Why do you love me so much?

Why do you love me so much?
Tell me the reason gaijin san

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You look like patato
Me like poteto
Very tasty
Go wummy wummy in my mouth

because your traps are very cute
Also I enjoy Japanese comedy

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are you gay

i am a girl (male)

not him but yes

define gay user

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gay die

stfu bitch back to hell

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I don’t you’re a curse but i do masturbate to your witchcraft


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reported to salman

i hate you for inventing imageboards
thanks to you i have to spend 18 hours a day staring at some stupid plank with no time to do anything else

No shit mbs is a weeb

Didn't you just make this thread except it was why we hate you?

I take you with me

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his papa isn't
also mbs is based for liking one piece

I'll be here to be with you
Don't worry

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I love you because you're nice. Give me a kiss.

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I forgot it
Love me :)

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ok but please no more bulli

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What is wrong with you?

Gays are made to be bullied.

USA chan gomen ne!

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Because your people are interested in America, I like you because you like me

homos are not for bulli

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hai hai, nakanaide, okotenai

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They LOVE it when you rub in just how much they love cocks.

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you are not cute, you are hairy and ugly, no matter how many anime girls you keep posting you can't change reality.

I'm obsessed with cocks as much as the next homo, but bullying is just rude

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you are not cute

No I don't.

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I like you but you are secondary to me after Brazil. Turkey is 3rd

I think Japan-Chan is cute and makes nice posts and comfy threads also Japan is our eternal friend.. But does Japan-Chan like Suomi?
Is that so?
Do you like pp's?
NO BULLI! Bulli and rudeposting is not allowed.
Also, all of you are cute.

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>Also, all of you are cute.
No u

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No, I'm afraid this isn't the case. (You) are cute!

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why do fags ruin every single board goddamn

The answer is like this fin chan

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>That post
>Those digits
JAPAN-CHAN! We should go to sauna, and then swimming!

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wew lad, I think it goes without saying that you are in fact the cute one here, not me

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I'll drown
Give me a swim ring please

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>Hello? This is cute department, can you run a diagnostic on this user's cuteness.
>The results came back positive, this user is confirmed cute and must be offered (You)s as a result.
See. Cute department doesn't lie. Now I gotta send this report to the based department.
No, you won't. I'll make sure of it. I'll keep Japan-Chan safe, ok? That is what frens do, right?

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The cute department is clearly wrong, they need to rescan their data since it should be coming up as (you)

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Thanks fin chan

Teach me how to swim Suomi sensei please

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Fuck you, stupid cunt-eyed yellow-assed faggot!

swimming isnt too difficult as long as you are motivated to learn, ganbare Japan chan

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Shhh! user, don't fight it. Don't fight your cuteness.
The cute department are trained professionals on these matters, they also rely on the highly experienced experts on Yas Forums. The verdict is unshakeable. (You) ARE CUTE!
It's ok, I can try. Trust me, Japan-Chan. There are a few things in this world that are more fun than going into the sauna and then going to swim and cool off in the lake during the summer and afterwards enjoying a nice barbeque. :)
Are you upset?

>Are you upset?
The bald botoxman extended the quarantine until the end of April! How can I not be upset?!

Чтo мeня нe нpaвитьcя вaм?

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Relax, dude. Try to focus on things you enjoy, the simple things. Especially if they are things you can experience alone.

Mнe нe нpaвитcя твoя aвaтapкa.

I refuse to accept this verdict user, I demand a recount

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Did I also mention that a way to treat this excessive amount of cuteness is with gentle headpats administrated atleast multiple times a day.

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h-headpats you say?

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Кaк o мнe?

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