Do It Again Uncle Billy edition
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hello? BASED department?
very neat user. im going to surprise myself like this
Tecumseh was the adopted son of my great-grandfather's great-grandfather.
how do you even do this
i can only recognize a few people
i dont use fag flags though so
a drunk
Every time I leave something around and find it accidentally sometime later, it’s always long past expiry
Was banned for a week for saying I hate browns. I didn't say I hate niggers, okay, that's a given. I said I hate browns. >:(
More like Te/cum/seh
There are only 10 regular posters here.
This thing is from like... 3 months ago? I can actually remember putting it away now that I've found it, I meant to enjoy it the next day but then forget it was in said drawer. It expires in June so it's good.
There's rumors one of the new jannies is a Mexican shitskin so he probably got butthurt about it
i have dove deep into schizophrenia
i cant do internet communities man
well those are some damn nice quads buddy
I hate Mexicans now. >:( >:(
Is this a digits thread?
>I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became the transgressor.
mexicans are genuinely great people as long as theyre not chicanos
visited some random neighbor(of my cousins) house on cinco de mayo and they were very welcoming
clearly /cum/ has been blessed by digits
>was plucking my nose hairs because they're too long
>decide to google if it was safe when i was done
>find out it can lead to meningitis and brain infections
how fucked am i?
Congress is an excellent thing. The bicameral structure allows one house to give advantage to the big states and the other to the shithole states.
this is my breakdown:
people here every day for hours on end (5-6)
theres another pool of people that are usually here (1#)
then semi regulars (??)
i am sucking on a lemon
You have about as much sense for sincerity as our janitors do.
cara just buy animal crossing and calm down
I always loved this song
You are unlikely to die but this is why you use a nose-hair trimmer.
I love cum
they sell special scissors, theyre very small. dont yank them out
Use a lighter next time
i didnt even want to pluck them but my dad made me
Vertical Features Remake 2 is my favorite movie. It's better than the first and third remake.
Do you still live at home? Why would you allow your father to make demands of you otherwise.
what a weird freak, go fuck yourself
nigga how long where they before
were monkeys swinging on them
That's not a real movie, fuck off.
im 22, living with my parents during quarantine. Dad said they looked disgusting and that if i didnt pluck them he would do it while i slept
I still live at home. Dad has told me "you have long nose hairs, you should trim them" and I just tell him no.
lol this nigger has loving parents that he can rely on in times of crisis
what a fag
Finally started doing shit again. 130 is the best time to work.
lmao how long were they?
but its 10:30
you could see them clearly coming out of the nose
do your neighbors hate you
no kill yourself faggot
I'm not using power tools, and they aren't that close.
But yes, because i always have a beater project car on the lawn.
I had a neighbor who would also disassemble his car at odd hours of the night. He used a lot of meth.
>A local resident who took a video of themselves licking the merchandise after making a "Corona Virus" statement at Walmart and posting it to social media has been taken into custody. Charges will be pending through the Warren County Prosecuting Attorney's Office.
>This particular video, which won't be shared here, has gained some international attention and we have received numerous reports about the video from locals, nearby residents, as well as people from the Netherlands, Ireland, and the United Kingdom. We take these complaints very seriously and would like to thank all of those who reported the video so the issue could be addressed.
Wonder how long he will go away for...
challenge for the truly autistic among us:
collect posts from different posters (maybe 100 each for a good sample size) and then analyze and assign a grade level
i.e. poster X writes at an 8th grade level
could also generate a list of commonly used words/phrases for fun
I wish i had meth. This job would be way done by now.
thinking about buying a lake house desu
reminder real Americans should be ashamed of Sherman
Someone called the grandmother a useless cunt online. She is but I feel the need to defend her.
I don't approve of those who slaughter innocent americans desu
They were hardly american
taking a shit ;)
this, they were better than americ*ns
Most people are intentionally putting little effort into posts on this site.
>We believe in democracy and freedom!
>Southern states want to become independent
>NOOOOOOO! we need to burn down your home now
do americans really?
what does this image remind you of
Nice, me too!
How's your texture? This ones a little greasy.
you've as little humanity as they did. dont @ me