Goedemorgen frères.

Post enkele lekkere femmes s'il vous blieft

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Waarom zijn verpleegkundestudenten zo strontvervelend rond deze coronaperiode?

Ik zie dagelijks posts verschijnen over hoe ze opscheppen met hun richting en hoe ze hun eigen kont likken omdat ze plots denken dat ze héél belangrijk zijn.

Mis deze shit

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Ga nog wat animeprentjes posten in /fr/

Che suis Belche.

>Ga nog wat animeprentjes posten in /fr/

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So your language is basically germanized english

Yea, I'd say just like dutch language

Doucement le toutou, t'auras ton nonos après

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Ik zou graag een portie friet met stoof willen

What was wrong with neder? You fags aren’t even culturally different

>dvw geen friet meer

Amai seg, hoe ga je dat overleven?

tg pd

Go back. This is thread is clearly called /belg/. Why are you even here?

>What was wrong with neder? You fags aren’t even culturally different
Well besides the aboslute state of it for months now, some shitskin+chink clique decided that belgians weren't welcome anymore and began spamming terrorist attack pictures and bullying every belgian flag they saw

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to mock the level 0 Dutchoids

> (You)
> (You)
> (You)
> (You)
> (You)
> (You)
> (You)
> (You)
>Go back. This is thread is clearly called /belg/. Why are you even here?

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Eat shite

to claim back the stolen territory currently owned by an *Ngloid made "cuntree"

Fun, mostly

How do you say that in French? Or do you come from the irrelevant part of Belgium?

Mange mon caca, homosexuel déviant

Because Belgium is fren?

Spreek nou eens gewoon Nederlands, ik versta dat West-Fries niet

Ta gueule pédale d'austrachien fini à la pisse

Why are people mad we get to have our own threads now

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C'est vrai. J'aime bien les français mes les autres doivent sortir

jealousy, envy, inferiority complex

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Based inferior races

What's based about acting like a full on retard? Is that the standard in british culture?


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I just say based to things that aren't to annoy people

I wish I could grant you the ability to understand Dutch for one day just so you can browse nederdraad and see for yourself

Pas de pa gymnaste pour s'étirer sur mon visage

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Actually I could do it

Perfect flexibility for martial arts

How about marital arts?

I wouldn't know lol

haha me neither

no wonder why :^)

Im not from belgium but from what i've seen so far belgians are the most normie people on the planet. They also are very polite and always mind they own business, except when they are drunk and release their inner trapped spirit

Yes I agree. I can't wait untill I'm drunk again.

Where are you from then?

wallons and bxls have a bit more soul

smol kosova

>except when they are drunk and release their inner trapped spirit

Holy cope, walloons are as normie if not much as the average flems
only Brussels has a high amout of autists, barakis and hipsters

God I wish I was wasted rn

Same lol
Gonna get some alcool soon



So why are we still having around 1500 new cases every day when we've been quarantined for more than two weeks now...

Bruxelles will be a bigger shithole once the EU collapses in on itself

It already is an islamic shitehole, but it's only ours to talk shit, fuck off

not really mate, every time I go out to buy groceries, I see everyone out on the streets enjoying themselves

Mind your business

Apart from the fact that I can't get a haircut, I like the quarantine so far

Same, people don't give a shit here

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>white eyebrow hair

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if they are out for a run or walking the dog it's fine
same for running errands