opressed you repopulate those lands. All those cities,towns you built now belong to people from a different continent. You can't get more cucked than this

>most cucked country
T. Praises its rapist ancestors and larps as mongol manlets

lmao, you dipshit.

Says the halfbreed without an identity.projecting.
The most funny is that not only modern greeks are proved be the same people of ancient greeks, but also they are even a bit more north shifted. Exactly the contrary of what you have said.

Attached: 2-portugal_-ottomans4221_209v30sV-13wd-n-d6-4s93«2c8.png (2096x1256, 1.7M)

I'm glad Istanbul is in Turk hands, at least its a good tourist city now. Look at Greek cities they look like shitholes

Turks are Mongol rejects and im 90% certain your not even Turkish yourself but one of the native Greeks/Anatolians family's that were cucks and assimilate and now LARP as Turkish now.