Toby edition
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More like Scranton strangler??? Right reddit????
We aren't going to be allowed outside til the end of may at the earliest this is going to drive me nuts I know you can say hehe but i like to stay indoors anyway it suits me hehe but dont be fucking cute I liked having the option to go out, I want life to go back to normal, hate people crossing the road to avoid me and having to queue up to get into a shop. hate it hate it
taking a break from my hatred of China to say that the Chinaman described in pic related sounds like a fun guy
corr imagine once the pubs reopen
imagine the breeding grounds
There's two other kiwis in /brit/ right now. That makes three of us. Insane
>redditor happeningfag hates china
what a surprise
love are mark
dog eating bastards
Just found out 'Draining the Oceans' is a joint United Kingdom - Australian production
very cool
wife just yelled at me for farting on her foot
50 cent just posted this pic on Instagram
Impressive desu
hello member of the 50 cent fan club
excuse me mate wheres the toilet roll??
can you go check out the back??
what about hand sanitisier??
can you go check if you have cheese and onion walkers out the back? theres none on the shelves mate
When are you next getting hand sanitiser in?
what do you do there?
>be USA
>China's economy is growing at remarkable pace, will overtake the US soon
>must find a way to destabilize China before they become too powerful
>launch trade war, fails miserably. China GDP still grows 6%
>fund Hong Kong protests for months, try to provoke Tiananmen 2.0 to justify global sanctions against China
>CCP doesn't take the bait
>dumb HKers set old people on fire, movement loses international support
>fuck, have no choice
>unleash bio weapon in Wuhan during the 2019 Military World Games
>virus is incredibly infectious, 2 week incubation period, asymptomatic spread, basically impossible to contain
>takes weeks to kill, will silently infect tens of thousands in Wuhan before CNY where everyone will travel to every corner of China
>China will fail to contain virus, economy will collapse, international community will shun China and will impose decades of economic sanctions
>virus will burn through elderly population in US, solving the funding problems with social security and medicaid saving US government trillions
>USA remains world power for next century
>China somehow discovers the virus in 1 chang in a city of 11 million, far earlier than expected, sequences genome 5 days later
>China immediately realizes virus is an engineered bio weapon, shuts down whole country instantly
>facial recognition AI-enabled temperature-sensing CCTV cameras track down every infected individual in the country
>every single person with the virus located and quarantined, spread stopped instantly
>USA CDC completely fucks up the tests because it's a bio weapon unlike anything seen before
>USA now can't let all the old people die after China heroically saves their population
>no choice but to shut everything down, causing economic Armageddon
>China now virus-free while USA thrown into economic turmoil
make important decisions
whats worse is i only work in a convenience shop and cunts still ask me if we have some really obscure product that clearly isnt out on the shelf as if we have a magic supply of every product in the world we are just holding back
any audiobooks on youtube i should listen to for beddy times?
I like alan partridge audiobooks, david mitchell audiobook, stephen toast audiobook
alri bince?
bit of everything
books are for fags
>be retarded brit
>make this post
>think about getting takeaway
>decide I'll have a cheaper, healthier and more satisfying meal if I cook myself
dont ignore me binceyy
is the american or british office better?
Why are yanks always like this?
*looks at flag*
why are you always retarded?
not bince
i remember eating peeps and wagon wheels one time while we were doing something like that.
Would rather be in jail right now, we're effectively imprisoned at the moment and I reckon jail banter is unreal
I remember eating Alanahs face off when I was fucking her Emmutt
*shanks you for being a nonce*
Take your meds boy
Now im fuckin all your friends cuz u run your mouth like I knew you would
Is it true yanks lost all the pension funds because of corona lmao
Do I go to bed or do I read more of Gravity's Rainbow? I've knocked off a good 200 pages in the past couple hours
Business idea: give desperate people loans with high interest rates
chinas death toll is estimated to be between 20000-30000 in wuhan alone because they didnt record a single individual in the “official” toll that hadnt been tested and confirmed positive for corona virus before death
Neither has anybody else
aye lad based indeed, been sorting all my own meals since I started working from home
>US Navy commander sacked for speaking out about virus on ship
But you sheep will still bang on about muh china liars
t. paddy o'zhang
poster below is a paki
No highway, freeway, motorway
No bus, no boss, no rain, no train
Genuinely hate the CCP so much.
its just cringe. it just cant stop doing fake cringe shit to try and get clout. its a clout chaser and nothing more
cannot wait for my morning coffee
slathering at the thought
didnt have any to begin with :/
Tolkien or CS Lewis?
>le hobbit man or a christfag prig
for me, it's lord dunsany
Tolkien completely outclasses that clown.
redpill me on truro
im an incel lads, very much an incel
are you incels too?