All look same

What's the difference?

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Finland is based, others are cringe.

Finland is based, others are cringe.


Finland is based, others are cringe

Finns are closer to you and others closer to me.

You have to go back

Finland is based, others are cringe.

Finland is cringe, others are based.

We are the largest and most succuessfull, the others are kind of like our younger siblings. They'd never admit to it but they want to be like us

No. Finland is based, others are cringe

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Quite sure no one but Sweden wants to be Sweden except economically

They all are the same protestant insectoids for me.

most successful how?

that train should have ended you

i like norway :D

iceland is based, others are cringe

Norway is the wealthy place with mountains
Sweden is the dangerous place
Denmark is the flat, tiny country
Finland is the forest place filled with alcoholics
Iceland is the volcanic island with inbred people

This stereotype is still around?

You mean facts


Attached: alcohol consumption2.png (941x544, 128K)

Finland still consume more alcohol than any other country in the Nordic, so for us you will always be seen as the alcoholics. The stereotype will never disappear

Apparently that 1,3 litres more makes you an terrible alcoholic

Attached: Voi hemmetti.png (603x747, 32.03K)

Sweden is cringe, others are based.

Fixed :)

Attached: scandi_SR.png (1280x969, 26.37K)

WTF are you on about, you are obviously worse than the rest of the scandis.

>drink one weekend more than Danes
>you are now an alcoholic

Attached: en kesztäähhh.jpg (669x619, 43.12K)

they are all the same, except sweden is more politically correct and finland speaks gobbledygook

>most succusessfull

No difference. One country, one people.


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>in the north

You have to go back

One of these is not like the others.

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why do you post only in /scandi/ thread, we should see more of your posts islandbro Forums/comments/bykjg6/pol_find_the_bbc/

To be honest its more the culture and not the amount. In the nordics people drink to get intoxicated, at least the boomers did.

Finland is based mongol hungarian turkish nordics

One country is Muslim

What you wrote was probably true to some extent in the 60's, maybe not for Denmark but for Finland/Norway, but it's been a long while since Norway looked to Sweden for guidance or help. It feels more like Sweden is actively looking to us, I have Swedish family so I read both Swedish and Norwegian news. I see way more bitter articles about Norwegian internal affairs and economy from Swedish news than the other way around.

do swedes really?

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swedes are arrogant and ignorant man

Binlanders look like this.

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I know, but it's kind of strange. I can see swedish boomers thinking these things since they grew up in a time where this was somewhat true, but the swedish posters here are way too young to have experienced it so it doesn't make sense that they have the same arrogance. It's like some variant on WE WUZ'ing.

This is so stupid, your masturbatory tendencies are visible

>I see way more bitter articles about Norwegian internal affairs and economy from Swedish news than the other way around.
Literally the opposite if you ask me. Case in point would be all the articles about the Corona strategy

imagine being a finnshit
no history, dont speak a germanic language, forever a conquered peoples, worshiped a god of turnips, alcoholics, considered subhumans by sweden and genocided, raped by russians etc

1. Sweden
2. Denmark
3. Finland
4. Norway
5. Iceland

we all bow to the true master of the north

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That's not as much about Sweden itself as much as it is about practically our only neighboring country potentially ruining our own strategy by being much more lax while sharing such a huge border with us.
I've seen much more critique from swedish reporters on how we've dealt with the refugee situation and how we manage our oil fund and drilling activities. Corona isn't a great time to get a clear picture. By your logic that would mean Norway is obsessed with Italy and Spain since the majority of our articles about corona is about their situation.

When are we looking to you for guidance? The only nordic country we're refering to as a model country is Finland for their schools

>much more lax
livet handlar inte bara om fisk, ola bøgsteinn

>finns being alcoholics is a stereotype
yikes, this amount of denial

You have to go back

The difference is that the reporting on Italy and Spain is regarding a situation that has already gone out of control. We had Norwegian infectious disease doctors trying to dismantle our strategy before there was any societal spread in Sweden. Tegnell responded that Norways approach was as experimental as ours and then your newspapers publish articles like this

For me, Norway is probably the greatest. I like Denmark, but Norway has stunning nature and very good looking women.

Denmark: Only good for wealthy germans and their vacation. Otherwise useless
Norway: Arrogant but good at shooting up teenagers on islands. Please stop killing baby seals.
Sweden: Arrogant while being most cucked
Finland: Pretty based especially at fighting back russians

all of them have neetbuxx and hot prostitutes that’s my #1 motivation to go there and die of aids. arabs, afghans, pakis, are already doing it. might feel like home there now

>woah.....! friggen' evil finland! hecking updooted, dude

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>When are we looking to you for guidance?
I'm not implying you're constantly bugging us for guidance or anything, but an example is the handling of refugees. We've had much less problems with crime and integration has been more successful, remember reading about how some swedish politicians visited Oslo to learn about how we handled the situation.
With that said I think the biggest issue Sweden got from the crisis was mainly the absurd amount compared to what resources you could offer them. Any system is gonna fail no matter how good it is when it needs to deal with 500% the amount it's capable of.
Kek forgot you write it like that. What's the reason swedes use "X" actually? It's non-existent in norwegian just like "C".

>The difference is that the reporting on Italy and Spain is regarding a situation that has already gone out of control
But that's just straight up wrong. We had full coverage of the italian situation before even a single person died there, and to a lesser extent Spain and GB.
>We had Norwegian infectious disease doctors trying to dismantle our strategy before there was any societal spread in Sweden.
Yes for the exact reason I explained. If the roles were reversed and Sweden were the one taking more serious measures while Norway only had minor guidelines I can guarantee you that swedish news would be debating whether Norway is a potential risk for the swedish strategy.