>Ramadan is coming
>due to corona we can’t have iftar with friends
How do believing anons cope with Ramadan being less comfy this year?
>Ramadan is coming
>due to corona we can’t have iftar with friends
How do believing anons cope with Ramadan being less comfy this year?
I think if you let a minor inconvenience like that upset you, you are kinda missing the point of ramadan.
Let's me honest Ahkmed, the culturally enriched Muslims won't give 2 shits about the quarantine
>Easter is coming
>due to corona we can't go around spanking and drenching women in water while getting moonshine shots in return
It's sad really
I’m not saying that its a huge issue but breaking your fast with friends was always really comfy.
You were doing your duty together and that ofcourse makes people closer as well.
Do you guys even celebrate easter?
I thought you were mostly atheists.
Yes we do
What do you do during easter?
Here people paint and hide eggs for children to find or if they are christian go to the church.
Unfortunately I live near no mosque or other muslims. But inshallah this ramadan I will become more closer to my deen.
Mashallah, what are you planning on doing during Ramadan?
I always read the Quran from start to finish.
We do eggs too.
We also bake pic related.
The main tradition is for guys to go door to door around their neighbors/friends with a pomlázka (which is like a stick made of woven thin branches) and water and gently slapping women on the butt and spraying them with water, getting a shot of alcohol and/or sweets back (depending on age).
I know it sounds really weird, but it's all in good fun.
I've been very distant from Islam, this Ramadan I will read the Quran, pray atleast the fardh, and stay true to my deen inshallah, Allah willing . I want to pray more. I might also do a technology detox too, no internet and phone, ill check it once a day
What did prophet Muhammed (pbuh) eat to break fast? I heard he ate dates, olives and water. I was thinking of doing the same.
I hope it'll all be over by Eid. I wanna be invited again.
Actually we have a similar thing.
At the end of Ramadan we have Eid Al Fitr, during this you basically celebrate the end of Ramadan with the whole community.
The young people visit the old people and eat and drink with them.
Children also go around visiting older people and after congratulating them they get either candy or money.
It can be a bit lonely especially if you are the only muslim around.
I’m also thinking of doing a technological detox, due to the quarantaine I have been looking at my phone too much.
It doesn’t help that its almost the only way you can communicate with the outside world now.
I don’t know about breaking the fast but I heard that he survived on dates and water for quite a long time.
Also one mistake many people make is that they eat too much while breaking the fast.
Are you an arab or a jew?
Yeah. I did 3 day fasts for a month to lose weight do i learned a lot. Carbs make you hungry. If you wake up for sahur, have some salty things too. Dont drink 5 cups of water before athan, you'll just urinate it out. Drink your water slowly
Jew, but I was invited to Eid once.
Love me some levantine food.
True, its best to drink small amounts over a longer time than dunk several glasses of it back.
Good to know that there are some friendly relations between arabs and jews.
To me it always seemed like you guys were constantly at eachother’s throats.
Do you give gift during ramadan or write each other messages on a special day?
My girlfriend is muslim so i want to know if in supposed to do something special?
You visit eachother and if that isn’t possible you message.
Im at see working maritime. I cant return home before early may because of corona =(
Desu i'm an expection to the norm.
It was a colleage of my father who invited my family a few years ago. I didn't really have any social relations with anyone because i was too autistic to talk to random strangers, but damn the food was good. My favorite dish was vine leaves stuffed with rice and meat in a yogurt sauce.
Generally during Ramadan you are supposed to do extra worship like reading the Quran more etc, this is done on top of your normal daily five prayers.
But people also visit eachother to break their fast together.
Then at the end of Ramadan you have Eid Al Fitr where people visit eachother and congratulate and celebrate the end of Ramadan together.
Your Islamic republic will manage.
You’re referring to sarma I think, we also have that in turkish cuisine and it is definitely one of the best dishes the middle east has to offer.
If you're cool with her family, you can visit on Eid. Or you can even join them to break fast.
Shut up fat
So Eid al fitr is the 23 may?
Also why dont women go to the mosque? I have nevet seen a women pray muslim style why is that?
Oh you're Turkish too. tfw no Turkish food to eat around here. Have you ever had Güllaç?
They do, it's just that theyre seperated to another room or behind a wall.
Man, now I really want to have some again.
Speaking of holiday food, this reminds me of a funny anecdote. Next week is passover, and as you might know, eating bread is forbbiden during passover, and we eat matzo instead.
Most Jews buy just one or two packs of matzo, pretty much just to ''mark the checkbox'', but Arabs in Israel apperantly REALLY like matzo, and buy a ton of them every year.
Women are in a seperate room or they pray at home. Basically the genders are seperated so that they can focus on Allah.
Yeah I had it once, can’t say I’m a fan of though.
For desserts I prefer ekmek kadayif with cream on top or kazan dibi.
Breaking fast with maple syrup inshallah
I just looked up what it is and is it rigid or flexible?
It looks a lot like bazlama.
Do Turks also drink alcohol at night because ''allah is sleeping''?
Rigid, thin, dry, and basically tasteless.
Maybe when you view it as an exotic food from a different culture, it becomes more appealing than something that is basically a duty.
Based, its often said that breaking your fast with something sweet is better.
I think that’s a meme some people use to laugh away their sin.
Allah is all-seeing and if you don’t believe that you would be blaspheming which is one of the worst sins.
What’s the reason for eating that instead of bread?
Is it in order to temper your gluttony or something like that?
Makes sense. Like monks who live secluded to focus their thoughts on god.
Im cool with the family. They actually like me a lot and her dad and I do the same line of work.
Im not sure i would will feel comfortable going to such a celebration yet. Im scared to say or do something wrong.
Passover celebrates the Jews escaping Egypt. In the book of Exodus, it is mentioned that the Jews had so little time to prepare from their escape, that the bread they bake didn't rise and leaven, and so we too are forbbiden from eating leavened bread.
>and so we too are forbbiden from eating leavened bread
Only at easter right?
If they are fine with their daughter dating a non-believer, I doubt they will be angry at you for committing an accidental faux pas.
As a Jewish equivilant, if a goy gets invited to a Passover dinner brings cake as a gift, the host will probably just laugh and explain thatthey can't eat it now.
During the two weeks of passover, during which christians have easter.
Fun fact, the communion wafer catholics have on sunday mass is essentially a matzo, because Jesus's last supper was the passover dinner.
>fast so that you know the suffering poor people have to go through
>eat like a king after sundown
Ramadam is stupid
I wouldn't worry about that. If they like you then all you need is an invitation, I'd tell the girl that you're open to it.
Bonus points if you fast too (no eating or drinking until sundown, have something before bed if you want). Then you break fast when the athan calls for maghrib (sunset).
Extra extra points if you and her father go for night prayer (33 rakats oh no no ahahahaha)
Then don't eat like a king at sundown. You're supposed to give a portion of your food to the poor. Muslims often invite family, friends and even the poor over to eat
You aren’t supposed to do that honestly but unfortunately many people do.
Also aside from sympathizing with poor people its also done in order to temper your ego and focus on worshipping Allah.
That's probably a bit too much unless he unironically plans on converting.
Yeah the praying part lol, but It's an okay thing to fast to try to understand things.
>Fun fact, the communion wafer catholics have on sunday mass is essentially a matzo
I think Its the same in most churches. Early Christians where basically a jewish sect.
Oh I thought only Catholics did that.
Reminds me of my American cousin who married a goy guy. She isn't religious at all, but one year she decided to fast on Yom Kippur (which is a 25 hour full fast), and her husband decided to fast too to help her. She ended up breaking midway through, while he did the entire fast, lmao
Why not do that all the time though instead of limiting it to a month? Sikhs give free food to anyone at the Gurdwara. Muslims are supposed to give a portion of their income to charity anyway, but I'd argue that giving food to someone that truly needs it goes much further than donating money to a charity.
By leaving the country/killing yourselfs
He would find it weird if I suggested going to a night prayer as he would never do it on his own. It is the mom who the families spiritually guide to to speak.
They only recently had a islamic wedding ceremony. In order to be together in the afterlife. You ofc know much more about these things than me.
I imagine Ex soviet muslims is much different from middle eastern muslims? They are only recently rediscovering islamic tradition.
We will have to get marriged soon because they dont want us to live in a life on sin. How is interfaith marriage usually handled?
Thank you in advance for any information you might provide=)
>Ex soviet muslims
You should have said that from the start. They are the least hardcore, and the type who unironically do
Whole lotta
Going through that read
I've done a 4 day fast (my record, but you can certainly go longer). But when it comes to religion, you just can't break your fast, you can't. It's pretty bad, you're making a sacrifice for god but you give in halfway for greed.
No the danish church also uses them as part of the ritual. I dont think its so important though As I have tried it with a biscuit once because the priest forgot them(lol) for a service he held on our ship.
How do jews actually look at marrying goys?
Yeah you need to give 2,5% of your yearly income to charities.
Also its not like its forbidden to do it more often that that but this amount is obligatory.
Technically a muslim woman is only allowed to marry a muslim man.
Maybe they aren't as devoted but you should still take interest in Islam, it won't hurt and Islam can be really comfy at times.
>>due to corona we can’t have iftar with friends
are you trying to communicate?Is ''ramadan'' and ''iftar'' supposed to be english?
>Technically a muslim woman is only allowed to marry a muslim man.
Yes i know but interfaith relations have been common in that area(both muslim man and christian women and the opposite) for 100s of years so I imagine they had made a work around for that?
why are you pretending you don't know, ikibey?
Well a muslim man is allowed to marry a christian, jewish or gnostic woman.
Most of the time the woman takes more values from her husband than vice versa and the kids take the father’s identity so for that there is this rule.
But theologically speaking a muslim woman can only marry a muslim man.
Also in history people lived mostly segregated according to their religion even though they lived in the same city for example.
In Judaism are you guys required to go to the synagogue every Saturday? Do you have some equivalent of mass?
Judaism forbids marrying goyim. A person can convert to Judaism, but unlike Islam it's a long and difficult process, and you need to prove you aren't doing it just to be able to get married, and that you genuinely want to become Jewish.
However, I come from an atheistic family and we don't give a shit about the rules.
She wasn't really fasting ''for god'', moreso for cultural reasons. I'm 90% sure she broke her failed fast with bacon
i m not, Zifelei. Is making up words the newest april fools joke?It's 3rd of april though
Was gehts abi
Nasılsın kardeş
Sounds like a solid rule, might that be why jews never really got assimilated into the populations they lived around in history?
What going babi
Javilin marzes
Every Friday evening, plus during holidays.
I haven't gone in over a decade though.
Parents almost never drinks.
But her aunt is a wine aunt so to speak but very smart and kind.
That's the idea. Plus, unlike Islam, the identity of a child is dependant on the mother, not the father, so my cousin's children will be considered Jewish despite her goy husband.
I always wondered what would be the deal with children of a Jewish father and a Muslim mother...
I have my first ramadan this year, praise be to Allah.
What should i do to prepare?
ok loser how's the suicide planning out?