This country shall remain forever the home of the descendants of those people who came here in peace in order to establish in the South Seas an outpost of the British race
This country shall remain forever the home of the descendants of those people who came here in peace in order to...
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Why do aussies always act like they're irish battlers straight from the ardoyne
Pat Smith and Jack Anderson posting from Adelaide, you're purer English than I am
"British race"
Australia is aboriginal soil
I’m from Adelaide.
Americans look mexican not subsaharan
>our indians aren't on reservations
do australians really?
Terrible country filled with terrible people.
Australians don't have a culture besides insecure material competition. They are THE most insecure people on the planet. All the "we're such an easygoing lot,'she'll be right mate' shit is just delusional propaganda, in reality it's all passive-aggressive shit, even "mate" is more often a passive-aggressive insult than a friendly moniker. All the "we're tough as shit because of all the deadly wildlife" thing is bullshit - we've had something like 3 deaths from spider bites in the past 40 years, and we're a country that machine-guns kangaroos from helicopters. We have this shitty culture of farmers and Queenslanders acting like they're "aussie battlers" doing all the hard work while suburbanites live off them - when the reality is practically the opposite, with farmers and Queenslands received all sorts of federal subsidies to keep them afloat.
The government and politics are given up to creepy statists. The women are toxic as fuck you cannot watch TV without seeing constant talk of "women and children", it's like living through the suffragette period. ABC in particularly bad in this regard. Try seeing what TV shows the ABC produces these days - it's all TV shows about female investigators trying to figure out which evil toxic male ex-boyfriend committed whatever horrific crime against innocent female victim of patriarchy. Then ABC news and pretty much all aus news media is harping about 'toxic masculinity' and "domestic violence" which is always presented as male on female. The Australians who post on Yas Forums are the dumbest of the lot (generally speaking) "based Toneee", "everyone in Melbourne is a vegan leftist multiculturalist bisexual" shit got boring a decade ago
Internet is slow as fuck, even the NBN is useless if you can even get on with your government black box sitting there in your home. Australians are complete pushovers when it comes to civil rights, privacy and most of all self-respect.
Your daughter will get BRVCED
based kevin yeong
Don't really know what you mean desu lad?
I'm Brazilian from Rio de Janeiro studying in Melbourne. Gonna stay here for at least a year and a half. I dont think i'd want to live here permanently. Can't wait to be back to my hueland.
Hello boyos.
you're good lads
>Came here in peace
The native population of Australia begs to differ.
Fucking immigrants coming in and acting like they own the place.
Why are we over there in the right we’re your biggest fans
We have a captain Cook highway?
>its in Queensland
Of course we do
Which state you from m8?
Don't like it then fuck off
fucking based.
It's funny little anglo you think you're in control. You think our reach only stretches to America? Oh you poor fool.
No you fuck off, give me my country back.
Can't stop watching this crap telly lads
the juxtaposition of the ugly helpless Asian tourists and the Chad Anglo lifeguards is a spectacle in itself
Aussies big up their irish roots but check out Australian surnames reads like a WASPs phonebook
Unironically where in Australia is your native land. Can't you get some mining royalties or something.
See only one chad, rest ugly
The catholic ones are extra vocal and retarded
Cringe when Brits use "WASP", you're not and never have been that. Only a specific group of Americans. Also cringe when bongs larp through aussies. You aren't chad most of you are chinlets with jaws formed from fish and chips. They got a lot of Germans mixed in there too anyway. The Hemsworth brothers are Dutch.
yeh its good show
WASP is used in Aus you thick cunt, lurk until you get how replies work
no we don't you're talking rubbish
cope bug
the only fans are this show are asian women, check the comments underneath the YouTube channel
>The Hemsworth brothers are Dutch
Yeah Hemsworth is a classic Dutch name
>Chris’s maternal grandfather was a Dutch immigrant. The rest of Chris’s ancestry is approximately 11/32 English, 9/32 Irish, 1/16th German, and 1/16th Scottish.
>Chris’s patrilineal ancestry can be traced back to John Hemsworth, who was born, c. 1804, in Leeds, West Yorkshire, England.
no one other than leftpol knows what a WASP is
Then they're fucking larpers too. That term is American and was defined socially by Americans.
No they use "Anglo-Celtic" which is worse than WASP.
This Aussies guys are well known for being Chad's. Nobody views brittish men this way, and are often known for being the least attractive men in Europe
Have you looked at the Australian republican party?
Chinks and poos trying to make straya leave the commonwealth
Not interested drop the proxy and piss off
I am a croatian BVLL
No I will not be leaving
So a majority Dutch mutt. And Travis is German. Funny how that is. They're either full or part.
That guy is originally from Zimbabwe, and with a name like David Pocock where do you think he originates from you plank?
It's extremely sad how hard bongs try to larp through Aussies.
t. Nigel Nigelson pure Prussian Bull 100% not Anglo
>The government and politics are given up to creepy statists.
As a Brit this seems odd to me. Australia has this weird mix where you get insane governmental overreach in some areas like that attempted live internet filter in the late 2000s, jaywalking being a crime, etc. But then in other areas they step back - welfare isn't that generous, you have to pay to see a GP, there's hardly any state housing, etc. It's like most of the bad parts of government intervention without so many of the ones that might actually help somebody.
The country itself is great, though. Just politics and house prices that are fucked.
>Zimbabwean people of British descent
you're a spazz
>David Pocock
̶A̶n̶g̶l̶o̶ ̶A̶f̶r̶i̶c̶a̶n̶ 100% Boer Germanic blood
The last thing I watched of Australian tv was Australian survivor because social media kept posting this Robbie Skibicki feller around.
I honestly fell bad for all the Asian men dispora they are getting over there. Literally just asking to get cucked
That's not anything new their actors are similar to ours, lots of mutts
Why is Asian diaspora so submissive?
>Australia and New Zealand were designated as future Japanese territories, although Hitler lamented his belief that the white race would disappear from those regions. He nevertheless made it clear to his officials that "the descendants of the convicts in Australia" were not Germany's concern and that their lands would be colonized by Japanese settlers in the immediate future, an opinion also shared by Joseph Goebbels, who expressed his conviction in his diary that the Japanese had always desired "the fifth continent" for emigration purposes. In his only recorded lengthy discussion on the subject he argued that its people still lived in trees and had not yet learned to walk upright. Historian Norman Rich stated that it can be assumed that Hitler would have attempted to recruit the Anglo-Saxons of these two countries as colonists for the conquered east; some of the English were to share the same fate.
WTF why did Hitler hate based Australians
Where are these mutts?
Literally the first ones on the list
>English, Scottish, small amounts of Cornish and Northern Irish, remote French
Russel Crowe
>English, German, Irish, Italian, Norwegian, Scottish, Swedish and Welsh
Geoffery Rush
>German mother
>English, Belgian
Hugh Jackman
>Scottish, English, Greek
As I said, mutts just like our actors. Don't think I need to continue.
Eric Bana who used to be the old Hulk is Croatian. Croatian-Australians represent!
I'm not actually an abo, I'm just shitposting on there behalf.
If I were to pick a specific tribe I suppose I'd go with whoever lived here before I moved in
shut the fuck up abo, you are as disgusting as the anglo world all rape babies of the eternal anglo bvll
Does Russell Crowe just pull this shit out of his arse.
Don't worry, you basically just described the USA in a lot of ways. It's all fucked, there is no refuge unless you're like Japanese or Swiss or something. I think at some point, Anglophone country citizens who are sick of all this bullshit just need to unite and start a new country on some island or in Africa or something.