/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico

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Anime is for pedos

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i got this girl at the convenience store to give me her number, but i freaked her out when i asked her how many eggs she could fit in her bum and walk around all day without breaking any :(

I need a more comfortable chair.

literally that lol
before I did have some school and I only recently got a job but its all gonna come crashing down now

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Nap not happening... also realized why it was so busy in here: it’s Friday night. Disgusting.

Next time my ex shows up in my dreams im going to kill her

I unironically like this a lot

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There was a section in my bread because I nuked it at 475 , will be putting the loaf in a casserole

You are welcome friend

Fucking discord bugging out dumb Russian botnet

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so do i play it with a keyboard or controller?

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obviously controller

not even fucking around when I say I might be showing early signs of COVID-19

I hope this is the end

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Natural language process this nigga b


thread theme

also good night /cum/s

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miss the animation styles of pre 2000 anime like Macross and cowboy bepop

when anime was truly based

ok, well who do i pick then
sonic tails or knuckle?
get the fuck away from us then


What ethnicity is Gigachad?

Gonna go bankai on this dream girlfriend

do you want the non-meme answer? because hes Dagestani.

Going to play some online games now.

I think I should go to bed before I vomit

I wonder if you get to see all your old friends, and people you loved after you die somehow. I sure hope so.

>Almost 100k confirmed cases
>2500 deaths
Will New York be ok?

Don’t vomit in your sleep user

our whole country is fucked

How so?

not him, but we're only in the beginning still

I hate faggots who don't practice social distancing

This is Obama’s fault.

Simping for Mexican girls on twitch.

Why is there such an absurd amount of MILF reporters at Trump's press briefings?
If I didn't have steel-clad self-control and discipline I probably would've transformed into a degenerate coomer by now.

>Greta got URKELED
fk gonna freak

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Most female reporters that get to be on tv aren't chosen because they're good at their jobs.

Gonna do a sleep. Hope I have a dream about a girl.

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I like doomerposting about the corona

Dream about ale

how many gay things did you do today

Nah we're doing fine. On cases per million we're still pretty low on the list for western nations, we've just got a bit number because of our massive population size.

IDK, not many. Kinda hard to do gay shit when you're locked in a house alone.

i hope the guy with the terminally ill dad is still alive and hasn't wasted himself

Had a semi nap for a bit. Now to while away the last couple of hours of toil.

Nothing like a lil zo to ease the headache hehe

Btc is mooning again buds
Should have bought more.

I need to go into the office for a bit. I'm going to stop at CVS and Whole foods. I'm wearing gloves and a scarf as a mask and I don't even care if I look crazy, I'm hearing this shit stays in the air for longer now and I don't want to die yet.

Unless the corooner situation gets sorted out much more quickly than anticipated we will see a double bottom at best mid-term.

Just woke up from one of those too. I don't understand why.

not being able to go to the gym has made me into a coomer
I'm constantly fucking horny

Missin out on the locker room parties eh

party in the showers at user’s gym

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we should start calling it the american virus now

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Did your sex drive go down when you started? That sounds a bit strange

What's your answer to this?

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sex drive is the same, I just don't have anything to keep me busy and exhausted


Many of our boomers were very selfish and had one/no kids, and we don’t have as many illegal Mexicans pouring in


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Maybe there's an alternative within your means at home. I don't know what type of workouts you do though.