Which country has the best women and why.
Which country has the best women and why
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Imagine the shit smell.
I thought it would be hot looking at that picture but i actually feel semi-disgusted
i prefer men
how can l*tinas even compete?
I just want to have sex.
is this a biological female?
That's a man lmao
why is 2b so pure sex? HOLY SHIT.
It's a man, you faggots
Even better
thats a man
Unironically the US, we have virtually every type of woman.
Holy shit, i love mexicans now
Thanks for supplying more fap material.
br girls are the best
damn. guess that's what I get for being a coomer
I found my waifu here, best decision ever
Pontificate the odor
Hennes röv är för stor, Pekka. Hur skall jag kunna hantera den?
2D land
>That second weight thrown at her
because 2D>3D
bitches shouldnt be next to my squat rack when im tryina do new PR
Women do the dumbest shit in the gym. They should just squat and do deadlifts, rather than these silly exercises
Juu rumpa pumpa
time to whack off
roll for your new gf(male)
fuck it
I'd only tap 0-1
gib 7
Trips roll
Where's the penis?
Slowly catching the gays I see. Very progressive, Sven.
the dubs one is fairly based
fuck it I'll fuck anything at this point
>mfw this are actual girls
>mfw no face
>these hips
imagine being so gay that you literally imagine an actual girl having a benis
gib me nice twink
Anime land
Roll; gib eresh or jean
she got married :(
I bet the nigga is unironacally cuckold. Bitch literally made "call me" sing in wedding gown, kek
Not the same person. This :
is not a neo vagina. Are you really such virgins that you can't tell the difference?
would be fine with any but the second on desu
Most of them look like men and have fridge-shaped bodies.
This nigga DOES watch his wife getting fucked by other men
who is 8-9 ?
If you're a middle class Chicano the US has the best women for you by far. If you're lower middle class you just get yourself a middle class industrial, military, agrigultural or manufacturing job making between $50,000 to $100,000 per year and you're set. If you're especially skilled you go for a bachelors degree in these fields and make $150,000-$300,00 yearly. It's easy as shit to get a white gf if you have a basic job with good income and a good personality. That's literally all it takes.
source, brother
Who is he?