Steals France's masks

>steals France's masks
>+1355 deaths, the highest of any nation of any given day

Bros... Americans are killing our French friends. What do we do?

Attached: france.png (580x505, 341.99K)

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>implying those mask are not contaminated


They are also killing you too bro
I don't think diplomatic relationships will be the same after this crisis

lmao based. more eurodroks are getting killed this is great

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Where's the theft? They just offered to pay more. Who wouldn't sell to the highest bidder?

the 1355 is not in one day. They added 800 death that weren't counted because they weren't at the hospital or some shit like that.

shut up cuck.
you faggots haven't been pulling your weight in ages.
don't even get me started on how little you faggots put into nato.

and remember this is the enlightened white humanitarianism they've harped about for decades. push comes to shove they'll always regress to rats

This isn't very important, in 3 weeks that shithole will be wiped out. We can let them die with their masks and freedom

I don't talk to fatso.

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>eurodorks calling anyone fat

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I know. We need a joint force against the US. They stole from Spain and Italy as well. They're stealing from everybody.

We can't keep letting this happen.

serves them right for when they tried to hold up the UKs mask shipment, based anglobros sticking together

send some aussies way US, he's really pulling his asslicking weight

>Most of these stats come from Fast food consumers
Thanks for proving me right

stfu palestine stop bombing innocent israelis

>chink flu killing anything
Lmao. Look at German numbers if you want to see how many people it really kills.

I'll admit pulling your own weight is a considerable feat

actually made me laugh
nice one frenchie

They'll be the exact same, the elites don't give a shit. They can get all the masks, tests, and respirators they want, and the common people will just forget everything after a few weeks of tv.

Attached: 63-636841_free-png-download-shrug-emoji-rob-grindes-png.jpg (840x621, 213.89K)

will you forget?


*forgets and loves America 6 months later*

Why does France need masks? I thought Africans are immune to korona

anyone who isnt a jew

*hates America with a passion since 2003*

Some days ago, I posted a thread with this news in the pic related. Then European posters told me that's fake news. How about the news in the OP? Is that what actually happened?

Attached: Screenshot_20200327-192801.png (1080x1920, 600.12K)

Your pic is fake news, OP's pic is actual news.

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Yeah you and you’re 4 sperg friends on the internet are going to start the revolution. You should start by posting more mutt memes

Dead Frenchmen is a good thing
You can not convince me otherwise

When we invaded your home country*

Holyshit. Anglosaxons are tough and barbaric. Unfortunately, more barbaric one wins.

Attached: 1540403495768.png (593x580, 620.84K)

It’s treason then

No, when you went absolutely full retard and fucked up the whole middle east and your economy in the process because the Bible said Gog and Magog were at work in the Levant. Fucking retards

Are you against the free market or something?

These same people will throw a big tantrum about treason and friendship when Europe strengthens its ties with China

Am I allowed to fuck your mom, sister and daughter if I pay money enough?

Germans are just more competent

Honestly relations will normalise when trump goes, the US will blame everything on him and go back to how things were before.

This is bad. But the biggest betrayal was the WHO lying about the effectiveness of masks in a very obvious way. I guess getting rid of people who fell for that kinda falls under social darwinism but I still feel that it was a major dick move.

Attached: alex johannes.jpg (623x555, 43.54K)

They just hide it better.

What happened?
t. Zoomer

The sole fact that Sarkozy made us go back into NATO was enough of a reason to execute him for high treason.
The only purpose of it is to enforce US military and economic interests. Being a part of it is cucking ourselves willingly. Now get fucked boyo.

We file the deaths in a different way. If you get to the hospital with covid 19 and it causes you to have a heart attack the official cause of death will be a heart attack.

France just seized four million masks bound for Sweden, so fuck those guys

Either way it proves my point

You're just saying fuck the boomers anyway though right?

Being sleazy is not being "more efficient". Like says.
Also isn't Russia still saying that Covid-19 is almost nothing but has a huge spike of tuberculosis or shit like that ?
I dont even know if you're Russian, or just the shill going about in the /fr/ general since yesterday.


What did you expect Europe is in a war with islamist nations.

>France just seized four million masks bound for Sweden
Untrue. We asked (and thats like a week ago) that our production should not be sold to other countries for now. We didn't stole shit, we stopped selling it but your Gvt went ape-shit for some reasons.

Afghanistan and then Iraq

>paid for
they must have a different definition for stealing in canada

Ah yes, the free market.

Yesterday Putin announced "quarantine" (he did not call it quarantine though) until the end of the month. And no, I don't speak French.

>that our production should not be sold to other countries for now.
It was never your production to begin with. They were imported from China by a Swedish company

Pretty dishonest really, as now loads of morons in the UK are acting like you've solved the problem when the reality is we're pretty similar.

What does that have to do with the Bible. Weren't it all about oil?

So noone has ever died of Aids in Germany?

well they are china's masks, why cant they just sell them to the highest bidder?

>chinese masks
there's your problem

>Yeah you and you’re 4 sperg friends

Why are mutts absolutely unable to spell? Like, "your" and "you're" are taught when you're 7. How are you still unable to tell the difference?

>And no, I don't speak French.
My bad then, this guy is very annoying, take care in Pietropavlosk (or where you are).

Oh we weren't talking about the same thing. Yeah it's not the most nice thing to do, but seizing what's on your territory is a thing. why does Asian masks for Sweden were in France anyways ?


AIDS doesnt kill (in western countries), AIDS patient have the same life expectancy as the general population.

The west would rapidly collapse in on itself if they weren't able to depend on China to make all of their shit.

Not him, but iirc Bush talked to Chirac about how it was a christian thing to go to war in the Middle East, talking about the Bible and shit and Chirac didn't what the fuck he was talking about.