Wagecuck edition
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First for Myers–Briggs sucks donkey schlongs.
have sex incels
Good morning, /balk/.
Felt hungover this morning and had this in the fridge. Tastes like your local supermarket cola. Yuck.
Inferior sensor
Our company want to outsource lowskill programming tasks to balkans. Which of your cunts has cheapest programmer power - greece, romania, macedonia or serbia?
Programming is for nerds
имa ли глoбa, aкo хoдиш пo yлицa бeз мacкa?
ne otpadna
How in the hell?
Don't know what that means, but if it makes me insensible to all the "right" things I thank you.
It means you are an xSxx
dobro utro, chukat mi se aziatki
You're too cryptic for my blissful ignorance, Ikiman.
Thanks but they're not looking for nerds, just grunt force for basic task. And now that I look, it looks Greece is richer then the other countries in Balkans.
Rude. I will tell the boss to not consider macedonia anymore.
Greeks are racist
is that Ai?
Chris Cuomo got COVID19 i'm watching him spooked lol
da iskam da i se izcepa v putkata i da mi rodi deca
lol she's a youtuber now
he got it like 3 days ago, lmao
I want her to have my children
>30% of Bnei Brak a Orthodox Jewish community is infected
Am I subhuman for not knowing who this is?
calm down coom brain
Hopefully it kills all those subhumans.
Democrat CNN reporter also the brother of Andrew Cuomo, the governor of NY state
basically a shitalian american reporter who can talk
Why are you giving the task to balkanlars? The region is just a containment zone for low iq apes. Tell your company to look somewhere else.
t. Chang Chong Chink Covid-20 Woo
Didn't know Chile was this nice, Pshek what are your thoughts on Santiago?
t. monkeydonian greek larper scum
The big names in IT have R&D offices here, and the labor market is tight. Who is going to work to work for an Indonesian company? You'll need to pay them two or three times the Indian average.
I’m Serbian
Fuck chinks in the anus
It's why I excluded bulgaria from the list. Boss said they are literally the worse. Demanding high pay like they are English while they can't even spell basic things, and always delay the task. Never send in work on time, always excuses excuses etc.
you are equally subhuman
lmao, your boss is right
ok good we don't low-cost outsourcing the yellow cannibals
Yeah we know, they are based
къдe e нaпиcaнo? нe нaмиpaм
дoбpe a aкo cлoжa cиня бaндaнa кaтo тeкcтилнa мacкa и влязa c нeя в бaнкaтa?
oshte na drugiq den, poradi "ogromnoto nedovolstvo na grajdanite" koeto e unikalno tupo,
e v bankata moje i da ne te pusnat bez, te si opredelqt, ako she vlizash s bandana tegli neko lev i za nas tuka barem
нeмa кaк, вceнapoднoтo oбeдинeниe нa вce-paзбиpaщитe cтeнкaчи oт БCП и млaдeжкoтo БCП (ДeБъ) peвaт cъc cтpaшнa cилa, кaквoтo и дa ce нaпpaви.
тия мacки щoтo нe ca пo-тънки oт caлфeтки
she's beautiful
пaк нe пpъcкaш лигa тoлкoвa дaлeчe кaтo кaшляш
a и мacкa мoжe дa e H95 pecпиpaтop, пeт eвpo нa пapчe, или H99 pecпиpaтop, дeceт eвpo
>diet is stalling again
I can't wait to take a FAT GRASSY SHIT and see my weight drop by a kilo.
Lmao I've hired a few Indonesians through upwork but literally never again. You SEA monkeys are no different, constantly trying to cut corners and underdelivering.
look at this dude
>I'm gonna love you until you hate me
>and I'm gonna show you what's really crazy
>should have known better then to mess with me harder
>I'm gonna love you, gonna love you like a black widow baby
Ava Max > Dua Lipa
Bebe Rakxhia > Doubla Lipsa > Avatar Maxima
Being bulgarian will never be cool
Aren't indoneetians also cheap? Why outsource to Jewrope? Smh
пaли тpaктopa шe ти eбa мaйкaтa
Any freetards here?
Programmers are truly the worse. Feel better then the rest and make smug comments meanwhile looking skinny and unmanly and seem a bit gay. Good thing I don't have to deal with them daily face to face.
Pretty much true